The Strongest Medical Immortal in the City

Chapter 2750: My name is Huanghuang!

After a terrifying loud bang, the palace behind Taoist Zhenyuan turned into a dusty powder under Fang Chuan's fist shadow.

As if vaporized.

The sky is full of mist after explosion and vaporization.

At this moment, everyone feels what is invincibility, what is terror, and what is despair.

Fang Chuan's casual shots have exceeded their respected Master by a large margin.

Their master, in front of Fang Chuan, did not seem to have any resistance.

"All right."

Taoist Zhenyuan finally recovered, took a sip of water, and then looked at Fang Chuan feebly, he understood the gap between them.

It is not just a gap in strength, but also a gap in potential and growth.

He understood a truth, as long as Fang Chuan surpassed him, he would never be able to surpass him again.

He looked at Fang Chuan: "I just want to know what conditions you gave them."

"A holy-level technique for exiting the Aperture Realm contains the experience of comprehension and a promise that will allow you to have a place after the spatial integration."

Fang Chuan looked at Taoist Zhenyuan lightly: "It's not just you, those friends behind you, as long as those who have the shards of the Heavenly Seal of Merit, can receive a holy level exercise from me."

"Holy level exercises?"

Taoist Zhenyuan was moved once again. When Nightmare Wutian mentioned this before, he was already a little moved, but he didn't know if it was true or not.

Now he understands.

He hurriedly said: "Is this true?"

"Why should I lie to you?" Fang Chuan sneered: "Emperor Ziwei has obtained my holy level technique and has already been on the front line with me."

He pointed to Nightmare Wutian and them: "And they, who are already my followers, will return to my mortal forces with me in the future, and I will give them better resources."

The corner of his mouth twitched: "Don't talk about holy-level exercises, I also have king-level and noble-level exercises, but you won't be able to use it temporarily.

The conditions he threw out were enough to make everyone present show shocked expressions.

"Okay, I promise you."

Taoist Zhenyuan nodded: "Time is running out. I will change with you first, and then my friends will change with you. We have nearly a quarter of the Heaven Seal Fragments of Merit!"


Fang Chuan agreed.

The Taoist Zhenyuan handed over the shard of the Heaven Seal of Merit in his hand, which was just a fragment, about one-eighth.

Although Fang Chuan didn't make any specific improvements, at least Fang Chuan got more celestial seal fragments of merit.

The saint-level exercises made Zhenyuan Taoists ecstatic, as if opening up a whole new world.

Of course, because of his small number of fragments, Fang Chuan's holy-level exercises were naturally not as sophisticated as those of Emperor Ziwei.

The saint-level exercises include the utmost principles of the universe, of course, they are also divided into three, six or nine levels.

But it is also priceless!

Daoist Zhenyuan spent some time studying, and he couldn't put it down, and his breath also improved.

Afterwards, he was busy to inform his companions.

Among the casual cultivators, he has a high reputation and a powerful convening power.

A day later, five other people also arrived.

They add up to one-eighth of the fragments, but they have also condensed into several accessories, fused with the ten square jade seals.

Fang Chuan's strength has been improved again.

However, at the same time, it has reached its limit, and cannot merge at will, and has to wait for the next opportunity.

At this moment, Fang Chuan gathered a dozen masters who had left the Aperture Realm.

He almost pulled all the masters who had come out of the Aperture Realm into his camp.

He sent the message, and not long after, Emperor Ziwei and Emperor Xuanyuan, along with a few important figures, also came to the Wuzhuang Temple.

There are a total of fifteen out of the Aperture Realm, and they gathered here to form a powerful force.

But Fang Chuan became their backbone.

"You mean, don't go to the Great Emperor Vast Sky first, but go to the extremity, find the statue life, kill it, and then slowly deal with the Great Emperor Vast Sky?"

Taoist Zhenyuan already knew Fang Chuan's decision, but there were some worries faintly because Emperor Vast Sky had a greater threat to them.

"Not bad." Fang Chuan nodded.

"I support Fang Chuan."

Emperor Xuanyuan sat on the top and glanced at everyone: "Because that life I have seen, it was passed down from the previous cycle, and possesses powerful strength. If it weren't for being restrained, I am afraid that we would have all been killed.

Emperor Ziwei also nodded: "That is the most powerful existence I have ever seen. It is not something we can easily deal with if we are there. Once he joins forces with Emperor Vast Sky, we have no room for resistance."

"I agree." Although the Five Nightmare Wutians are Fang Chuan's servants, they are also qualified to participate in the discussion because of their strength.

They naturally support Fang Chuan.


Taoist Zhenyuan saw that most of the people supported Fang Chuan, and he no longer objected, but he said: "However, we must pay attention to one problem..."

He paused and said seriously: "The main reason why this mysterious statue does not pose a great threat to us is because he has no body."

He looked at Fang Chuan: "Once we go in, it is equivalent to giving him a body. If one of them is occupied and then let him run away, the consequences will be unimaginable."

"We naturally have to pay attention to this."

Fang Chuan nodded. This is what he was worried about: "However, it is impossible to give up dealing with him for this reason, because it is difficult for him to find a suitable body, but it is easy to catch one of you casually. ."

As he said, his gaze flickered, he looked through the Wuzhuang Temple formation and looked at a place far away: "Is it, statue?"


The statue life sneered, and a gloomy voice came from everyone's ears: "I solemnly introduce myself, my name Huanghuang, is the desert clan who dominates everything in the last cycle of the planet of the planet.

Huang Huang said again: "You're right, it's easy for me to find a physical body at random, but I most want to have your physical body."


While he was talking, suddenly there was an ear-splitting noise from the sky and the earth, followed by a terrifying sword light from the sky.

Very fast.

The implied laws of heaven and earth are full of lethality.

Everyone felt a kind of crisis.

The entrance to the secret realm of Wuzhuang Temple burst out loudly, and the hall where they were located was turned into ruins at an extremely fast speed along with the sword light.

"not good!"

"Be careful!"

The most powerful group of people in Yizhongtian was frightened and lost under Huang Huang's cut.


Fang Chuan sneered, stood up, then waved: "Guardian of the real dragon!"


The powerful defensive spells formed a real dragon, covering everyone.

Huang Huang's sword light also descended at this moment, annihilating each other with Fang Chuan's True Dragon Guardian, forming black holes on the edge.

Everyone held their breath!

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