The Strongest Medical Immortal in the City

Chapter 2753: Xia Di reappears

The entrance of Jueyu is not in the first heaven, but in the fourth heaven, and the entrance and exit are all under the control of the four emperors.

For some powerful beings, to leave First Heaven, the handwriting of Emperor Vast Sky is needed.

However, Fang Chuan naturally didn't care about these things.

In a short while, they had already arrived at the entrance of the first heaven.

Like a huge portal where the Three Heavens was located, it was heavily guarded. Seeing their terrifying existence arrived, all of them showed horror.


However, where they were responsible, they were ordered by the Great Emperor Vast Sky. After seeing them for the first time, they immediately rushed up.

Above the portal, there are densely packed with thousands of guards. Everyone has a powerful magic weapon and wants to stop Fang Chuan and them.

They are all powerhouses of the seven or eight layers of the Nascent Soul Realm.

However, here, they are just guards guarding the door.

Between them, the breath is connected, and each person is shining with a light red light, forming a powerful formation between each other.

These thousand of them, even if they are the strongest of the first level of the Aperture Stage, they can resist for a long time.

They were full of confidence at first, but facing these twenty people, each of them was at least a strong person out of the Aperture Realm.

"Without the order of the Great Emperor Vast Sky, no one can enter and leave the heavens at will. This is a ban. Two emperors, sirs, please forgive me.

The leader stopped in front of them. He was a strong man who had half-stepped out of the Aperture Realm, and was the leader here.

"Tuo Ba Zai, I recommended you at the beginning. I didn't want to kill you. Moreover, this is no longer something you can intervene. Go away."

The Great Emperor Ziwei glanced at Tuoba Zai coldly, the murderous intent on his body was not trivial, causing Tuoba Zai and others to breathe.

They never thought that one day they would confront these powerful emperors.

However, they were under the command of Emperor Vast Sky, and if he violated Emperor Vast Sky's order, he would only have a dead end.

"I'm sorry, Emperor Ziwei."

Tuoba Zai sighed, "Since I have followed the Great Emperor Vast Sky, even if I die, I can't betray him."


The sword in his hand was shining with the brilliance of the treasure, exuding a murderous aura, and the breath of half-step out of the Aperture Realm was fully revealed.

Around his body, there was a wave of sword lights circulating, ready to go, as if he was about to do it.

Emperor Ziwei is murderous.

"Haha, Tuoba, you are doing a good job!"

Suddenly a laughter sounded, and the next moment, Xia Di, dressed in white, appeared in front of everyone.

His breath is a hundred times stronger than before.

However, extremely unstable!

Fang Chuan understood that it was possible that Emperor Vast Sky had used some secret methods of the Heaven Seal of Merit in order to enhance Emperor Xia's strength.

This is tantamount to facilitating growth and limiting any possibility of Xia Di's future.

However, in any case, the current Emperor Xia has basically reached the level of Yao Wuyue at the beginning, the pinnacle of leaving the Aperture Realm in half a step.

"You messengers and thieves, wanting to oppose the emperor, you are looking for death."

Emperor Xia's gaze swept across everyone, and then concentrated on Fang Chuan, revealing a light full of hatred.

Fang Chuan not only snatched his position as the first person in the younger generation, but also killed his fiancée and robbed him of Xuanyuan Yourong, whom he had always coveted.

This hatred is not shared!

"Di Xia, you are just an ordinary genius, even if you get the promotion of the Heaven Seal of Merit, you are already exhausted!"

Emperor Ziwei sneered and looked at Emperor Xia: "You are just a **** in Haotian's hands. Where can your confidence want to stop us?"

"I'm not going to stop you?"

The corner of Xia Di's mouth twitched, and his face was full of confidence: "I know what you are going to do, the emperor can't get away now, so we know we can't stop you completely, but we can weaken your strength!"


After he finished speaking, the whole person flew to the sky at once, and then waved his hand: "Tuo Ba Zai, do it!"


Tuoba nodded, his eyes were firm, and the long sword in his hand waved: "Kill!"


His subordinates immediately burst out with a roar, followed by thousands of Nascent Soul Realm experts, burning red flames on their bodies, and then rushed towards Fang Chuan and the others.

They knew the gap with Fang Chuan, so they started desperately when they got started.

"It still doesn't work."

The Great Emperor Ziwei shook his head. Even if these people burned their origins and increased their strength several times, it was impossible to stop them.

Because they are too strong.

Moreover, there is an unfathomable Fang Chuan.


However, just when these guards burned their origins and were desperately fighting with Emperor Ziwei and others, suddenly, Emperor Xia laughed.

The smile was weird.

A light flashed in his hand, and there was an additional token, which was similar to the magic weapon that Tuoba Zai possessed, but had two days of majestic dragon.

He hit a magic trick, and then a puff of true energy penetrated into the token, buzzing, and a light burst into the sky.

Almost at the same time, the tokens on Takuya and the others shone with the same light.



Then, before everyone expected, the guards who had rushed to Fang Chuan blew themselves up.

Blasting was originally to explode all of your energy in the wildest, most terrifying, and most direct way.

A master at the eighth level of the Nascent Infant Realm blew himself up, and even a master at the first level out of the Aperture Realm could be injured or even seriously injured.

And at this moment, there are thousands of people.

The burst sounded like fireworks.


Emperor Xia let out a proud laugh. This game has been set up for a long time, using some insignificant weak men to blew themselves to weaken Fang Chuan's strength here.

Even, it is possible to directly blow up Fang Chuan this hateful person, what a delightful thing.

He even seemed to have seen Fang Chuan's death!

His whole body was shaking with excitement.

Even if Fang Chuan did not die, Fang Chuan lost these helpers, Fang Chuan would be a great blow, and he would be happy.

"Fang Chuan, go to death, this is a gift for you, haha!" He looked at the guards who blew up in the air, and laughed slyly.

Laugh wildly.

Very proud!

"not good!"

"be cheated!"

The Great Emperor Ziwei and others were also a little panicked at this moment, and they did not expect that these thousand guards would suddenly blew themselves up.

They are not dead men, they are living people. It is impossible for them to explode for the so-called loyalty!

Emperor Ziwei also understood that this might be the despicable handwriting of Emperor Haotian.

But all they can do is to spur a strong defense force and make the final resistance.

It is foreseeable that they will suffer heavy casualties!

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