The Strongest Medical Immortal in the City

Chapter 2749: Shocked Zhenyuan Taoist

The Wuzhuang Temple where Zhenyuan Taoist is located is actually under the jurisdiction of the Four Great Emperors, but because of his special circumstances, he can be safe and sound in this area.

Yang Tai had already returned to Wuzhuang Temple and told the Taoist Zhenyuan of what he had seen and heard. He actually wanted to remind Taoist Zhenyuan not to go against Fang Chuan.

However, he is only doing his own effort, and now if he is to make a choice, he will inevitably take Fang Chuan's side first.

Only after experiencing a series of incredible growth with Fang Chuan will he understand how terrifying Fang Chuan is.

Unfortunately, many people are unwilling to believe it.

Wuzhuang Temple is the same as before, hidden in a small Taoist Temple, located in a very good secret.

Fang Chuan led five powerful monks of evil ways to the outside of Wuzhuang Temple.

Nightmare Wutian and others have already told Fang Chuan everything they know about Jianmu World.

This information is helpful to Fangchuan, but it is also limited. After all, they are at a loss for Jianmu World.

They are just outside the Jianmu World, and they have no chance to enter the real Jianmu World.

Because that place conveys extremely dangerous information to them, and they dare not act rashly at all.

Just like the four emperors, they have great awe of Jianmu World.

However, Fang Chuan still wants to get the fragments of the Heaven Seal of Merit from Zhenyuan Taoist, this is the way to truly strengthen himself.

"Fang Chuan, are you back?"

A disciple of Zhenyuan Taoist, a strong man who had half-stepped out of the Aperture Realm, sensed a terrible aura, and hurried out to investigate, but found the six Fang Chuan people, which shocked him.

He looked at Fang Chuan carefully before daring to confirm that the person in front of him was the same Fang Chuan.

The temperament is completely different.

It made him feel a little uncertain.

What's more, behind Fang Chuan, there are five evil monks who are no less than his master Zhenyuan Taoist, making him look like a big enemy.

"You go and inform your master, I think he should know the purpose of my coming here." Fang Chuan waved his hand and didn't intend to tell this person more.

They are not yet qualified.

This person looked down on Fang Chuan before, but at this moment he did not dare to show any disrespect to Fang Chuan.

"it is good."

He nodded, then turned around and hurried to Wuzhuang Temple.

After he told all the information to the Taoist Zhenyuan, he was ordered by the master to bite the bullet and return to Wuzhuangguan again.

He has learned something from his master.

Their guess is that Fang Chuan may have been controlled by Xie Xiu.

"My master invites you in."

He said a word to Fang Chuan, and quickly led Fang Chuan and the others to the Wuzhuang Temple. His eyes stayed on Fang Chuan for a while.

He wanted to see if Fang Chuan was unusual, or if there was anything he wanted to convey his message, but he was disappointed.

The view of Wuzhuang is still the same as before. Above the high stairs, there is this huge portal, which shows the style of Wuzhuang view.

"This is really a good place, but it's so peaceful, it's impossible to cultivate any powerful characters." Nightmare Wutian said involuntarily.

The disciples of Taoist Zhenyuan were taken aback, for fear that these evil cultivators would do something that would hurt the heavens and the truth.

Fang Chuan saw the Taoist Zhenyuan again, and saw the Taoist Zhenyuan on the square of Wuzhuangguan, looking at them condescendingly.

But he saw a trace of worry from the face of Taoist Zhenyuan.

"Fang Daoyou, didn't you go to finish your work? How come you suddenly brought five Daoyou back?" Zhenyuan Daoist asked calmly.

"What I did before, do you not know?"

Fang Chuan sneered: "The current situation is different from before. It is impossible for you to resist the Great Emperor Vast Sky, but I can."

He paused and looked at Taoist Zhenyuan with his eyes like a knife: "You should also understand, what do I mean by this?"


Taoist Zhenyuan shook his head, with a firm expression in his eyes: "Before I asked you to hand over the shards of the Heavenly Seal of Merit, but you rejected me, but now, I cannot give you the shards of the Heavenly Seal of Merit!"

"Nothing is impossible."

Fang Chuan sneered and said: "When we all have the fragments of the Heavenly Seal of Merit, we will always be enemies, but when you put down the fragments of the Heavenly Seal of Merit, you will be protected by me. You should understand this. a little."

"Your shelter?"

Taoist Zhenyuan sneered and pointed to Nightmare Wutian: "You brought five evil cultivations to my view of the Five Villages. Is this your so-called shelter?"

He said again: "You clearly betrayed me at a critical moment in exchange for your own safety." He stared at the nightmare Wutian, "I know you five are notorious, you want to rob me." Fragment, it’s impossible, you should also know that my friends will not be weaker than you, if I were you, don’t believe this

In terms of human beings, immediately leave my five villages, and I can assume that nothing has happened. Do you understand what I mean? "

He is also in a showdown.

When he said all these words, everyone held their breath, looked at everything in front of them, and seemed to feel that Fang Chuan and the others could kill anyone anytime, anywhere.

Wuzhuang Temple might be directly slaughtered by these five evil cultivators.

"Ha ha."

Nightmare Wutian shook his head and sneered: "You are wrong, a big mistake, the master did not kill us, but taught us the holy-level skills of leaving the Aperture Realm, so that we are fortunate to be able to follow him. It is already us. Great luck."

He dismissed a smile: "Do you think he is threatened by us?"

Jinnaruo also stepped out and pointed to the Taoist Zhenyuan: "I advise you, listen to our master, you will be infinitely useful, otherwise, you will only have a dead end."

Murderous intent came out of them.

At that moment, the disciples up and down in the Wuzhuang Temple felt a tingling scalp and extremely dangerous aura that made them shiver.

Some people even have weak legs.

Daoist Zhenyuan was even more shocked, his eyes widened, he had never thought that Nightmare Wutian would say such things.

These five famous Jiang Yang thieves in the world of casual cultivators, all evil-doing characters, actually took refuge in Fang Chuan's subordinate?

What can Fang Chuan do?

He also knows the details of Fang Chuan before. It is impossible for him to be able to suppress Nightmare Wutian and them in this kind of time?

"It seems you don't believe it anymore."

The corner of Fang Chuan's mouth twitched, his eyes drenched, and he suddenly stepped forward, suddenly exuding a terrifying breath.

But the next moment, he punched out, the world boxing contains the aura of heaven and earth, and suddenly a huge shadow of the fist was blasted out, which instantly enveloped Zhenyuan Taoist.

"Do not!"

Taoist Zhenyuan, as a powerful casual cultivator of the first layer of the Aperture Realm, felt a kind of despair at this moment.

He can feel the feeling of dying in the next moment.

He uttered a desperate cry, involuntarily, from the heart, and unable to resist.

He believed it! This terrifying man has really reached this incredible realm!

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