The Strongest Medical Immortal in the City

Chapter 3198: Enter the ruins

"Well, what is this place, is it a relic of the monster race or the **** race?"

The King of Siam's attack failed again, and his anger flashed, but his attention fell on the hole in front of him, and his face showed joy.

Compared to killing Fang Chuan, getting a ruin is obviously more important.

You know, although there are many ruins in the Ruins of Time, the Ruins of Time are too big and the population is too large.

A person may not really encounter a ruin in his lifetime.

The people who can encounter the ruins are all air transporters. A good ruin can even make people directly break through several realms.

Therefore, the King of Siam only wanted to enter the ruins and win the ruins. If he could break through to the ascension realm at one time, he would truly exhale.

of course--

"That kid Fang Chuan must die too."

The first goal of the King of Siam now is to **** the relics. As for killing Fang Chuan, it is just easy to do.


After that, he rushed directly into the hole that seemed to stand out of thin air, for fear of being occupied by Fang Chuan.


Fang Chuan’s thoughts at this moment were similar to those of the King of Siam. He had previously suspected that this was a relic, but the entrance to the relic cave had a very strong defense.

At the very least, there is a great danger for him. Before, Saint Eternal still wanted him to explore the way, but in fact he was ready to send him to death.

Unexpectedly, the King of Siam's blow would directly explode the defensive formation of this ruin.

This is not that the highest power of the ruins is inferior to the King of Siam. After all, the ruins represent the ancient, and everything in the world is no match for the power of time.

No matter how powerful things are, they will decline after a thousand or ten thousand years.

As soon as he entered the ruins, there was a huge ball of light where he entered his eyes, and others were still flying towards the ball of light.

In the darkness, the ball of light was very dazzling, and as he got closer and closer to the ball of light, he could see that inside the ball of light were magnificent palaces floating in the void.

These palaces are old and full of a foreign style.


In the next moment, Fang Chuan penetrated the photosphere layer covering the palace, and then a puff of suction directly affected him and landed on the square of the palace in front.

The square is huge, the size of hundreds of football fields.

At a glance, the three directions of the square are all at the end, only the front of Fang Chuan is a staircase that stretches to the upper nine heavens.

This ladder is made of a material similar to white jade, and it is still white and spotless after many years.

There is an archway above the stairs, and at the entrance of the stairs are two statues made of strange monsters that are ten meters in size.

The statue exudes tremendous pressure.

"This statue is the corpse of the Nine-layered Monster Beast of Crossing Tribulation Realm!" Fang Chuan quickly sensed, his face suddenly changed.

This is too much for me!

Huosui, ascendant realm powerhouses, cherish the core of the immortal monster beast.

And the owner of this ruin actually used the corpse of the monster beast of the Nine Tribulations Earth Immortal to make a statue. It is conceivable that the owner of this ruin may have a very high realm.

Moreover, he must have had a great power before to be able to make such a big deal.


Just as Fang Chuan was in a daze, the sound of breaking through the air sounded, and then the King of Siam appeared beside him with an angry face.

"Boy, die!"

The King of Siam was first shocked by the ruins here, and then he saw Fang Chuan, and when his mental power fluctuated, he wanted to kill Fang Chuan.


Fang Chuan had not had time to react, and a terrifying, mighty, and unstoppable momentum came from the sky.


The King of Siam suddenly spewed some blood and knelt on the ground, his powerful body almost cracked.

Huh, huh...

For the rest of his life, the King of Siam breathed and sweated, and he felt that if it wasn't for that momentum just to punish him, he might have been turned to ashes!

so horrible!

With red eyes, he looked at Fang Chuan with a smile and said angrily: "Don't be proud, although the ruins protect you, but once the ruins become mine, it is your death date!"

"Haha!" Fang Chuan laughed: "The ownership of the ruins is not based on a person's strength, but on a person's luck. My luck should be far more than you. So, if I were you, immediately , Of course, with your urine **** is not possible, then you

Just wait to die. "


The King of Siam heard Fang Chuan’s laugh and heard Fang Chuan’s loud words, and was furious. He is a figure of the Emperor of Fighting!

He is also a pivotal figure in Taixuan Sect!

If he were outside, he could slap ten such madmen to death!

However, at this moment he can only bear it.

You can only let the other person say hi!

He took a deep breath and recovered his calmness. He looked at Fang Chuan and said, "Don't try to irritate me and make me make mistakes. I see more ruins than you, and I know how to do it."


Fang Chuan just sneered.

This is the real boasting!

Do you know who you are talking to?

Do you know that Lao Tzu is the most dangerous relic in the immortal world, and he was reborn 100 million years later and came to this strange place?

He shook his head and said, "Then you can use your own skills."

His eyes swept around, and he immediately saw that there was a special formation here. Obviously, this was an assessment.

If you want to inherit the relics, you must pass the assessment of one level. The first level should be the admission ticket. If you can't even pass the first level, there is no qualification.

"Two formations, different paths, and an extra ladder out of thin air should be used for assessment."

Fang Chuan saw that there was a step in front of King Siam that was exactly the same as before him, and he understood.

He was also relieved a lot, at least, the King of Siam would not follow him to get through.

"Old guy, this ruin should be similar to a pass. Whoever passes the pass first will get the ruins. If you can't pass the pass, there may only be a dead end."

Fang Chuan said lightly to the King of Siam, pointing to the road ahead.

The King of Siam snorted coldly: "You don't need to say anything."

"Unfortunately, the first level is the formation, I think you shouldn't even understand the formation, haha!"

As Fang Chuan said, he was scanning the formation with his spiritual consciousness, and then quickly found a way to crack it!

This is just an ordinary fairy-level formation!

It's difficult for ordinary people, but for him, a little deduction is enough.

He concluded that the King of Siam must go all out to break the immortal formation. Therefore, he had a dual purpose and talked to the King of Siam to make him one step behind.

"Asshole!" The King of Siam naturally understood his unpredictable intentions, but it was still affected.

"I'm not waiting for you!"


After Fang Chuan finished speaking, he laughed, his figure jumping on the stone bricks in the square, very fast, without stopping at all.

Everywhere he passed, colorful rays of light emerged behind him, and there was a bang, bang, and sound similar to fireworks.

This feeling is so cool!


The King of Siam was clearly calculated by Fang Chuan, and his formation skills were actually quite good, but compared to Fang Chuan's a lot worse.

When he saw that Fang Chuan was leading, he cursed again, urging him to the extreme, staring at the formation deduction.

"Old guy, I'm going one step ahead!"

The King of Siam was concentrating on the deduction. About ten minutes later, Fang Chuan's divine sense transmission suddenly came.


He was suddenly so angry that the previous injury recurred, and a mouthful of old blood spurted.

He deduced for so long, and just sorted out his clues, when Fang Chuan shouted so, there was no clue! His murderous heart grew fierce!

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