The Strongest Medical Immortal in the City

Chapter 3143: Goodbye Huo Hyun

"Huo Hyun, what's going on, can you tell me?"

Side yard.

There was a man sitting opposite Huo Xuan, looking at him indifferently and asking, this man was also a powerhouse at the pinnacle of the fifth stage.

Huo Xuan looked at each other and sneered, "Huo Cha, you tell me about this at this time, don't you think it's a bit fake?"

"Ha ha!"

Huo Cha smiled, shook his head and said: "You are mistaken, our four deputy commanders, you, me, Huo Long, Huo You."

"Each one of us wants to be the orthodox leader, to rule a district, and there is only one position for this orthodox leader!"

"I have been fighting with you at Huosha, but we are also fighting clearly, but when I was fighting with you on the battlefield, do you think I had any thoughts?"

"And the last time you went out with Huo Long, you were already injured!"

"This time, you and Huo You are together, why are you besieged by the fifth-grade monster, and Huo You came back safe and sound?"

"Your mental strength has been injured now, and it is difficult to recover for a while, but it is not always necessary to break and then stand!"

"However, you need time!"

"Now you just need to be with me and push me to the position. When your cultivation base is up, I can recommend you to Deputy Master Huofeng and help him manage some things in the Southern Territory!"

"So, do you still think that I have any bad intentions with you?"

Huo Cha spoke word by word, but his eyes were fixed on Huo Xuan, he also had a trace of eagerness, hoping to get Huo Xuan's support.

Why is he here today?

Why did Huo-hyun come to him when he might be in trouble?

It was because he had taken a fancy to Huo Hyun's mental power to be injured, and it was impossible to break through for a while, and if this happened again, he was even more unlikely to take over.

With the support of Huo Hyun now, his odds of winning are much greater!

"Ha ha."

Huo Xuan obviously understood it a long time ago, and smiled: "You have been against me before and let your son fight against me, mainly because you are too jealous of me and think I am your greatest enemy, right?"


Huo Cha nodded and said: "Because you are an ascendant, and Master Huofeng is also an ascendant, and you have Nan Yuzhu as a backing, so I am afraid of you!

He smiled and said: "And now, you have a problem. I don't know who designed you, but you really don't have the capital to fight, do you?"

He looked at Huo Xuan and said, "You are a wise man, and being injured does not mean that there is no future in your life. Why do we rise wholeheartedly? Is it for face? Is it for status?"

"Do not!"

He raised his voice and said: "We are mainly for resources, for the exercises, and for contact with high-level people!"

"What is the purpose of our existence, that is, to live forever, to reach a higher level, to enter the real fairyland, and to leave this place!"

He looked at Huo Xuan and said, "If you help me, I will definitely remember your love, and I will remember your love. It must be better if you don't help me now. We monk, isn't it just for this?"

He said something very attractive and straightforward, but it made people think that he was right.

"This fire brake is different from his son, and his words still have some strength!" Fang Chuan also heard their conversation at the door.

Huo Xuan listened and waved his hand: "Then you have said so much, is it for me to help you, or to know the cause of Huo An's death, so that you have a chance to do meritorious service under the leader of Huofeng?"


Huo Cha seriously said: "I want you to help me, and I also want to contribute. At this critical moment, this is the best opportunity!"


Huo Xuan smiled and said: "Then if I tell you, I don't know at all, and, is it possible that this matter has nothing to do with my Huo Xuan Mansion?"

"You don't cooperate?" Huo Cha angrily said.


Huo Xuan laughed and said, "Could it be that you intend to let me admit that it is okay to help you, but also to sacrifice me, do you think it is possible?"

"Think about it!"

Huo Cha coldly said: "Sacrifice a younger brother in exchange for a good future. You should understand what I mean!"

He got up and walked a few steps outside, then turned around and said, "Master Huofeng has two sons. Huo An is not educated and skillless. Master Huofeng just needs a comfort. If you kill your relatives righteously, Master Huofeng might appreciate you even more!"

"You can go, otherwise, Master Huofeng is here, and if you see you and I talk, you might be misunderstood!"

Huo Xuan waved his hand and was already chasing guests.


Huo Cha coldly hummed, full of anger, flicked his sleeves vigorously, turned and walked to the side courtyard.

When he walked to the door, he said to the guard: "Watch him and let him run away. Just wait for Master Huofeng's anger!"

"Yes, my lord!" The two guards also answered tremblingly.

Today, something happened to the Huofeng Mansion, and they all knew that if they were not careful, everyone would be buried, and now the Huofeng Mansion is also solemn.

After a while, Huosha left.

"Hey." Huo Xuan sighed.

"Are you going to sell me?"

When he sighed, Fang Chuan suddenly appeared in front of Huo Xuan, surprised Huo Xuan, and stood up.

Huo Xuan looked at Fang Chuan up and down, and quickly said, "Are you... Fang Chuan?"

"Yes, it's me!"

Fang Chuan smiled, then his breath recovered, his face recovered, and he looked at Huo Xuan and said, "Actually, what Huo Cha said is not unreasonable. I am just a fake brother."

While he was speaking, a hidden formation had been set up, which enveloped them.

Huo Xuan had seen Fang Chuan's hidden formation before, and he naturally understood the function of this hidden formation, so he felt relieved.

He looked at Fang Chuan and said, "If you didn't save me, I could do it, but I can't sell you now!"

"Then what can you do?" Fang Chuan asked, looking at Huo Xuan.

"It depends on Master Huofeng. He is already a little dissatisfied with my injury. In fact, it may not be for this matter, it may be for Yuzhu Nan!"

He sighed: "The Southern Lord is the ruler of the Southern Territory, and the eighth-rank cultivation base is one of the several giants in the city of war."

"He is an Ascendant. The year I came was with him, and later I was dispatched to Master Huofeng!"

"Master Huofeng is also an Ascended One, but his mind has changed a bit, maybe..."

He waved his hand and said, "Forget it, it's useless to say this. The point is, you didn't kill people, right?"

"No chance." Fang Chuan said calmly.

Huo Xuan is clear!

In a word, he understood that Fang Chuan and Huo An had conflicts and motives to kill, but they didn't do anything.

This is worse.

He sighed, "Tell me first, what's the specific situation!"


Fang Chuan nodded, recounted what had happened before, and then said: "Now, I want to kill him, it's easy, but unfortunately there is no chance."


Huo Xuan sighed again: "This time it’s a big deal. Don’t be busy. If you can’t do anything, you can escape by yourself, depending on whether there is a major change tonight. Otherwise, I’m definitely not safe. Leaving here, and your identity, there must be no need to continue!"

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