The Strongest Medical Immortal in the City

Chapter 3130: For the first time outside the safe area

"Are you going out?"

Purple Sword King looked at Fang Chuan with a surprised look. Although he was also practicing, he was still paying attention to Fang Chuan's situation.

Therefore, when Fang Chuan walked to the gate of the city wall, he had already arrived.

"No way, poor!" Fang Chuan sighed: "In order to come in, I spent all my contributions."


The Purple Sword King frowned, but he was relieved again! Actually, this sacred place for cultivation was very lively five hundred years ago.

At that time, the Taixuan sect was the first, the scenery was infinite, the sect was strong, the family was great, and there were many geniuses.

Therefore, this entrance is also open to inner disciples.

At that time, the inner disciple was very powerful, equivalent to the core disciple of today, and the core disciples at that time were all from the Five Tribulations.

Now Taixuanmen is not as good as before!

Not only Taixuanmen, but the entire Overlord World is the same, and the overall strength has dropped a lot.

But the rules remain!

The contribution and price of the school are about the same. The reason for no change is mainly because there are few low-level disciples.

This is not considered at all.

The Purple Sword King originally wanted to persuade, but he smiled and said, "You are going out, I will not keep you. Outside the safe area, it is actually another world. There are powerful monsters in it. The monsters have spirituality and they also have their own Power, town, country!"

"Of course, there are protoss and demons, but they are all named by themselves. We don't know what is going on!"

"They are extremely hostile to humans, and they are not friendly to each other!"

"They dare not come to hit the safe area, but when they see humans, they usually kill them all!"

"So, pay attention to safety!"

"By the way, there should be some human forces out there, not many, many of them went out to humans many years ago, and established forces with great strength. No one knows what these people think!"

"I suggest you come back every other month, because the outside atmosphere is too strong, and once you are affected, you may not come back."

The Purple Sword King said to Fang Chuan very seriously.


Fang Chuan raised his brow when he heard it. He really thought the Ruins of Time was just a place for cultivation, but it seemed that it was not at all!

This place is like this, then, outside the territory, I am afraid it is like this!

He smiled and said, "I see, thanks for the reminder from the Purple Sword King!"


The Purple Sword King waved his hand and said: "Be careful in everything, when you are in danger, as long as you retreat to a safe area, no matter which side is strong, you dare not chase it!"

"We are sitting here in the Ten Great Nine Tribulations Earth Immortals, and there is also a powerful person in the ascending realm, which is not something these people can afford!"

The Purple Sword King also took a hint of pride.


Fang Chuan was also very grateful to the Purple Sword King for telling him so much. This was a waste of cultivation time before telling him.

He thanked the Purple Sword King, and with the help of the Purple Sword King, he left the safe area with a token.


The safe area is a range. Outside the city wall, there is a moat that is 100 meters wide, and there is a range of more than ten meters after the moat.

Then, as soon as he stepped out, he immediately sensed the aura in the air, which was quite strange!

The laws of the fairy world are still strong, and the spiritual energy is strong, but it is very chaotic, and there is a kind of spiritual power to sweep through without time.

This kind of mental power is not produced by a certain creature, but produced out of thin air.

He felt that this kind of mental power wanted to assimilate people all the time!

"This may be what the Purple Sword King said, the reason why those people have left for a long time and never come back!"

Fang Chuan frowned, assimilated by the spiritual power here, is he still a human?

Do you still treat yourself as a human?

Perhaps they are just human bodies, and there is no human resonance!


As he walked, he took out the ten-square holy sword, the light of merit passed by the ten-fang holy sword, there was a feeling of sheltering himself.

He couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief!

Being eroded by some special mental power for a long time is actually very uncomfortable, just like someone talking in your ear from time to time for a long time.


He walked out of the safe area and saw at a glance, it was a stretch of mountains and rivers that stretched horizontally and horizontally, rushing into the distance.

A big day, dazzling without making people feel warm.

Each mountain peak is very magnificent, far exceeding the height of the mountain peaks on the earth now, and the valley between the mountains can be regarded as a plain on the earth.

"Although this place is full of immortality, but the demon aura is so strong, it can be seen that the demon race here is very strong!"

"As for the Protoss and Demons, they should not be the Protoss and Demons I know. Otherwise, with their temperament, it is impossible to live together in peace!"

"The gods and demons are greedy people!"

"Especially the Protoss, which feeds on immortals, is naturally an existence above all things in the universe!"

As Fang Chuan walked and thought, he soon came to a big rushing river, which can also be called a river.

At first glance, the river surface was more than ten kilometers long. If it weren't for his amazing eyesight, ordinary people couldn't see the edge at a glance.

The ten-kilometer river is so majestic.

"Fly over!"

In order to be cautious and to observe the environment before, Fang Chuan chose a technique similar to that of shrinking the ground into an inch.

But it won't work here.


He flew up at once, and soon came to the surface of the river.


He just appeared on the surface of the river. Suddenly, a thick tentacle flew out and drew towards Fang Chuan like a whip.

With this pumping, the power almost reached the level of one-and-a-half-step crossing the Tribulation Realm.

"Just take a few steps, is a monster beast?"

Fang Chuan sneered, a sword pierced out, and with a bang, the sword energy of Thunderyin penetrated, and the tentacles exploded instantly.


The electric flowers shook in the water, and then a huge whirlpool appeared, followed by dozens of tentacles penetrating like flying spears.

Dozens of tentacles, unexpectedly have a taste of cooperation, played a powerful killing style.

Even if it is the pinnacle of the second stage, encountering this attack, I am afraid that he will die on the spot.


Fang Chuan raised his brows and moved quickly, dodged from the blow.

Boom boom boom...

Dozens of tentacles were empty and the space exploded.

However, after that, a black light burst out from the water and continued to blast towards Fang Chuan's location.

Fang Chuan was unavoidable when the sky filled the black mansions.

Each ray of light is equivalent to a blow at the pinnacle of the second rank.

Fang Chuan's three swords had defeated the dust of the third rank peak before, but facing such a terrifying attack, now the triple peak of the combined realm cannot be underestimated.

"Ten directions magic mirror!"


Almost at the same time, he waved his hand, and the ten-square magic mirror flew out, blocking him, golden light emerged, and the black light hit it, making an ear-splitting sound.


However, at this moment, there was a scream from the sky, a giant eagle that was a hundred meters long, neighing, and flying at a terrifying speed!

For a time, Fang Chuan was attacked by the back and belly!

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