The Strongest Medical Immortal in the City

Chapter 3153: Huosui breakthrough?


Huo Wei gritted his teeth and responded, but he was almost crazy. He is Huosui's only grandson, and Huo Ji has not yet married.

Therefore, it can be said that he is deeply liked by Huosui and Huoji.

Speaking of the son-in-law of the city of war, he is considered one of the top, few can compare with him.

Huo'an, Huo Feng, and the like, he couldn't take a look.

He just saw that Fang Chuan had done a good job in front of his grandfather and was very upset, so he came to Fang Chuan's trouble!

However, Fang Chuan not only slapped him and said something like this, but instead got Huo Ji's support.

He looked at Fang Chuan angrily.

Fang Chuan looked at Huo An indifferently, and smiled: "I saw it, why? Not satisfied? You have the ability, you can call back!"


Huo Lao gritted his teeth and looked at the people around him. He wanted to let his subordinates control Fang Chuan, and then he came to clean Fang Chuan.

After thinking about it, forget it!

Huo Ji is the patron saint of his family. When he speaks, it is impossible for other people not to listen. He forces others to do it. In the end, Huo Ji knows that he will be unlucky.

However, if he did it by himself, would he have that confidence? After all, Fang Chuan slapped him just now, and he didn't even react.

One is a sneak attack.

Second, it also showed Fang Chuan's greatness.

"You remembered it for me, you won't be able to jump long, when you have no use value, you will know what you will face next!"

The fire was almost roared out.

Fang Chuan said indifferently: "I don't even have the courage to do it. What is it, isn't it?"

"You!" Huo was furious.

Fang Chuan interrupted him and said with a sneer: "I have no value or not, it's not you who have the final say, and, at that time, what is your fire in front of me?"

"I..." Huowei was about to collapse.

Fang Chuan waved his hand and said, "Go away, otherwise, my hand will be itchy and I will slap you again!"


Huo Wei knew that the people around him were unreliable, and he was not sure of winning, so he waved his hand and took the people away.

Others dare not speak.

Coming menacingly, but walking away in disgrace.

Obviously he wanted to give others a slap in the face, but he himself was slapped in the face.

Those who followed him usually saw Huo Kuo bullying others. This was the first time Huo Kuo was bullied.

However, no one dared to touch the mold because of Huo's almost cannibalistic appearance.

"I've heard of this fire, there are not many people who can provoke him in the City of War, this time... alas!" Huo Xuan sighed.

Fang Chuan looked at Huo Xuan and said, "What do you think of him?"

"I..." Huo Xuan was speechless. He had a good background, and that was his greatness.

"You are only inferior to him temporarily. When you reach the level of Lord Huohui and others, what's the point?"

Fang Chuan smiled and waved his hand: "Don't pay attention to them, they are just some small people, just passing the scene!"


Huo Xuan listened and took a deep breath. It was a big breath. People like Huo Wei turned out to be small people.

However, think about it, Fang Chuan's performance back and forth, he does have a lot of patience.

Not long after he met, he broke through once, and in a short period of time, he reached the peak of his current state.

Such a person, given him time, who can do to him?

It's scary to think about it!

"Master Huosui, are you sure?"

Huo Xuan stopped talking about other things, but went into the independent courtyard with Fang Chuan, where there were two second-tier small servants.

Xiao Si met them, hurried over to say hello, and then returned to his post.

Huo Xuan asked in a low voice as he walked.

"rest assured."

Fang Chuan smiled and said: "Nine percent sure, if not, I have other plans. As for your mental trauma, wait, basically, three Holy Pills of Consciousness are enough, and one more pill. It should be for you."

"As long as the mental trauma of Master Huosui can be cured, let's talk about the rest." Huo Xuan sighed.

He has to think about these issues!

He is not alone, he still has a Huoxuan Mansion, and many people follow him.

Once he hangs up, the Huoxuan Mansion will be lost.

In fact, maybe at this time, someone was already secretly dealing with his Huo Xuan Mansion.

It's just that the other party shouldn't be too public, this is still within his tolerance.


Fang Chuan patted Huo Xuan on the shoulder and said, "Don't be nervous, I will practice in retreat for the next day or two."

"Oh." Huo Xuan nodded. At this juncture, you still have the mind to practice, aren't you afraid of going crazy?

However, Fang Chuan did as he said, and it didn't take long for him to practice.

Huo Xuan was speechless because of the wave of breath.


It's awesome!

In this case, he can still cultivate safely, either with a big heart, or full of confidence. He thinks it should be the latter!

Two days later.


In the old city’s main mansion, the courtyard where Fang Chuan and the others were located, Fang Chuan breathed heavily and fell to the ground from the air.

He was in retreat for two days, and his cultivation was not very diligent.

Because he has almost reached the pinnacle of the Quadruple Combination Realm, which is equivalent to reaching the limit.

If you want to break through the bottleneck, you have to look at opportunities.

He opened his eyes and stopped cultivating because the entire Old City Lord's Mansion was already covered by a tremendous spiritual pressure at this moment.

A breath after another, constantly surging.

Just like an ordinary person, facing the 10,000-meter tsunami, there is the possibility of being crushed at any time.

He suddenly understood that Huosui had reached its limit.

It may be that the spirit is about to reach Consummation, or even a breakthrough.

"good chance!"

Fang Chuan couldn't help being overjoyed, and then his figure shook, he was already above the courtyard, and then his spiritual sense sensed Huosui's position.

In the pagoda, Huosui's body was full of breath.

His mental power is so strong that if he is willing, this Old City Lord's Mansion will turn into powder in an instant.

And the more you are in the sky, the stronger the pressure will be.

Fang Chuan felt that this was an excellent opportunity!


This kind of pressure can sharpen a person's mental power and make his mental power stronger and tougher.

After the cultivation, the role of mental power becomes greater and greater.


Fang Chuan flew to a certain height, his head was sweaty, the kind of spiritual coercion, real existence, like the sharpest knife.

It seemed that it was the heaviest mountain!

Big beads of sweat flowed down his forehead, and his physical body, as powerful as a top-grade immortal weapon, appeared to be cracked.

It can be imagined how powerful Huosui's mental power is.

However, there was a smile on his face, and he was even moving up, bit by bit.

Every time I move, it gives people a thrilling illusion, as if to be broken.

There is a big horror between life and death!

He can hear his heartbeat like a drum!

He felt that he was about to fall apart.

"This is too dangerous!"

When Huo Xuan sensed it and walked out of the attic, he saw this scene, and he couldn't help but frown.

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