The Strongest Medical Immortal in the City

Chapter 3128: Ascension powerhouse

"Oh my God!"

Fang Chuan's face was shocked, why is there an ascendant power here!

His consciousness hurriedly extended.


A roar came from his ears, but it was not the ascending realm powerhouse who was sitting cross-legged, but Dan King Douhuang!

He scolded Fang Chuan by surprise.

King Dan Douhuang said angrily: "Ascension realm powerhouse, how can you allow you to spy on you at will!"

He bowed to the ascending realm powerhouse again: "Ancestor, Fang Chuan is young and ignorant, please don't blame him!"

"Ha ha!"

The ascending realm powerhouse smiled faintly: "Kong Lin, you are too serious, you are just a child, I have lived for thousands of years, do I still care about him?"

"Thank you ancestors!"

Dan Wang Douhuang hurriedly said to each other again: "Don't apologize to the ancestor yet!"


Fang Chuan wouldn't understand that King Dan Douhuang was afraid that he would anger the ascending realm powerhouse and be blown to death by the opponent.

Ascension realm powerhouse, even if the person in front of him is only the first level of the ascension realm, that is, two of the limbs have turned into immortals.

But, the strength is not trivial!

For those who are strong in the ascension realm, the first level is the transformation of upper or lower limbs into immortal bodies, and the second level is the transformation of all limbs into immortal bodies.

The triple is the transformation of the spine into the fairy body.

The fourth layer is the transformation of the five internal organs.

The fivefold is the transformation of six fu-organs into immortal bodies.

The sixth layer is the transformation of the head into a fairy body.

Seventh is the transformation of whole body marrow into fairy marrow.

Eightfold is the transformation of divine consciousness into immortal consciousness.

The ninth layer is the fusion of the fairy body and the fairy consciousness, and then lifts the sky to soar.

Every time the ascension realm is raised a level, the strength will advance by leaps and bounds, and the strength gap is huge as a gap.

The ninth-rank half-step tribulation, facing three eighth-rank half-step tribulations, in fact, it is not so easy to defeat, at least it takes a lot of effort.

And ascension realm double, hitting ten ascension realms one, it's almost like beating grandson.

This is the gap!

And Fang Chuan would now be beaten into Baba with a fist in the face of the Ninth Stage Half-Step Tribulation, not to mention the ancestor of the First Level of Ascension Realm!

Therefore, King Dan Douhuang was so nervous.

Fang Chuan hurriedly bowed and said, "Ancestor, I'm sorry, the disciple is too curious, please forgive the disciple for being rude!"

"Ha ha!"

The ancestor waved his hand and said, "Don't worry, Kong Lin's optimistic disciple will definitely become the pillar of the Supreme Profound Sect!"

He said again: "I also hope that you can stand out from the crowd some time ago, reach the Ninth Stage, open the gate of heaven, and let me wait and open my eyes."

In fact, he just sighed.

Only when he has cultivated to this level can he know how difficult this is. Everyone who can reach the ascendant realm is not a stunning genius.


He no longer had the same vigour he had before, because it was too difficult, and every step in the ascension realm was too difficult!

However, how many people are able to come to this stage with amazing talents?

The person who was as amazing and brilliant as him back then has long since fallen.

"The disciple will do his best!" Fang Chuan responded with a smile.

For others, not to mention the ascending realm is to cross the tribulation realm, one step at a time, and a lifetime of nine deaths is very dangerous and difficult.

But for him, it's nothing, at least, it's not too difficult!

"Go, the Ruins of Time, is the wealth left to us by Heaven and Humanity, and it is also the place of hope for us to break despair!"

The ancestor waved his hand, and suddenly, an entrance appeared in front of Fang Chuan.

"Go in, remember what I said, I hope you can give us a surprise when you come out!" King Dan Douhuang waved his hand and Fang Chuan said.


Fang Chuan nodded, and said to the ascending realm powerhouse: "Farewell, Master, Disciple!"


Soon, Fang Chuan stepped into the portal of the teleportation.

"Kong Lin, you gave up a lot of quotas for Liu Ning, and this time you gave up a lot of quotas for Fang Chuan. Do you know that you are about to face the eighth calamity now, and you will be facing the eighth calamity one step at a time. what!"

The ascending realm expert sighed and said to King Pill Douhuang.

"Ancestor, although the eighth calamity is difficult, I still have confidence!"

King Pill Douhuang smiled and said: "Everyone thinks that I am called King Pill, so I don't have any other skills. That would be wrong!"

At this time, King Pill Douhuang also showed his invincible self-confidence and the pride of Tianjiao!

He, King Dan Douhuang, no matter he was or now, is a Tianjiao, a dazzling Tianjiao compared to the eternal sage and others!

"Yes, I know!"

The ascendant realm powerhouse nodded and said: "Kong Lin, you have cultivated to the eighth level of the earth immortal in 300 years. No one in the Taixuan Sect is better than you. Even in the entire Overlord World, there are only a few who are better than you!"

"Oh, when you had a chance to go to the Holy Land, you gave up, otherwise, you might have surpassed me!"

As he spoke, he sighed again.

King Dan Douhuang shook his head and said: "Ancestor, since I entered the Taixuan Gate, I will live forever. One day, I will be able to open the gate of heaven and lift up the sky!"

"it is good!"

The ascending realm powerhouse clapped his hands and said: "Kong Lin, if you come often, I will be more confident by you. The future belongs to you!"

"Do not!"

King Dan Douhuang smiled and said: "I belong to no one, the cultivators of my generation, there is no such thing as the sun and twilight, one day Tianjiao, eternal Tianjiao!"

The ascension realm powerhouse's eyes drenched, and he was silent for a moment, then looked at King Dan Douhuang and said, "Kong Lin, if I break through, I owe you a favor!"

"Old ancestors, encourage each other, leave!"

Pill King Douhuang was afraid that Fang Chuan would be killed by the old man, but the absolute confidence he showed at this moment was completely different from before.

As he said, Tianjiao for one day, Tianjiao for eternal life.

In a blink of an eye, he disappeared into the heavenly palace.

"What a rich fairyland law!"

Fang Chuan entered the Ruins of Time and came to a square. The square was not big and there were not many people. There were few people sitting cross-legged.

However, everyone's breath is very powerful!

Among them, there are actually ten ninth-level land immortals!

Fang Chuan was shocked. He didn't expect that the Taixuan Sect's background was so strong. When he saw the head teacher and others before, he thought they were too strong.

But now, he understands that this Taixuan Sect is probably far beyond the ninth-level sect of the cultivation world back then.

Ten nine-tiered immortals sit dead!

A ninth-level immortal as the head teacher!

The two great and eight tribulation immortals are outside to assist!

So, is there any other powerful person in the Taixuan Gate, or in other mysterious places?

"Even if it's just a Supreme Profound Clan, can you take down the Sky Dragon Star Territory?" Fang Chuan couldn't help but raise his brow.

However, when you think about it, he hasn't visited the Tianlong Star Territory, and he can't say whether there is any hidden powerhouse!

But, he knew, what Tianlong Great Emperor, what wise master, placed in Taixuanmen, really not too strong!

Even if they are all ninth-level immortals, they are not too strong!

"Are you Fang Chuan, the disciple of King Pill?"

At this time, a man in a purple-gold robe walked over, and the Three Tribulations Earth Immortal also put great pressure on Fang Chuan.

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