The Strongest Medical Immortal in the City

Chapter 3388: Meet Haotian again

"Come on, bring Fang Chuan to me!"

Yang Hongbo was already unable to resist at this moment. He knew that he had been completely used and controlled.

Moreover, the most important thing is that his heart has also begun to accept the other party's invasion.

Once this process is completely integrated, Yang Hongbo will completely become a captive of the opponent, and the opponent can fully use his power.


The guard outside the door was slightly weaker and didn't know what happened inside, but when he heard Yang Hongbo's transmission, he immediately went to find Fang Chuan.

However, at this time, Fang Chuan had already left.

And the clone he left behind, under the protection of the formation, it is impossible for ordinary people to find it.

So, in a few minutes.

The guard came back and reported: "Sir, Mr. Fang Chuan, they don't know where they went, they didn't find them!"


Yang Hongbo furrowed his brows, his spiritual consciousness spread out, and he began to search for Fang Chuan and the others, but Fang Chuan and the others were indeed not there.

However, he could vaguely sense Fang Chuan's breath.

"They didn't leave?"

Yang Hongbo thought for a moment, and then smiled: "Well, you are still as smart as before, but you think the most dangerous place is the safest place, you are wrong!"

As he said, he glanced at the guard again.

He sneered: "You didn't complete my task, so you should accept punishment!"

"Huh?" The guard looked dumbfounded. He had to accept punishment if he didn't find anyone?


However, without waiting for the guard to speak, Yang Hongbo waved his hand, and people had already arrived in front of the guard in an instant.

His hand plunged into the guard's chest, blood rushed out, and the guard let out a scream.

Then, his soul and flesh and blood were instantly refined by Yang Hongbo's True Qi, and then turned into ray of light, which merged into his body.

"Haha, delicious!"

Yang Hongbo smiled, showing a very calm expression, seeing the other guard next to him shivering.

Yang Hongbo used to be a very benevolent leader, everyone supported him very much, but the appearance he showed just now is completely a demon.

An evil, cruel demon.

However, the guard did not dare to speak or look at him, so he could only lower his head and pray that he would not die.


Yang Hongbo snorted coldly: "Don't be too scared, remember, do something for me, you must complete the task, otherwise, the end will be the same as him."

"Yes..." The guard nodded hurriedly.

Yang Hongbo left the hall directly, and then came to the place Fang Chuan had waited for before, and then he closed his eyes and began to sense.

After a moment of induction, his eyes dazzled: "Hey, you are still here, can you deceive others, can you deceive me?"

As he spoke, he went to the corner where Fang Chuan and the others were talking.

"Do we have enough time?"

After Fang Chuan and the others moved out, they immediately called a four-wing carriage similar to an inn and headed to the Southern District.

The restricted area was not allowed to enter, so they came to an edge of the southern area and got out of the car. After paying for the carriage fee, they moved a lot and came to an archway in the southern area.

This archway is very majestic, but it exudes special power, so that Fang Chuan's great movement technique is not easy to use.

Long Wu'ao looked at this big archway and asked Fang Chuan nervously.

He is the Emperor Tianlong, but here, he is just a younger brother, the feeling of anxiety makes him very uncomfortable.

"do not know."

Fang Chuan shook his head. His divine consciousness had already spread. He tried to touch this memorial arch, and he sensed that the aura of heaven here was completely different.

It's dangerous here.

Moreover, if there is no corresponding pass, it is impossible for them to enter it, which is why, Yang Hongbo had to let them play the role of guards to mix in before waiting for his help.

Ta ta ta...

They were walking, and the footsteps of the guards patrolling in front of them.

"Everyone, be careful. Just now, I heard from Lord City Lord, if anyone trespasses into the restricted area, kill me!"


As the guards walked, they whispered to everyone that they were well equipped, and even one of them was equipped with a Cynomorium spear.

Cynomorium spear can kill all the strong below the seventh level of the ascension realm.

This is very bad news for Fangchuan and the others.

Moreover, when these guards left, no more than 20 meters apart, another group of guards patrolled past.

Moreover, their captain is also equipped with a Cynomorium spear.

Although Fang Chuan set up a hidden formation, they knew that the longer the time, the higher the probability that Yang Hongbo would kill.

Once Yang Hongbo came over, they were in danger.

It is also impossible to break through hard. With so many Cynomorium spears, even if he can **** one, can he defend another one?

If you accidentally stabbed to death, wouldn't your luck be too bad?


At this moment, Fang Chuan suddenly discovered that in another corner, a person suddenly appeared, but this person was Haotian.

Beside Haotian, there was a beautiful woman with a graceful figure and sweet-looking appearance.

"Haotian, are we really going to the restricted area?"

"We don't have a chance if we don't go to the restricted area now, don't you mean that you can actually live in the restricted area?"

"But it's very dangerous to go inside."

"It will be even more dangerous for us to stay in the forbidden city. We are too weak. We are just their pawns."

While talking, the two had already walked past the archway and came to the entrance of the restricted area.


Just as they were about to enter the restricted area, a force suddenly enveloped them, and after that, the two people only felt a force of involvement, and they had already seen Fang Chuan and the others.

"Ah, Mr. Fang?" Haotian was taken aback.

"who are you?"

The beautiful woman is Haotian's wife, Qiao Xufeng, who was previously admitted to the harem by Ji Zihou, and then somehow became with Haotian again.

"He is the Mr. Fang I said." Haotian glanced at Fang Chuan, then sighed to Qiao Xufeng.

"That's him?"

Qiao Xufeng looked over Fang Chuan with a pair of beautiful eyes, and then he bowed a bow: "Hello Mr. Fang, thank you for your help, we can meet again!"

"Ha ha."

Fang Chuan laughed and waved his hand, ignoring Qiao Xufeng, but looking at Haotian: "Your gratitude to me is to let your companion, Long Fang, deliberately cheat me?"


Haotian was immediately ashamed, took a deep breath, thumped and knelt on the ground: "Mr. Fang, I'm sorry for you, but at the time, only this way could get Afeng back to my side."

He raised his head and looked at Fang Chuan: "Also, if I don't do this, the three of us will die. And, I thought..."

"You think Ji Zihou is going to kill me, I will never be able to hide it, right?" Fang Chuan sneered.

The intense murderous intent has already spread. The expressions of Haotian and Qiao Xufeng suddenly changed!

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