The Strongest Medical Immortal in the City

Chapter 3142: Fire Phoenix House

"It was also lucky this time. I just came to this Warfire Pavilion. You can use the influence of the Warfire Pavilion and don't face them head-on for the time being!"

Fang Chuan and the others left, sat cross-legged, and sighed.

However, when he and Huo Hyun came to the City of Fire, they had already thought about these crises.

The space of the Ruins of Time is very strong, teleportation is easy to be discovered, and the distance of teleportation is not too far.

However, Fang Chuan's cultivation of the great movement technique became more and more sophisticated, and he was able to leave unconsciously without affecting other people.

Once he uses the hidden formation, the opponent will not be able to find him, so there is no problem in running away.

The key is that he finally came here, and he didn't get the benefits, so he just flashed people, which is really a pity.

Apart from other things, Huo-hyun's reward for him has not yet been obtained, and now cultivation is a resource.

The quality of talent depends on how much resources are used, how much they absorb, how fast they digest, and how fast they break through bottlenecks.

He is short of these now, okay?

He still needs to increase his strength to Rank 9 or above in such a short period of time, and then participate in extraterritorial disputes to obtain rankings.

In this way, he would be able to travel to the Heavenly Dragon Star Region with the army of Overlord Continent.

At that time, he had a lot of right to speak, and he could even lead the team. At that time, in the Sky Dragon Star Territory, those arrogant people before, could not be arrogant in front of him!


Time is still pressing!

"Give it a go!"

Fang Chuan thought before and after, and then made up his mind. He decided to see if he could stay here first, mix well, and improve his strength is the kingly way.


As he said, with a move, a high-level hidden formation appeared in the room, and after that, he waved casually.

A psychic force merged with true energy, turned into a clone, and sat cross-legged in the room.

At the beginning, the Deputy Dean of the Mahayana Realm First Class was able to display the clone. Fang Chuan's current strength is naturally easy.

His clone is mainly to exude his own breath and let others know that he has not left.

He also discovered that the formation in this room has the ability to lock in the air, and it is impossible for teleportation to leave this space in general.

Therefore, adding up before and after, it may be difficult for others to judge whether he left this room or stayed in this room.


Fang Chuan finished everything, and then a big move technique disappeared in this room with a scream.

He left his clone, and a hidden formation.

With this clone and hidden array, others will only treat you as secretly practicing here and don't want to be spied on.

That idiot Huo Feng might still be guarding outside.

At the next moment, Fang Chuan had appeared in an alley, and his breath had also changed, imitating something similar to Huo Feng, and his image had also changed.

At their level, there is still a way to change their appearance.

He is very confident, even if Huo Feng is in front of him now, I am afraid he can't recognize him.

"Go to Fire Phoenix Mansion first!"

Fang Chuan thought for a while, swept away his spiritual sense, and found a man passing by, he immediately stepped forward and slapped it over.


The guy didn't react and fell to the ground.

Fang Chuan stretched out his hand and pressed it on his forehead, and the soul search technique was displayed. After a while, Fang Chuan learned the information he needed.

His soul-searching technique did not receive much resistance, and he did not deliberately hurt this person.

Therefore, this person is at most severely ill, and he can recover after a year or a half of cultivation.

This is what he has done more gentle, after all, these people are not of the same race with him, and even have hostile relations!

"Huofeng Mansion!"

About a few minutes later, Fang Chuan came outside a magnificent building with several big moves in succession.

This is where the fire and phoenix commanders live.

There is a huge square around, and no one is doing business here. The huge statues show the majesty here.

The strong breath makes everyone afraid to approach easily.

Buildings one after another are revealed from within the high walls, letting people know that this is a real big family.

There are two guards standing at the door, both of them are strong in the second stage!

The powerhouses of the first and second grades are all gatekeepers here. Fang Chuan thinks about it, and he also thinks it's too extravagant!

Taixuanmen was far behind them.

And the people of the Tianlong Star Territory are a lot worse than the Taixuan Sect!

Compared with the Tianlong Star Territory, the difference between the earth and the Sky Dragon is by a big margin...

Fang Chuan suddenly felt a little speechless. In this universe, the earth originally thought it was the only ruler.

However, the truth is that the earth is too weak!

Earthlings are too weak!

Weak and small can't even compare with other newborn babies. One baby, one sneeze, can kill the people of the earth!

"Not much thought!"

Fang Chuan shook his head and focused his attention on Huofeng Mansion, which also had some atmosphere of formations, but for Fang Chuan, there were still many loopholes.


After a shift, he entered the Fire Phoenix Mansion, and suddenly felt a strong breath of flame.

Fire Phoenix Mansion is huge!

It is as big as ten Huoxuan Mansion!

There are still many private soldiers patrolling, and some strong men occasionally appear in some places in the Fire Phoenix Mansion.

Fortunately, Fang Chuan's hidden array became more sophisticated, so that he would not be discovered.


Fang Chuan finally found the inner courtyard, the huge Huofeng Mansion, just like the ancient imperial palace, Fang Chuan found this place through divine knowledge.

The guards here are more strict, but this is not too difficult for him. Soon, he entered the inner courtyard and saw a hall.

"Have you heard, Master Huo'an is dead!"

"I heard that it was made by the people of Huo Hyun Mansion!"

"How could it be possible that Huo Xuan Mansion has this strength and courage? Huo Xuan is in our Huo Feng Mansion!"

"Said it was made by a younger brother who came from the lower realm of Huoxuan. Ascenders, you know, their strength, potential and combat effectiveness are relatively strong!"

When Fang Chuan approached this hall, he heard two third-rank powerhouses at the door, discussing the previous matter.

He sighed.

Everyone thinks he did these things!

"Huoxuan was injured by the leader of Huofeng and sealed in the side yard. I don't know whether it will be alive or dead next!"

The other sighed again.

This is also impossible, because in this world, the upper person has the power to live and kill the lower person.

"Huoxuan shouldn't die. There are people behind him. Ascenders shelter ascenders. It's normal!"

The man said again.

"it's here!"

Fang Chuan listened, and his divine consciousness began to scan. Although he was cautious, he still found Huo Xuan's trace.


He moved and went to the side yard in a blink of an eye.

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