The Strongest Medical Immortal in the City

Chapter 2754: The identity of Xia Di

At this moment, they all have a sense of being unsuccessful, and relatively weak people even have an ominous premonition.

Xia Di's laughter was still resounding.

"Great Emperor, why do you treat me like this!"

Tuobaya also felt the uncontrollable power in his body, causing him to burst out a stern roar.

Not afraid of death.

It's a sense of powerlessness being abandoned and calculated.


Takuya almost exploded.

"The real dragon guards, the world is sealed, the emperor!"

However, at this moment, Fang Chuan's indifferent voice spread between the heavens and the earth, and a real dragon rose into the sky, turning into a guardian light, and enveloped them.

At the same time, special fluctuations, centered on Fangchuan, surged in all directions.

This wave of fluctuation immediately freezes all space wherever he goes, as if even the world is about to be sealed by him.

They had blew themselves up and couldn't be saved, their shock wave and venting energy penetrated the seal of heaven and earth, and blasted on the guardian of the true dragon.

The guardian of the true dragon shook constantly, but there was no sign of cracking.

And those who were about to explode but did not explode, under the seal of heaven and earth, the uncontrollable terrifying power in their bodies disappeared.

Bang bang bang...

Fang Chuan waved his hand, and the deadly magic weapon on the more than 800 people present was suddenly shattered by the power he inspired.

These people survived.

They have a feeling of being left behind.


Xia Di's laughter stopped abruptly, as if it was a duck that was yelling, pinched by the throat, his face was hard to see the extreme.

He looked at Fang Chuan, his eyes widened.

He knew from Emperor Vast Sky that Fang Chuan's strength had advanced by leaps and bounds, and he had almost reached the realm of emperor.

However, he did not expect that the self-detonation of nearly two hundred strong men who were enough to kill the emperor would be blocked by him.

His guardian light was not even broken.

And as soon as he shot, he demonstrated the exquisite sealing technique, saving all the more lethal people who were about to explode.


Emperor Xia was here to perform this frenzied task, and also wanted to look at Fang Chuan's painful expression or watch him die.

But now it is clear that he was wrong, he could never see this scene at all, so he immediately understood that he must escape.

"Want to run?"

However, Fang Chuan hadn't done anything yet, Nightmare Wutian had already appeared in front of Emperor Xia, and the absolute difference in strength gave Emperor Xia no room for resistance.


Nightmare Wutian grabbed it casually, and the **** hand suddenly condensed, grabbing Xia Di in his hand, and threw it under the portal of the sky with a bang.

"Ah!" Xia Di couldn't help screaming, Nightmare Wutian was not polite to him, and it almost broke his Dantian in just one shot.

Xia Di's face was pale, and the pain made him tremble.

"Fang Chuan, you are just lucky, but you still have to die. The emperor will never let you go!"

Xia Di roared again and again, he knew that he had no way to survive.

He wants to vent crazy!


Nightmare Wutian slapped Xia Di's face with a slap, and drew Xia Di away, his face swollen like a pig's head.

"How can you talk about my master casually? Your dog's life is now in our hands. Anyone present can make you better than dead!"

The nightmare has no killing intent. He was transformed by Fang Chuan, and he is Fang Chuan's fanatical follower. Anyone who is disrespectful to Fang Chuan is his enemy.

"What?" Xia Di's face changed drastically: "Master?"

This monarch-level master in front of him is actually Fang Chuan's entourage?

This is impossible!

The same people, why is the gap so big?

His mind almost collapsed!

"Di Xia, Emperor Vast Sky can abandon these loyal guards at will, and he can abandon you at will."

Fang Chuan looked at Emperor Xia faintly: "You are just a piece of his chess piece. When you are useless, he will give up you without hesitation."

He paused: "So you are just a poor man, born to be used by others, and you have no right to choose."

"You--" Xia Di's mind was greatly traumatized, and his anger could hardly be suppressed. He wanted to get up and fight Fang Chuan desperately, but as Fang Chuan said, he had no right to choose.

The powerful aura of Nightmare Wutian suppressed him from moving at all.

He is in pain!

But nothing can be done.

Fang Chuan glanced at him disdainfully, and shook his head: "Wu Tian, ​​be merciful today to make him die a little bit more painful, and go to reunite with Yaoyu Goose earlier!"


Nightmare Wutian nodded, sneered, and looked at Xia Di, who was shaking all over.

Emperor Xia had a strong desire to survive.


Under the powerful aura of Nightmare Wutian, he unexpectedly knelt on the ground. He looked at Fang Chuan, "I beg you not to kill me!"

"Reason?" Fang Chuan smiled faintly.

"Build wood."

Emperor Xia quickly said, "Do you know why Vast Sky Great Emperor betrothed his illegitimate daughter to me? Do you really think it is because of my talent?"

He shook his head: "He just because I was an abandoned baby from Jianmu World, and my parents fled Jianmu World."

"And I am a resident of Jianmu World, his next goal is to enter Jianmu World, want to integrate with Jianmu, and break through to the limit of the Aperture Realm in one fell swoop!"

He looked at Fang Chuan: "I also know your goal. I have a better understanding of Jianmu World. The memories my parents left behind for me have awakened in my mind!"

He trembled all over, lowered his head, no longer arrogant: "I beg you to let me go, I will help you enter the world of Jianmu, I will help you deal with Jianmu!"


Fang Chuan raised his brows. He thought it was just a meaningless sniper, but he didn't expect that Emperor Xia would have such an identity.

He is not from the Xia family at all.

It comes from Jianmu World.

That mysterious and powerful world.

"it is good."

Fang Chuan nodded and waved his hand: "Wu Tian, ​​be optimistic about him!"


Nightmare Wutian nodded quickly, pinched a magic trick, and suddenly a black light flashed into Xia Di's body.

Xia Di suddenly let out a scream, followed the whole body shivering, and then showed a submissive expression.

In his body, Nightmare Wutian hit a time bomb. As long as there is any change in him, Nightmare Wutian can subdue it in the first time.

He understood that he had completely become Fang Chuan's prisoner.

At the beginning, he didn't look down on Fang Chuan at all.

Things are impermanent!

"Let's go, there is not much time left for us."

Fang Chuan waved his hand, and a group of them immediately turned into rays of light, rushed into the portal of the first heaven, penetrated through layers of space, and arrived at the fourth heaven, the floating island where the black hole of the extremity is located.

Revisit the old place.

The huge phantom of the Huanghuang, shrouded on the black hole, exudes a breath of suffocation.

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