The Strongest Medical Immortal in the City

Chapter 2793: The origin of the dragon

Fang Chuan's domineering voice sounded across the sky, with a condescending tone, and he did not give the mighty tentacle monster a chance to choose.

The Tentacle Monster itself is an extraterrestrial species with its own pride.

Therefore, he has always been unwilling to use human voices, and unwilling to transform into human beings.

However, Fang Chuan's terrible pressure came.

He understood that the person in front of him was no longer something he could easily deal with.

If you don't want to, and say a word, I'm afraid you will continue to suffer terrible blows.

"it is good!"

He surrendered, and there was a tumbling turbulence, and a feminine man in a long gown appeared in the eyes of everyone in the fierce tumbling of the hot lava.

"This—" Sun Sheng couldn't help but be speechless.

The fierce monster who had fought with him for so long turned out to be a feminine image, which made him very uncomfortable.

Emperor Xuanyuan also had a great sense of gap, which made him very uncomfortable.

"My name is Shilong, not the candle dragon in your human legend."

Zhulong said coldly: "This is the second time I have changed my human form. Don't make a fuss. It is already very good that you can breed strong people in your place!"

He said, waved his hand, buzzed, and the whole space changed.

A luxurious and exotic hall appeared in front of everyone. The ancient reliefs were eye-opening.

Shilong sat on the upper throne and looked at Fang Chuan and others: "I have been sealed for a long time, and I am a little uncomfortable. You can tell me what the situation is now."


Fang Chuan, Sun Sheng and Emperor Xuanyuan floated in front of Shilong, almost sitting on an equal footing with him.

A faint displeasure flashed in Shilong's eyes.

He had already slapped each other to death with his tentacle.

But now obviously not.

He said coldly: "You can talk about it. After you have said it, I will tell you what you want to know, including my origin."

"it is good."

Fang Chuan nodded, and quickly described the current situation in the simplest language, but in fact, there was nothing to say except the tremendous changes in the world.

Later, he said: "This world is no longer the world you know, but it is not a world where you can do whatever you want."

"Okay, I see."

Shilong gave a sullen smile: "The people who sealed me at the beginning seem to have died almost, and only the old guys like Guangchengzi are left, but I can also see that you don’t let me seek revenge, so I Let them go for now."

He waved his hand: "Now I will tell you where I came from."

When he said this, he paused and looked at Fang Chuan and their faces.

Fang Chuan also showed a hint of expectation.

He has already calculated that this touch dragon should be related to alien creatures that are constantly approaching the earth, or a person in another more powerful galaxy.

"This world was originally a moral world. 100 million years ago, because of disasters, the supreme **** used the art of reincarnation to form the second reincarnation."

Shilong said calmly: "Although the art of reincarnation has returned the entire world to the past, great changes have already taken place."

"The book of morality and the heavenly seal of merit are scattered in every corner of the entire world, and the moral world is not as strong as before!"

"However, the powerhouses in the core area of ​​the great moral world all have their ultimate goal of retrieving the seal of merit and the parts of the moral book!"

"Once these pieces are collected, and the ancient gods are summoned, it is possible to reach the level of the heavenly monarch of morality and virtue!"

"However, the moral world is too big. Even if they spend their entire life, it is difficult to reach all corners, let alone find the parts of the gods that may appear in any corner."

"So, there is a creature like me!"

"The young master of our Tianlong Star Territory distributes the seeds of creatures like us to every corner of the great world in a special way."

"We became the vanguard, investigating whether a world has the parts of the gods, but unfortunately, I just found out that this world has the parts of the gods, the seal of merit."

"So, I seized a piece of fragments, and when I was about to send a signal to our young master, I was sealed by you here."

"After thousands of years, I finally launched the signal, but, later, I regretted it!"

Shilong said slowly, but Fang Chuan understood many things.

The fragments of the heavenly seal of merit when touching the dragon.

He comes from the Tianlong Star Territory.

The alien invaders also come from the Tianlong star field.

"Why do you regret it?" Fang Chuan asked lightly while looking at Zhulong.

"Because we are humble, once the people of the Tianlong Star Territory arrive, not only will they seize the parts of the divine object, but also will occupy this planet!"

Shilong sneered: "At that time, we may even be directly obliterated because of being too humble. Even if it is not obliterated, we will be taken back to become slaves!"

"I am Shilong, I don't want to be a slave to humans!" He finally broke out with a roar.

"A human slave?"

Fang Chuan raised his brows, "It turns out that the Tianlong Star Territory is also the world of humans. The entire moral world is the world of humans, right?


Shilong nodded and said grimly: "But, I just don't agree, what can you do to me?"

"Are you crazy?" Sun Shengbai glanced at the dragon: "I can understand your madness after being sealed, but if you see the situation clearly, Brother Fang wants to kill you, can you still survive?"


It was true that Zhilong had caused great emotional fluctuations just now because of the narration of the previous events, and finally at this moment, he reacted.

He recovered his calm and said: "The moral world is huge, and the Heavenly Dragon Star Territory, also known as the Heavenly Dragon Empire, governs a large area of ​​stars."

"However, in the great moral world, there are at least tens of thousands of such star fields. You said that the great moral world is the ruler of mankind, but I don't think so."

"However, all Star Territories are actively looking for ancient gods, hoping to command the entire moral world."

"Your Earth, the Yanhuang World, is just a remote area of ​​the Heavenly Dragon Empire. Your solar galaxy is too small."

Touching the dragon said, looking at Fang Chuan: "You should also know that the messenger of the Heavenly Dragon Empire is coming soon. Without my help, you would not be able to escape such a disaster."

"How do you help us?" Fang Chuan asked calmly.

"I won't tell you for the time being. I know they have half a year to come. Within half a year, I will find you to discuss cooperation."

Shilong said, "Of course, in this, we live together peacefully, how about?"

"I can promise you for the time being." Fang Chuan nodded, his brain is also running quickly, the credibility of touching the dragon is not too high.

This person must have his own plans.

Fang Chuan suddenly changed his words: "Of course, all the premise is that you give me the fragments of the Heaven Seal of Merit!" "What?" Shilong's face sank.

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