"The Ruins of Time is in the depths of the Immortal Mountain of Taixuanmen. It is guarded by the elders of the martial arts, and there is also a large formation guard. You follow me closely, don't go away, otherwise it will be very dangerous!"

On the second day, Fang Chuan went to the Ruins of Time with King Dan Douhuang.

King Dan Douhuang attached great importance to the Ruins of Time and repeatedly emphasized to Fang Chuan that Fang Chuan was also listening very seriously.

He also understood that the reason why the Taixuan Gate was built here is largely related to the Ruins of Time.

This is just an entrance to the time ruins, and they have established a base at the entrance of the time ruins.

Not only that, they also obtained many treasures of heaven and earth in the time ruins, and most of the fighting emperors in the martial arts got chance in the time ruins.

This is also the reason why Dan King Dou Huang wanted Fang Chuan to enter the Ruins of Time!

"Master, where does the Ruins of Time lead to? What kind of world is he?"

Fang Chuan is very curious, he has not encountered such a situation in his previous life.

Of course, he did not reach the level of a moral heavenly monarch in his previous life, nor did he experience the second era of a super-world.

It is only natural that there are some strange phenomena here.

"I do not know either."

King Dan Douhuang shook his head and said: "The Ruins of Time seems to be independent of the human world. We actually suspect that he is a part of the immortal world, but we only doubt it!"

"However, only the Immortal Realm has so many immortal and holy heavenly materials and earth treasures, as well as low-grade immortal stones!"

"If you are lucky, you might really break through to Dou Huang in one go!"

"Furthermore, you can still get other people's avenues here, directly inherit other people's avenues, and it is possible to become Dou Huang, but that probability is very low!"

He said, and then said: "The disputes outside the territory mentioned before are actually the entrance to another time ruins!"

"What?" Fang Chuan raised his brow.

"The Ruins of Time don't know where it came from or where it leads, but the area inside is beyond your imagination!"

"Do you think the Sky Dragon Star Territory is bigger, right?"

"However, the Ruins of Time may be bigger than the Sky Dragon Star Region, and bigger than the Overlord World!"

"Each entrance can only represent a part of the area we explored in it. The entrance to the disputes outside the territory is a special area. You will know it then!"

King Dan Douhuang slapped another sentence, which surprised Fang Chuan, but Fang Chuan was not surprised now.

The Ruins of Time, perhaps the most important place in the Overlord World!


As they walked, Fang Chuan went deep into the fairy mountain of Taixuanmen in about a quarter of an hour.

At their speed, flying for a quarter of an hour, you can imagine how big the Taixuanmen fairy mountain is.

To the disciples of the inner and outer sects, the Taixuan Sect was just showing the tip of the iceberg. If Fang Chuan did not come here, no one would tell him that the Taixuan Sect's fairy mountain was so large.

Along the way, there were prohibitions and formations everywhere.

The ranks of these formations are not very high, they are all exquisite fairy-level formations, but these formations are blessed by many people.

Over the years, it has actually become very powerful!

Fang Chuan even suspected that the formation of Taixuanmen's mountain gate might not be as good as one ten thousandth of the formation here!

So, speaking of it, this is the most important place of Taixuanmen?

"Hehe, Junior Brother Dan, you really came here, you are really willing to give your share to Fang Chuan, it seems that you want to train him, do you think he can compare to you in the future?"

At this time, Emperor Star Dou was sitting cross-legged, looking at Fang Chuan and the others on a floating island around the heavenly palace.

Here, in addition to Star Dou Huang, Fengtian Dou Huang, Sword King Dou Huang, etc., there are ten Dou Huang sitting here.

They are not just sitting around, they are also practicing.

Fang Chuan felt that the laws of heaven and earth here were very rich, and the spiritual energy was even more extraordinary.

At their level, the perception of the laws of heaven and earth is very important, especially the laws of time and space.

In fact, none of the people present, like Fang Chuan, understood what the main purpose of the cultivator was.

It is to rely on oneself to the immortal level infinitely!

Immortal, besides the immortal body, there is consciousness and comprehension.

Only when the immortal body, the immortal consciousness, and the comprehension of the immortal rank are integrated, can one become immortal.

At that time, only by entering the immortal realm and the celestial realm can you not be rejected by the laws of that high latitude.

Otherwise, if a mortal enters the immortal world, even if it does not explode, it will not live long, or even be thrown out of the immortal world by the law.

Because they are not worthy!

And why some people in the immortal world were born in the realm of crossing the catastrophe, but they can survive in it, that is because they were born and raised and everything meets the requirements of the immortal world.

This is the gap!


This is the fact, just as a person is born poor and a person is born rich in the second generation, this is fate.

However, there are times when the rich second generation is down, and the poor also have times when they are brilliant.

What's more, in the immortal world, many big men are people who have soared, because the strong are always strong, even when they are weak, they will stand out if given a chance.

Therefore, Fang Chuan knew that the Ruins of Time would be of great benefit to those crossing the Tribulation Realm.

"Senior Brother Xingchen, I don’t care about you. I treat my disciples as I do to my descendants. Unlike you, Eternal Sage has done a lot for you, and I haven’t seen you share his share. ?"

King Dan Douhuang responded indifferently, and at the same time, he took Fang Chuan and flew to the palace.

"Humph!" Xingchen Douhuang coldly snorted, without speaking.

In his opinion, King Dan Douhuang is stupid, they are not old people, but geniuses with unlimited potential.

They also need to cultivate and break through. They are essentially no different from people like Fang Chuan!

They just got to one position first!

Therefore, if he wants to make a breakthrough, he will not waste resources to Eternal Sage, although, he feels that he has already given Eternal Sage a lot.

"This kid is not honest, he may not be able to come back alive if he enters the Ruins of Time, Junior Brother Dan, don't worry about your quota then!"

After Xingchen Douhuang finished speaking, he stopped talking, but closed his eyes and continued to practice.

"Ha ha."

King Dan Douhuang shook his head, and didn't reply again!

"Master, is the quota important to you?" Fang Chuan asked suddenly.

"In fact, it is the time limit for cultivating here. I will give you five days and it will not cost me much!"

Dan Wang Douhuang waved his hand and smiled.

Fang Chuan felt that it was probably not as simple as Dan Wang Douhuang said.

He also understood that King Pill Douhuang felt that he was too weak. If he participated in an extraterritorial dispute, with his current strength, there would only be a dead end.

He looked at King Dan Douhuang, and he remembered this little friendship.

"All right!"

After a while, they entered a hall in the sky. The hall was guarded. Fang Chuan was shocked when he saw it.

Turned out to be a powerhouse of Ascension Realm!

There is actually an ascending realm powerhouse here!

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