The Strongest Medical Immortal in the City

Chapter 3152: What happened to me hitting you?

"Look first."

Fang Chuan waved his hand and said indifferently: "Look at Lord Huosui's situation first, Lord Huoji, you are not in a hurry, right?"

"Huh!" Huo Ji snorted angrily.

He was the king of fire stubbornly, and said one thing in the city of war, this kid looked like he didn't care at all.

Ha ha!

If he doesn't have that ability, then he will have the opportunity to clean him up.

He waved his hand and said: "Then you go down first, don't leave the mansion, otherwise, I won't protect you."


Fang Chuan waved his hand, swaggering, and went outside the pagoda.

He walked out and let out a heavy sigh. He was also betting, and he acted a little arrogantly, which might make people look up.

Of course, the premise is that you can excel in another aspect.

Otherwise, they will slap you to death!

And now, Huo Ji was obviously persuaded by him, and he knew the mentality of these powerful men very well.

As mentioned before, every monk has desires, and moreover, there are endless desires.

They are different from ordinary people. Ordinary people have bottlenecks and decline periods in their lives.

they do not!

As long as they move forward courageously and diligently, coupled with the luck of Changhong, generally speaking, they will keep going.

Just like ordinary people, always staying young and rushing forward!

When ordinary people arrive, their desires fade.

But the monks, especially the strong, have hard desires.

Longevity is a desire, but every monk has an idea of ​​eternal life in his heart?

eternal life!

How hard is it?

"All right."

Fang Chuan smiled. In any case, at least, his crisis was temporarily relieved. Next, just wait!

After Huosui refines the three sacred pills of consciousness, then he advances by leaps and bounds, breaking through the ascension realm, and then defeating the acquired Huosui King!

In this way, Fang Chuan can walk sideways in the City of War.

At that time, he can also obtain more resources and allow Huohui to provide him with spiritual coercion and help him cultivate.

"Resources, time, opportunity, and talent are indispensable!"

Fang Chuan sighed. The way of cultivation is extremely difficult. Sometimes there are enough resources, but chances are not enough to make breakthroughs.

Sometimes, time does not wait for me to make a breakthrough!

It is possible for some people to be stuck in a realm for a hundred years or even a thousand years.

Cultivation, no one can say, no one can say that he will be able to break through, and no one can guarantee that he can reach what level in one breath.


Fang Chuan walked through the formation and walked out, and he saw Huo Xuan looking anxiously to this side, and seeing him coming out, he let out a sigh of relief and greeted him as he shouted.

"Ha ha."

Fang Chuan couldn't help smiling when he saw Huo Xuan's appearance.

Huo Xuan is a person of friendship. Fang Chuan saved his life before, but now Fang Chuan helps him again.

Therefore, Fang Chuan knew that he really regarded himself as a friend.

After all, even if Fang Chuan didn't appear this time, Huo Xuan would still be rectified. Speaking of which, he was the one who caused Fang Chuan.

It's not that Fang Chuan hurt him.

Fang Chuan smiled and said: "It's okay, that is, chat with Master Huo Ji, but for the next period of time, we must be in the Old City Lord's Mansion!"

"I know that."

Huo Xuan smiled and said, "I owe you another favor, but let's not talk about it for the time being, Master Huo Zang has prepared a separate courtyard for us."

He waved his hand and said, "Go!"

"it is good!"

Fang Chuan nodded and talked as he walked with Huo Xuan through the austere Old City Lord's Mansion. From time to time, some fifth- and sixth-rank powerhouses looked at them.

However, no one came to ask them. Obviously, they already knew about Fang Chuan.

"Huo Xuan, is this your brother Huo Chuan?"

They passed through several gates and came to an independent courtyard, but they were stopped by a group of people.

The headed man, wearing a top grade immortal class robes, looked like a man in a fairy, with a proud temperament.

He looked at Huo Xuan and asked indifferently and proudly.

Huo Xuan nodded and said, "Master Huo 倵! He is indeed my younger brother Huo Chuan!"


This Master Huo'an looked at Fang Chuan and sneered: "I heard that you killed Huo'an who has a fourth-grade guard?"

"Master Huowei, don't talk nonsense about this." Huo Xuan shouted quickly.


Before Huo Xuan finished speaking, Huo Hyun had already slapped Huo Xuan's face, making Huo Xuan back several steps.

"Huh?" Fang Chuan's eyes wink.

Huo Lao sneered and said: "I am in the fourth rank, and I can draw you to the fifth rank, Huo Xuan, do you know why?"

Huo Hyun did not answer.

Huo An proudly said: "Because of status! No matter what you do, it is still me. But, Grandpa's dog, understand?"

After Huo Xuan heard it, his face was ugly. Although he sometimes bowed his knees, he has dignity as an ascendant!

However, he can't do it!

He endured it!

A small leak will sink a great ship!

"Ha ha!"

Fang Chuan understood, this may be a dandy, Huosui has a high status in the City of War.

Under the protection of Huosui, he was defiant!

And now, Fang Chuan appeared suddenly, with such a big movement in his mind, he was upset, and he came to give Fang Chuan a good start!

He looked at Huosui and said, "Master Huosui's grandson?"

"Not bad!" Huoji nodded proudly.

"What are you awesome, a trash backed by your ancestors, arrogant in front of me, what qualifications do you have?"


Fang Chuan said, suddenly stretched out his hand and slapped it.

He shot very quickly, Huo Wei did not react, and the whole person was taken away, his face was painful, and he was embarrassed.

"Do you dare to hit me?" Huo Wei rose from the ground, furious!

Fang Chuan said indifferently: "What happened when I hit you?"

He looked at other people who were about to move around and looked angry, and sneered: "If I dare to smoke you, I have my confidence!"

"People of the same level as me can do it with me. If you do it at a higher level than me, think about the consequences!"

"Huo 倵?"

"Master Huosui's grandson?"

"What are you, in front of me, but just a maggot, I can hit you ten with one hand!"

"If you are not satisfied, you can ask Master Huosui, ask Master Huoji, what will they do?"

Fang Chuan said something loudly, but in fact, he first said it to Huo Ji, and second said it to Huo Ji.


Because he had successfully raised Huo's appetite, at this time, Huo's would definitely not do anything to him.

So, why should he keep a low profile?

Why do you have to be patient like Huo Hyun?

Even a Huo 倵 can be tolerated. After that, when he faces Huosui and Huoqi, doesn't he really want to be a dog?


"court death!"

The fifth-grade guard next to Huowei was suddenly furious and wanted to take action.

Huo Lao also said with a gloomy face: "You are looking for death!"

"He was right."

At this moment, Huo Ji's voice came: "You can do it at the same level, and the rest of you, don't mess around!"

He said again: "Huo, don't lose your grandfather's face!"

"Huh?" Huo's face suddenly became very ugly, looking at Fang Chuan, shaking with anger!

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