The Strongest Medical Immortal in the City

Chapter 2745: Seven layers of the Golden Core Realm, breakthrough!

Under the blessing of the Light of Merit, the Nine Night Pearl has also been greatly improved. Now once the Nine Night Pearl is used, Fang Chuan's whole person, including his aura, has completely disappeared.

A piece of night shrouded, in this gloomy bone mountain, although it seemed a little weird, it also achieved the effect of hiding the breath.

In the next moment, he has come to the valley.

In the valley, there are still crises everywhere, some bone spirits wandering in it, but the breath they give is still very terrifying.

A huge bone spirit, not even a human being, appeared in Fang Chuan's vision.

Fang Chuan's goal is him.

"Moonblade, cutting technique!"

Fang Chuan suddenly played a magic formula, without a trace of aura. Following that, the moon blade contained the light of the cutting technique, piercing through it like a meteor.


When the huge bone spirit discovered the situation and wanted to escape, it was too late.

It's too late!


The moon blade cut on this bone spirit, and the terrifying breaking power directly shattered his body into powder.

Only a powerful group of out-of-aperture aura remains!

At this moment, Fang Chuan was like a peerless assassin.


He was still in the night, and with a slight movement, he came to the bone spirit's remaining Aperture Realm Law, stretched out his hand, and the second group of Aperture Realm Law arrived in his mustard space.

Time passed a little bit.

In the deeper bone spirit valley, in front of Fang Chuan was another huge bone spirit that was shattered by the destruction power of the cutting technique.

"The twentieth one."

Fang Chuan stretched out his hand to catch the out-of-aperture aura left by this bone spirit, and then entered the mustard space with a happy smile on his face.

Twenty groups of out of the Aperture Realm aura was circulating in the mustard space, which was actually enough for his breakthrough this time.

In the previous battles, some assassinations succeeded easily, and some struggled to succeed.

This is a great exercise for him.

The effect is excellent.

Now, his goal has basically been achieved.

"Find a place to refine the aura of these twenty groups out of the Aperture Realm, and break through to the seventh level of the Golden Core Realm, so that you are qualified to face the Great Emperor Vast Sky."

Fang Chuan smiled, his eyes fell in a cave in front of him.

He didn't know which part of the cave was the corpse of the dead alien demon, but he visually observed that the cave would be very deep.

The outside was full of bone spirits with corpse poison, and he had to find a relatively hidden place.

It's very nice here.


He put away the night of Jiuyezhu and directly entered the cave. The cave was very deep. He stepped on the mysterious footwork in it, and walked forward for half an hour without reaching the deepest point.

There was nothing on the way, and it was terribly quiet.

The deeper he went inside, Fang Chuanyue felt a dangerous aura that passed from inside.

However, he needed this place, no matter how dangerous he had to go in, after all, the cemetery of the demon of the sky was originally a very dangerous place.

There are still enemies waiting outside.

He must break through as quickly as possible.


After advancing for another quarter of an hour, his eyes suddenly opened up, and he entered a huge space with a huge bone coffin inside.

The bone coffin was floating in the air, surrounded by green corpse poison.

It was terribly quiet.

It looks very strange.

Fang Chuan stopped, observed for a moment, and then took a step forward, scanning out the divine sense, exploring the contents of the coffin.


However, at this moment, as soon as the divine sense touched the bone coffin, it immediately made a vulture-like laugh.

With a bang, the bone coffin suddenly opened.

A bone spirit clad in a white bone robe, holding a bone staff, and full of green corpse poison, rose to the sky.

He floated in the air and looked at Fang Chuan with a playful smile on his face.

Out of Aperture Realm Duo!

The bone staff in his hand was a little in the air, and suddenly green waves formed a ripple, sweeping towards Fang Chuan.

Without hesitation, the other party directly started killing.

This bone spirit is also terrible!

"True Dragon Bodyguard!"

Fang Chuan waved his hand, and a sound of dragon chants passed from him, following the golden light enveloped him, a golden dragon hovering in front of him.

Boom, boom——

The green corpse poison was shrouded in golden light and melted immediately.

The two forces annihilated and formed a huge shock.

Fang Chuan's body flashed with white Qi Healing technique to eliminate the corpse poison that leaked to him.

The opponent's corpse poison is too strong, and the exquisite control methods are even more invincible. If he does not have the art of Qi therapy, he may have been poisoned.


The brows of the second-level Bone Spirit in the Out-of-Aperture Realm frowned: "A master in the realm of God has the courage to come to our demon cemetery, haha, let you know what it means to come and go!"

This bone spirit seems to have a very high spiritual intelligence, and, in this demon cemetery, also has a very high status.

After all, his strength has surpassed the four emperors.

Although there may be more powerful presence in this cemetery, he is already one of the best.

Boom boom boom...

Nothing worked, he immediately performed a second attack, and between his wands, green corpses burst open.

Then, a special bone spirit with a small figure, but with many corpse poisons and stings, appeared in front of Fang Chuan.

With a wave of his hand, these bone spirits buzzed, carrying the terrible corpse poison, and blasted to Fang Chuan's body.

Whoosh whoosh...

Once they rushed over, they immediately shot the poisonous stimulus from the body, making the entire sky full of poisonous thorns.

It was as dense as heavy rain, forming a shock.

"True Dragon Guardian!"

Fang Chuan struck out a magic formula without urgency, and then a huge golden dragon enveloped his body and guarded his body.

A violent explosion sounded immediately, and the terrifying stinger continued to explode under the guardianship of his true dragon.

Poisonous gas permeated.

But at the same time, those special bone spirits had already arrived in front of Fang Chuan and exploded in suicide.

Although they haven't reached the Aperture-Exiting Realm, they are still half-step out of the Aperture-Exiting Realm. Once they explode, their power can be imagined.

Fang Chuan's body was immediately blasted back by the explosive force.

The guardian of his true dragon broke instantly.

And almost at this instant, the second-level bone spirit of the exiting aperture realm had already been killed, and a wand struck it fiercely.


His power is terrifying.

"Shi Fang Tian Wheel!"

As Fang Chuan's body retreated sharply, he shot a magic trick, and his body was suddenly golden, and then the Shifang Heavenly Wheel broke away from the Shifang Yuxi and spun out.

The light of merit enveloped it, and the rapidly rotating ten-square heavenly wheel also suddenly slashed towards the bone staff that the bone spirit had hit.

"Huh?" This bone inspiration responded to the nemesis-like aura brought to him by the ten-square heaven wheel, and his face suddenly changed.

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