The Strongest Medical Immortal in the City

Chapter 3131: Kill the monster

Boom boom boom...

Fang Chuan waved his hand, the ten-square magic mirror blocked him, and then he split his backhand with two swords. The sword vigorously sneered, and he sneered at the flying giant eagle.


The giant eagle uttered a scream, and waves of sound rushed away, shattering Fang Chuan's sword energy, and slammed in front of Fang Chuan in the blink of an eye.

"So fast!"

Fang Chuan raised his eyebrows, followed, his body lengthened, and he turned on top of the giant eagle, and the ten-square magic mirror coiled around his body.

Boom boom boom...

The black light under the water hit the giant eagle, and the giant eagle also screamed, with colorful rays of light blocking the attack of underwater monsters.


Almost the next moment, it flew Fang Chuan to the opposite side of the river bank.

Puff puff……

Its speed reached a few points, and Fang Chuan felt that his flight speed was not as fast as it. As soon as it flew out, the feathers on its back were as sharp as a magic weapon, and it pierced Fang Chuan.


Fang Chuan was alert and hurriedly manipulated the Ten Fang Sacred Sword to block, then he flew into the air and stretched out his hand.

Boom boom boom...

A wave of thunder and lightning pierced through the sky, blasting on the back of this giant eagle monster.

The giant eagle monster screamed in anger, and its wings vibrated violently, dazzling, blocking Fang Chuan's lightning attack.


Following that, the giant eagle turned directly ninety degrees in the air, and hit Fang Chuan like a flying sword.


But the next moment, Fang Chuan disappeared into the air with a big move technique, and the giant eagle was blown away, screaming in anger, feathers shot out and burst in the air.

The space fluctuated violently, which attracted the attention of many monsters around.

After a while, the giant eagle vented its anger and left.


Fang Chuan is now in an ancient forest in the valley, where ancient trees are towering to the sky, the branches and leaves are dense, and they contain special aura fluctuations.

Therefore, even if the giant eagle was very powerful, he was not found.

He exhaled heavily. In the scene just now, there were only two or three breaths before and after, and the speed was extremely fast.

He wanted to give it a try before, how dangerous it is, now he understands that any place might hide a powerful monster.

Any monster beast, if it goes to the Sky Dragon Star Region, it will probably cause an uproar.

In fact, if you really want to kill that giant eagle, Fang Chuan's current strength is not a problem, it just takes time.

However, there are so many monsters here, once the time is delayed, he may attract more monsters.

"and so……"

Fang Chuan sighed and said, "If you want to hunt monsters in this place, you must kill them at the fastest speed. If you can't kill them, you must give up immediately!"

He laughed!

This is really a thrilling place for thieves, so it has played a great role in him.

What does he lack now?

Not a resource!

It's training!

There is a core of the immortal monster beast in his body, which is enough for him to cultivate to the ninth rank of half-step battle.

Moreover, he has also refined a lot of pills to help break through the bottleneck.

So he needs to fight!

"Next, it's hunting. I looked at the recovery list in the safe area. As long as it is monster essence, they need it!"

"There are some natural treasures, they will also recycle!"

"Fighting has a lot of training, but the actual combat island and the palace of spiritual coercion are also of great help!"

Fang Chuan immediately made the decision to hunt the monster beasts around here, not to go far.

You can't stay here for too long, even if the light of merit can withstand the invasion of some spiritual power, it will be uncomfortable.

Over time, it is really possible to cause unnecessary damage.

"You are the one!"

Half an hour later, Fang Chuan found the first target in this ancient forest, a first-grade canine monster beast alone.

The size is huge, and a pair of fangs are like magic weapons.

Canine monsters usually live in groups. Fang Chuan had encountered a dozen monsters of the first grade before, but he didn't do anything.

Because he was not sure if he could escape under the siege of so many first-grade monsters.


Fang Chuan observed for a while, knowing that there were no monsters around, his eyes drenched, and he activated the secret technique "Yue Kong".


After that, his ten-square holy sword containing the light of thunder and lightning hit the chest of this monster beast.


The terrifying Thunderyin sword aura poured into this monster's body, and the lightning and sword aura raged, instantly destroying the internal organs of the monster.


The monster's eyes widened, looking at this creature that was much smaller than him, and silently attacked him.

He gave a long cry, then fell to the ground with a crash.


Da Lei Yin Jian Qi shattered its vitality.

Fang Chuan was able to defeat the third-rank core Yichen with Three Swords at the time. Although the monster's vitality is stronger than that of human beings, Fang Chuan's One Sword at the moment is not so comfortable.

"Well, first-grade can kill in seconds, second-grade should be no problem, next time you find a chance to try."

Fang Chuan said, moving very fast, with sword aura, this huge canine monster was directly dissected by him.

The essence, as well as the core of the first product, all fell into his mustard space.


The next moment, he disappeared and teleported to a mile away.

He didn't take five breaths before and after he started to hide.

The demon beast roared before it died, attracting many of its kind, among which there was a second-grade monster beast, and the others were all first-grade.

There are more than a dozen monsters in this group of monsters.

"If they separate, you can try it. Can you count the first rank in seconds, or the second rank, can you kill it in seconds?"

Fang Chuan hid far away, but his divine consciousness could easily observe these monsters, and he could accurately estimate human monks.

But for the monsters here, insurance is still the main thing.

It would be a shame to die here in case of being entangled.

This place is no safer than Hundred Animals Ridge, but, relatively speaking, the monsters of Hundred Animals Ridge are more concentrated.


Fang Chuan was observing, and suddenly there was a roar ten kilometers away, which turned out to be a terrible roar of a fifth-grade monster.

Following that, there was a big earthquake, and another fifth-grade monster beast roared, and there was a deafening, cracking sound.

Ten kilometers away, the strong are fighting.

Ho Ho Ho...

The group of first-grade and second-grade monster beasts, suppressed by this breath, immediately lay on the ground, motionless.

"Go and see!"

Fang Chuan was not afraid of these monsters. He even dared to provoke the Eight Tribulations Earth Immortal, and even slapped him face to face. Would he take it to heart if he was only a fifth-rank monster?

He moved quickly and quickly reached the war zone.

A man wearing a green ancient robe, carrying a long sword, was actually fighting fiercely with two huge monsters.

His size is like a fly to the two monsters.

However, with every move, he played with a momentum, vaguely forming a feline beast.

Between fights, he should not be underestimated!

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