The Strongest Medical Immortal in the City

Chapter 2792: Immortal level physical body!

"This is too much, right?"

Sun Sheng saw that Fang Chuan rushed into the tribulation so brutally, he didn't take the tribulation seriously, and his heart trembled.

As a monster race, they have an instinctive fear of Heavenly Tribulation.

However, even if Fang Chuan is a human being, should he keep a low profile in front of the catastrophe, and give the catastrophe the minimum respect?

However, they all saw that Fang Chuan didn't take the Heavenly Tribulation seriously.

Boom, boom——

Heavenly Tribulation seemed to be very angry, and the thunder blasted down, causing cracks in the space, causing the world to shake wildly.

Every thunder tribulation smashed down, as if it could destroy everything.

The light flickered so that only Thunder Tribulation remained in the entire world.

Of course, there was also a figure in it, sitting still, sitting cross-legged amidst the dense thunder.

Let the thunder strike him again and again.

A red flame appeared in his dantian, and then the flame filled his entire body.

That is a melting pot!

The projection of the Immortal Venerable Furnace completely enveloped it.

There is thunder outside, and a melting pot inside.

During this period of time, Fang Chuan suffered a pain that no one else could understand.

He was almost on the verge of life and death.

However, his physical body seemed to be continuously beaten by a chain of forged weapons, and all the invisible impurities of the flesh were beaten out under the smelting of the furnace.

At the same time, his divine consciousness is still constantly engraving one by one profound formations.

The previous formation is changing.

A tyrannical breath passed from him.

The refining mirror, moonblade, his physical body, and the five magic beads are all being tempered at this time, and their quality is getting higher and higher.


What's even more jaw-dropping is that some precious refining materials continue to appear around his body, which, under the influence of the furnace and thunder, melted into particles and merged into his body.

He really regarded his body as a magic weapon for refining.

"He is really a terrible person!" Sun Sheng couldn't help taking a sip of water.

He claims to be knowledgeable!

He has also seen some monks who use his body as a magic weapon to cultivate, but he has never seen one who cultivates in this way!

Boom, boom——

The excitement of the scene cannot be described in words, and wonderful changes are taking place every moment, which makes people feel dizzy.

Emperor Xuanyuan's shock from the initial surprise to the present shock has even made him completely forget his fear of Heavenly Tribulation.

They all looked at Fang Chuan intently, feeling the ever-changing, tyrannical aura from him.

Even looking at the thunder catastrophe under the rain, it seemed that the entire sky was bombarded into powder.

However, Fang Chuan remained unmoved, even if the Thunder Tribulation now far exceeded what he should endure, a cultivator of the Nascent Soul Realm.

Even more than what a cultivator of Aperture Realm should bear.

The electric energy contained in every thunderbolt may be enough for the largest city in the world to use it for a thousand years, or even more.

It is conceivable that this kind of thunder catharsis is a catharsis of terrifying energy!

Explosion, constant explosion!

However, Fang Chuan only regarded it as a kind of exercise.

His body was glowing with golden light, Moonblade, the refining mirror, and five magic beads, at this moment, there was a faint feeling of fusion.

They are all shining.

The powerful array symbols flashed in Fang Chuan's body.

He gives a feeling of explosion anytime, anywhere.

"Five Nine Thunder Tribulation!"

"Six Nine Thunder Tribulation!"

"Seven Nine Thunder Tribulation!"

"Does he have to endure eight or nine thunders?"

Sun Sheng couldn't help being dumbfounded.

Afterwards, the facts told him, indeed, the Eight-Nine Thunder Tribulation blasted down without hesitation, and the whole world seemed to be full of electricity.

Every time Fang Chuan endured, it seemed to form a black hole.

Under the seventy-first thunder tribulation, Fang Chuan suddenly opened his eyes, and his physical body seemed to have reached its limit.

He raised his head suddenly, affecting that terrifying thunder tribulation.


He took it!

The terrifying impact caused a qualitative change in his body. In an instant, the sky fell in disorder, and brilliant rays of light fell from the sky.

Jieyun was broken by smallpox.

The sound of Faluo Tiangu came from the horizon, and it seemed to be an illusion.

A ray of light shining on Fang Chuan, his body that was already somewhat damaged, suddenly recovered and was intact.

The robbery cloud completely dissipated.

The Eight or Nine Tribulations actually dissipated!

This broke everyone's imagination, which was unexpected!

Fang Chuan's body showed an absolute perfection, a tyrannical aura, which was transmitted as the formation runes in his body flowed.

He himself is a magic weapon at the fairy level!

His physical strength, at this moment, had directly increased to the eighth level of the Out of Aperture Realm.

With a single punch, he could explode with incredible power.

And the five magic orbs, fused with his body, are now no longer the previous magic orbs, but a brand-new fairy-level magic weapon.

Their abilities have been improved by leaps and bounds.

With the power of Nine Candles covered, Fang Chuan's power immediately reached the Nine Layers of the Aperture Exiting Realm.

An incredible breakthrough!

To his satisfaction, he couldn't help but let out a loud and earth-shaking howl.

At that moment, almost all the creatures around them crawled on the ground.

"My goodness!"

Sun Sheng originally thought that Fang Chuan would be able to break through to the first level of Nascent Soul Stage, which was enough, but he did not expect such a terrifying breakthrough.

He already felt that he might not be Fang Chuan's opponent anymore.

"Thunder Arrow!"

Fang Chuan suddenly bent his bow in the void, and suddenly, the thunder accumulated in front of him into a divine arrow, and then went through with a swish.


The next moment, one of the tentacles of the terrifying tentacles suddenly burst, and the terrifying thunder burst out, causing it to roar in pain and anger.

A whole tentacle burst!

Sun Sheng is dumbfounded!

He fought the tentacles for so long, and he didn't damage the tentacles of the tentacles. His breakthrough was so terrifying?

"Come again!"

The corner of Fang Chuan's mouth was hooked, very satisfied with the attack just now, Void drew his bow, and suddenly, another terrifying Thunder Arrow appeared.

The power of his thunder has now surpassed the power of the flame in his body.

Because of the Eight or Nine Tribulations, he almost absorbed it.


A sharp voice came through. This is the first time the tentacle monster made a human voice: "You and I are not yet enemies of life and death, we can cooperate!"

Boom, boom——

As he said, he slapped his terrifying tentacles to express his inner anger.

This person is too much!

"Haha!" Fang Chuan laughed, put away the Thunder God Arrow, and then stared at the tentacle monster: "In that case, you can transform yourself into a human, if not, don't talk about it!"

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