The Strongest Medical Immortal in the City

Chapter 3106: Kill the core disciples again!

"What?" Zhang Dingsheng's face changed and changed, and finally revealed a look of despair. As soon as this person broke through, his combat effectiveness reached the second-rank level!

Moreover, it's still the middle and upper level of the second grade, is it so scary?

Is it too strong!

However, he didn't have time to think about these issues more. He roared and accumulated a blade of light, and he felt like sacrificing one's life. He cut out a long training, penetrated in front of Fang Chuan, and then turned around. run.

He already felt the gap, it was a gap that couldn't be made up, and he could only die if he didn't run!

If you run away, it doesn't matter if you find someone to kill this person!


He just turned around, and Fang Chuan pointed the blade light he had cut out, and a ray of golden thunder sword aura shattered.

Fang Chuan faintly smiled amidst the bursting sound, grabbing the void, a terrifying big hand accumulating the power of thunder and lightning, the latter came first, and immediately caught Zhang Dingsheng who was running wild.


Zhang Dingsheng felt the danger behind him, and quickly accelerated, but the acceleration was useless. He only ran a few hundred meters before he was caught by Fang Chuan's big hand.


"Kneel down!"

Following Fang Chuan's roar, Zhang Dingsheng was slapped to the ground by Fang Chuan's big hand, and the terrifying mental pressure crushed him to the ground.


Zhang Dingsheng only felt that his body was about to split, and every inch of periosteum seemed to be bombarded by thunder and lightning. The feeling of powerlessness made him despair!

He looked at Fang Chuan with an annoyed look!

I knew I wouldn't be here!

But, how can anyone know in this world?

"It was the eternal saint who asked you to come?" Fang Chuan fell in front of Zhang Dingsheng, condescending, as if watching an ant, the enormous mental pressure made Zhang Dingsheng extremely frightened.

"I, I..." Zhang Dingsheng didn't know how he felt that he could go back alive as long as he told the truth.

He swallowed a mouthful of water and quickly said: "Yes, Senior Brother Wangusheng asked me to come, I am Tai Xuan..."

"Eternal Saint colluded with foreign enemies and suppressed Dao Fengqing and I, hum, die!"

Fang Chuan didn't wait for Zhang Dingsheng to finish speaking, he snapped it down with a palm, and as the huge mental power was integrated into the true energy, he directly blasted Zhang Dingsheng into the earth.

After the popping sound, Zhang Dingsheng turned into a fan!


Dao Fengqing sighed heavily at this time. The scene changed so fast that she could barely breathe. It wasn't until the dust settled that she relaxed.

Just now, the fierce battle made her feel as if she was fighting!


But the next moment, Fang Chuan had already rushed into their hidden array, waved his hand quickly: "Don't resist, get out of here!"

As soon as his voice fell, he followed the cast of the big shifting technique, and the five of them disappeared in a blink of an eye with the hidden array.

Hh hh...

The next moment, a few powerful figures, a few first-rank, and a few second-rank experts, fell to the battlefield.

After that, the roar of the fifth-grade monster beast sounded, this was a warning!

Although he doesn't bother to care about these ants, but you are unscrupulous in my site, and your home is going to be demolished. This is too much!

The roar of the fifth-grade monster beasts formed a powerful ripple. For a time, the power of a storm shook all around, wherever the storm passed, everything turned into dust!

The terrifying spiritual power and the true Qi merge together, and the power is terrifying to the extreme!

"not good!"


Just as the fifth-rank monster was angry, the faces of those later people changed drastically, and they quickly roared and used escape techniques to leave.


After a while, Fang Chuan and the others came to the territory of another Level 5 monster. Although the monster here was affected by the previous monster and exuded a deterrent aura, it did not react too strongly.

They stopped behind a small hill.

Everyone sighed heavily, the mental power contained in the roar of the fifth-grade monster beast just now almost pulled them out of the state of moving.

The feeling of ruining the world made them feel desperate.

But fortunately, Fang Chuan's great movement technique is really no trivial matter, and, coupled with the hiding array concealing their aura, the monster beast has not launched against them, so they are in peace.

"The few people you killed..."

Dao Fengqing finally had the opportunity to look at Fang Chuan and talk to Fang Chuan.

"Don't say more!"

Fang Chuan interrupted Dao Fengqing’s words and met Dao Fengqing’s gaze and said: "Senior Dao, you can see that they are the people sent by the eternal sage to kill me. I don’t know them, I don’t know them. Identity, right?"

"Yes." Dao Fengqing nodded, not a core disciple, and can't fully understand the core disciple, after all, they are not in a circle.

Fang Chuan said again: "You were attacked in Baishouling, and I was attacked in Baishouling. It doesn't have to be completely unrelated, right?"

"Yes." Dao Fengqing hesitated for a while, and nodded again, because afterward, among the few people, there was indeed a similar aura of iron blood.

Fang Chuan smiled faintly: "Since Senior Sister Dao agrees with me, then I won't say much. I have once again broken through my realm, and there is no problem escorting Senior Sister Dao back.

"Thank you." Dao Fengqing still has injuries on her body, but she is not good to let Fang Chuan treat her injuries, but Fang Chuan promised to **** her back, and she was still very happy.

Of course, she knew that Fang Chuan killed the four core disciples and wanted to **** her back, just to let her testify to him.

Otherwise, killing the four core disciples is not a joke!

"You have an injury, just treat your injury here. I just broke through and I want to stabilize the realm, and once again push my strength to the strongest in this realm."

Fang Chuan said, then looked at Long Jingyu and said, "The three of you should also take the opportunity to practice and understand the profound meaning of fighting."

"Yes." Long Jingyu nodded hurriedly.

They are also shocked!

Fang Chuan fought and broke through again. They have fought so many fights in their lives, and they have not seen it break so easily!

However, thinking that Fang Chuan and Zhang Dingsheng had been fighting hard enough before, he beat his hands to the skeleton.

But fortunately, when Fang Chuan broke through, his body was shining, and he healed directly, and he seemed to be stronger!

What an evildoer!

The three of Long Jingyu listened and sat cross-legged, starting to practice and comprehend Fang Chuan's battle.

Dao Fengqing, who was on the side, wanted to ask how Fang Chuan returned to his peak state immediately after breaking through, but she thought about it and didn't ask.

After all, this is Fang Chuan's secret, it is a taboo to talk shallowly and deeply!

Now everyone is mainly in a cooperative relationship. Of course, Fang Chuan saved her life, and she still remembered it in her heart.

Thinking of this, she began to use exercises to heal her injuries.

"This person can't die."

Fang Chuan glanced at Dao Fengqing faintly, and shook his head. He had to rely on the upper level of Taixuanmen to take him back to the Heavenly Dragon Star Territory, so he couldn't mess around.

Dao Fengqing has Dao Wang Dou Huang as her backing, she testifies to herself, that is no problem.

He smiled, and then his divine consciousness gushed out, waved his hand, hit a spiritual barrier, isolated himself from them, and then began to practice.

Pill Fire Art, the cultivation technique of the Combined Realm, and reached the level of the Peerless Saint Grade Cultivation Technique, plus he still has some resources, and he cultivated to the double peak of the Combined Realm in one breath, no problem!

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