"Boy, you dare to kill even with the door, okay, I just cleaned the door for Taixuanmen!" The King of Siam snorted and slapped Fang Chuan from the air.


A halo contained the laws of heaven and earth, and in a blink of an eye it surged towards Fang Chuan.


The moment Fang Chuan saw the King of Siam appeared, he knew that his situation was extremely dangerous, and he was busy moving away.

The strength of the King of Siam should not be underestimated. It is the immortal of the Five Tribulations, which is stronger than Fangchuan's ultimate power in three realms.

You know, when you reach the Cross Tribulation Realm, the gap between one realm is like a chasm, and the three realms Fang Chuan is not qualified to act with the King of Siam.

If it weren’t for his strong spiritual consciousness, he would have discovered the King of Siam in the first place, and then activated the move technique ahead of time. He might have been shrouded by the mental power contained in the palm of the King of Siam in an instant and imprisoned. space.


Fang Chuan broke away from the King of Siam’s offensive in an instant. It was dangerous and dangerous, and disappeared in place before the offensive of the King of Siam came.

Following a loud bang, the boulders and cliffs that had been almost cracked by Fang Chuan before turned into dust in an instant.

The great earthquake shook, and the mountains seemed to have been subjected to a terrible earthquake, and they all shook suddenly.

Between the rumbling and rumbling sounds, the earth has undergone a drastic change, rocks rolled down, and new landforms formed.

Wow, wow...

The originally magnificent waterfall suddenly shook at this moment. The riverbed was changed and the river was dry, revealing its true colors.

A huge hole, conveying a mysterious atmosphere, appeared in front of everyone.


The King of Siam's expression was so ugly that he didn't expect Fang Chuan to escape from his blow!

With an angry gaze, he swept across the surrounding mountains and rivers, and his mental power swept past with dignity and majesty.

However, he has not found Fang Chuan!

"What about people?"

The King of Siam's face was even more ugly. He didn't expect that a kid who was insignificant in his eyes could escape his fatal blow, and how could he escape?


He shook his head, murderously, and continued to patrol the surrounding vegetation with mental power. He had absolute confidence that Fang Chuan was still around!

As long as he moves slightly, he will be able to discover it.

One minute……

ten minutes……

Half an hour passed...

The King of Siam's complexion became more and more ugly. He was on the verge of a rage. In half an hour, his mental power had been cruising around several times.

But still nothing!

However, he still believes that Fang Chuan has not left.

"You won't come out, okay, I will search every inch of this place, I don't believe you can hide it!"

The angry voice of the King of Siam spread throughout the valley, and he could feel Fang Chuan still within his controllable range.

His mental power has completely enveloped this canyon, and Fang Chuan wanted to escape, it was completely impossible.

"This old guy!"

Indeed, Fang Chuan did not escape, because at the moment just now, being able to move out of the attack range of the King of Siam was already his limit.

He now sets a layer of hidden formations on his body, and then hides like a stone under the waterfall that has dried up.

He now faces two threats.

One is the scan of the King of Siam. The opponent's realm is above him. Fortunately, his spiritual consciousness is not so clever that the opponent can't find out his hidden formation.

The second is from the top of the head, the breath from that mysterious hole.

He could feel that the things in the entrance of the hole seemed to be able to sense him, and the strange aura slowly diffused out and was about to surround him.

He doesn't know what this thing is, but once he is surrounded, he knows that he must fall into a greater crisis.

"Half an hour, this old guy is too confident!"

Fang Chuan is still trying to suppress his mental fluctuations, but the breath from the entrance of the cave is about to form an encirclement.

However, the billowing mental power of the King of Siam, like a mine, will explode when touched.

He doesn't know how to choose at the moment!


The King of Siam also admired this kid a little, and he could escape his search, but he still decided to stay here.

He did not believe that Fang Chuan had left.

He believes that as long as time is long, Fang Chuan will inevitably show traces, anyway he is not in a hurry.

The chaotic will in this space, for him, can last for at least half a year, and he feels that Fang Chuan is definitely not as good as him.

In fact, this is his fascinating self-confidence, but his decision made Fang Chuan into a dilemma.


Fang Chuan has already reached the limit. If he doesn't leave, he may be surrounded by that mysterious aura, with disastrous consequences.

Of course, directly attacking the King of Siam’s defense line is also seeking death.

With a head-on blow, the King of Siam will undoubtedly die.

"Great shifting technique!"

After making a decision, Fang Chuan's eyes dazzled, and then he launched a large movement technique, causing a slight fluctuation in the space that is impossible for ordinary monks.

Spiritual power also vented a little.

In this case, the high-level concealment array cannot be completely concealed.

"Well, came out?"

The King of Siam sneered. In fact, he was ready to reap the profits, but he did not expect that Fang Chuan was exposed much earlier than he thought.


The terrifying mental power immediately erupted from the King of Siam, and then blasted towards Fang Chuan's location in a blink of an eye.

His mental power almost surpassed Fang Chuan's speed limit.

"not good!"

Fang Chuan was actually a little embarrassed at the moment. The spirit of the Siam King carried an aura of destruction, carrying his attack.

Once hit, he immediately exploded and died!


However, he has reached the big cave entrance below the waterfall at this moment, and he has already plunged into the cave entrance.

At the same time, when he rushed into the hole, something that had attacked him before, once again gathered a big hand to pat Fang Chuan.


Fang Chuan had been prepared long ago, and with the help of his strength, his speed skyrocketed in an instant, and he moved three times in a row.

Originally, he was also a bit risky, because under such circumstances, the speed at which the Siam King's mental power came might not allow him to move like this.

But fortunately, there seemed to be some kind of power at the entrance of the cave that restricted the spiritual power of the King of Siam. At that moment, the powerful spiritual power of the King of Siam was suppressed.

Therefore, Fang Chuan successfully moved three times!

Then, with a loud bang, the King of Siam contained the mental power of a peerless blow, colliding with the power of defending the hole.

A vortex caused by the annihilation of a huge force appeared at the entrance of the cave, and the whole earth shook again, like a great earthquake that destroyed the world.

Pieces of land rushed toward the outside surgingly like waves, and the cliff where the cave entrance was instantly turned into dust.

A hideous black hole revealed its true face, like the open mouth of a fierce beast, with a feeling of swallowing everything in the world!

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