The Strongest Medical Immortal in the City

Chapter 3105: Breakthrough, double-body realm!

"Ha ha."

Zhang Dingsheng's face showed sneer, even if he used the lives of two companions?

As long as this person dies, everything is worth it!

This person is still too young!


While he was thinking, Fang Chuan suddenly appeared, and the ice-bound power of time surging out once again, covering these two people.

Next, the terrifying power of thunder broke out, gathered together, turned into a long sword, and slashed towards the person beside Zhang Dingsheng.


That person was already a first-grade half-step Dou Huang, similar to the previous Sun Yifeng, and he also had a place in Taixuanmen.

However, at this moment, he actually felt so helpless, so dangerous, and despair came to his heart.

How to do?

Why is this person so strong?

"Ha ha!"

Just when this person looked at a loss and despair, Zhang Dingsheng sneered next to him, breaking through the ice-bound power of time and slashing out.

The power of this knife has increased a bit compared to the last time, and the power exploded, and the space heard the sound of tearing and shaking.

He has confidence on his face!

This time, this person can definitely be killed!


At the next moment, the long sword transformed from Fang Chuan's Great Leiyin sword aura penetrated Zhang Dingsheng's companion, and Zhang Dingsheng's sword light had already been cut in front of Fang Chuan.

With a bang, Zhang Dingsheng's companions burst in an instant, and Da Leiyin's sword qi harvested one and a half step Douhuang powerhouses at a time.

The sound of the burst, shaking the earth.

Almost at the same time, Fang Chuan heard a burst of light from the sword, the light of the sword almost enveloped him, and his eyes were full of blinding light.


Fang Chuan roared and punched out. This punch was obviously a long-standing punch. Before he made a move to kill Zhang Dingsheng's companion, he was already gaining momentum.

Therefore, this punch was more terrifying than the one that killed Zhang Dingsheng's companion.

In the blink of an eye, the two forces collided together, and the roar was transmitted, the situation changed color, the big earthquake shook, and the fifth and sixth rank monsters in the distance roared.


The place where the two were fighting, the ground was completely cracked and criss-crossed, like a gully, it was shocking to see!

"Don't run away?"

Fang Chuan took a knife from the opponent, and his figure shook, but he was already severely injured. The sword glow in his body continued to surge, but instead of disappearing, he threw himself at Zhang Dingsheng.

Zhang Dingsheng sneered again and again, and slashed with a knife. One knife was more fierce than one, and Fang Chuan was completely breathless.

The loud crackling sound continued, and Fang Chuan's fist was shining with golden light, fighting against Zhang Dingsheng frantically.

The bigger Zhang Dingsheng became, the more frightened he was. He didn't expect that this kid who had originally thought to be caught would be so powerful that he could fight him!

However, he is not worried!

Not surprisingly, this person is not his opponent. Among the first-rate half-step fighting emperor, he is the peak powerhouse, and few people can beat him.

And this person has not yet reached the second-grade level.

His sword mang continued to kill Fang Chuan, and Fang Chuan was suppressed. There were cracks everywhere on Fang Chuan. The sword mang stood on him without breaking his hands and feet, but cracks appeared!

Not only the body, but also the internal organs, all cracks appeared!

"Oh my God, don't you guys do it yet?" Dao Fengqing was stunned when she saw the scene in front of her, and her whole body was shaking a little.

She is a first-grade half-step fighting emperor, but she has been under the wings of her father, and this time the battle of life and death is also the first time.

He had never seen a terrifying battle like Fang Chuan and Zhang Dingsheng.

"It's not the time yet!"

Ji Haiyi stared at the battlefield, but waved his hand. It was not that he was unwilling to do it, but that Fang Chuan spoke to them.

Zhang Dingsheng can't easily kill him. This is Fang Chuan's opportunity. As long as Fang Chuan persists, the bottleneck will be broken!

Once he breaks through, Fang Chuan will have the second-tier combat power to fight against Zhang Dingsheng.

That's right!

Fang Chuan is using Zhang Dingsheng as a sharpening stone. This is a very terrifying idea, and he has also launched an action!

This makes Ji Haiyi admire the five-body throwing on the ground, that is dancing on the tip of a knife, and you will die if you are not careful!

Boom boom boom...

The battle became fiercer and fiercer, and Fang Chuan's fists had been beaten to the point that only bones were left.

However, the golden bones were condensed with dazzling light, and the gathered power became stronger and stronger, and the fighting spirit became more and more surging.

He punched it out with his own momentum, and Zhang Dingsheng's expression became more and more serious.

Yes, although Zhang Dingsheng is still very confident that he can win, because he has been playing against Fang Chuan since he played against Fang Chuan.

Fang Chuan's injury is probably already very serious. It won't be long before he can't suppress it, it will be his chance to win.

Kill this person, bring his head to the eternal sage, and then exchange for his second and third-grade cultivation resources, as well as the eternal sage's guidance.



Zhang Dingsheng thought that this place was full of killing intent, the sword was soaring, and he increased his strength.

A series of swordsmans don't want to swept Fang Chuan like capital, Fang Chuan still didn't use other magic weapons, just fight with bare hands.

What kind of pain is this, when he broke through forcibly before, it was ten times more painful!

The power of thunder contained in his fist is also not trivial. With each punch, he feels his bottleneck loosens.

With each punch, he felt that his realm became more and more complete.

The fusion state is the fusion of soul and body. At this time, cultivation is one aspect, and fighting is also very important.

Each of his punches contained the power of divine consciousness, but Zhang Dingsheng's blade was so powerful that he almost reached his limit.

"Break it for me!"

After taking more than a dozen knives in a row, Fang Chuan really reached his limit. If he didn't break through, his internal organs would be broken.

Originally, he could give up, but this opportunity is rare. If he doesn't break through this time, the next troubles will be even more difficult to deal with!

Breakthrough is king!

He struck out dozens of punches in a row, and under the violent spray of golden blood in his mouth, the whole person was beaten back violently!


Zhang Dingsheng saw it, broke and stood, wanting to break through, dreaming!

He slashed frantically again, and every sword light turned into a dazzling training, enveloped Fang Chuan and cut off his path. This time, he wanted to make Fang Chuan completely lose his combat effectiveness.

"Not good!" Dao Fengqing became more nervous, and even wanted to make a move!


Fang Chuan also felt the terrible pressure, and the sense of crisis made his soul tremble. At that moment, he burst into extreme power and punched dozens of punches in an instant. Each punch contained his own spiritual power and the realm power of boxing. .


Fist shadow shakes the sky!

Afterwards, Zhang Dingsheng's sword light was blown by 90% between the sky and the earth, and another 10% stood on his body.

"No!" Dao Fengqing yelled as if she had brought it into her body.


Fang Chuan roared again, and finally, the golden light on his body was surging, the big body protection technique condensed, and the quality of infuriating energy improved.


Zhang Dingsheng's blade is broken!

His whole body is shining with golden light, and he has a double body state, breaking through!

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