There are dangers everywhere in the Bone Mountain, with big trees made of bones everywhere, and occasionally some spear-like bone spurs grow on the ground.

The bone spurs are sharp and unmatched, and contain strong evil poison.

Every place, there is a smell of carrion.

Fang Chuan could not fly, but his speed was not slow. Humans were like arrows, they had penetrated hundreds of kilometers in a moment and entered Bone Mountain.

Some of the bone spurs that flew out suddenly had the ability to break the gas shield, but Fang Chuan's consciousness could be discovered in advance.

Every time a bone spur appears, he and Tiandi Boxing will beat the bone spur into powder.

But he did not relax in the slightest.

He wants to go into the depths of the Bone Mountain, find what is condensed from the law of out-of-aperture, and conquer it and use it for himself.

Naturally, the more such things, the better.

But, so far, he has only seen some bone spirits transformed from Nascent Soul Spirit.

These bone spirits are not of a grade compared to the bone spirits encountered on earth before.

Of course, he is not who he was before.

Along the way, he has collected hundreds of powerful Nascent Souls.

However, these souls of the Nascent Soul were nothing but a drop in the bucket for his current cultivation base, and did not help at all.

The whistling sound of woof kept coming from the depths of Bone Mountain, and the dangerous aura became stronger and stronger.

Fang Chuan slowed down.

There is a valley in front of him, revealing a terrifying aura, and I don't know where the corpse is, or what kind of terrifying existence it has.


After a while, black rays of light suddenly surged on the ground, followed by a skull spirit climbing up from the ground.

There were various mysterious symbols on their bodies, and weapons in their hands. From the initial confusion to the murderous aura after seeing Fang Chuan, it was just a moment.

After that, they immediately rushed towards Fang Chuan.

Boom, boom——

Each of their moves contained great destructive power, even the bone spirits of the Nascent Infant Realm would be a certain threat to the general Out of Aperture Realm.

Their strength is not strong, but they are numerous, and if accidentally injured by their weapons, they will immediately suffer deadly corpse poison.

This kind of corpse poison is fatal to people who leave the Aperture Realm.

Therefore, the average out-of-aperture masters will not come here.

Emperor Xuanyuan, a figure who fought against the heavens and the earth, didn't even want to come here to find opportunities, but because of Fang Chuan's current situation, he must come here to find opportunities, and he gave Fang Chuan many suggestions.

"Heaven and earth martial arts, thunder burst!"

Fang Chuan roared and punched out his fists, and suddenly thunder surged, and the lightning bolts were like angry dragons, with the aura of heaven.

A roar came from these bone spirits.

They immediately exploded, and the corpse poisoned.

However, Fang Chuan's body gushed out the rays of Qi Healing technique, and these rays not only had a healing effect, but also had the ability to detoxify.

Qi therapy is the nemesis of all poisons.

Once all the corpse poison was illuminated by the Qi therapy technique, it immediately turned into a faint air.

In a short while, Fang Chuan used his powerful world boxing skills to blast the past, and the bone spirits of the Yuan Ying realm along the way turned into powder.

From the mouth of the valley to the middle of the valley, Fang Chuan came all the way and collected hundreds of Yuan Ying spirits.

These Yuan Ying spirits are very pure, the breath of the ancients, and possess a more pure Yuan Ying law.

Fang Chuan would not use these Nascent Souls. To him, Nascent Souls had no effect, but it would be of great benefit to his men.

A Nascent Infant Spirit can create a Nascent Infant Realm master.

When he returned to Earth, King Danzong's strength would inevitably rise to a great level.

He stopped in the valley, already sensing a powerful enemy, in a hidden place, staring at him.

He sneered, and his spiritual consciousness surged out.


The opponent seemed to be an extremely clever person, and the moment Fang Chuan's consciousness scanned it, he had already taken action.

A bone spear with green flames penetrated in an instant.

On the bone spear, there is the will to death.

The power of leaving the Aperture Realm caused the entire valley to vibrate, and the tip of the bone spear had cracks in space.


Fang Chuan's reaction was also extremely quick. Knowing the threat of the opponent, he gave a cold snort and blasted his punch out.

The power of Nine Candles also filled the whole body at this moment, and the terrifying power suddenly pushed to the extreme.

There was a loud noise and the bone spear exploded.

The green flames bloom like gorgeous fireworks, forming an aura that obscures human perception.

The extremely dangerous corpse poison was also surging in it.


A defensive ray of light surged from Fang Chuan's body, and a bone spirit full of green fire had already punched him.

On the snow-white bones, there are hair-like thorns, which seem small but very sharp.

Even if it resists his power, if he is not careful, his thin thorns will pierce the body shield, and the corpse will be injected into the opponent's body.

Once the corpse poison encounters blood, the air therapy technique may not be able to save it. This is the horror of the graveyard of the demon outside the sky.

Moreover, this is not the most powerful bone spirit!


Fang Chuan retreated sharply, and at the same time squeezed a magic trick with both hands, suddenly a fiery red thunder blasted out like an angry dragon.


The two collided, the thunder exploded, and the bone spirit was also greatly impacted and was immediately blown out.


But at the moment he retreated wildly, thin thorns shook out of his body, shooting like bullets.

The speed is so fast that people can hardly react. This killer move is also extremely insidious. If people don't pay attention, they will die.


Fang Chuan let out a cold snort, and another magic trick was shot, Dan's fire turned into a wall of fire, with the flames that burned everything, blocking him.

The thorns containing corpse poison were instantly refined by the pill fire, exploding like a grenade.


The corner of Fang Chuan's mouth twitched, a teleportation, unexpectedly appeared behind the bone spirit that had been locked by him.

"Huh?" Bone Spirit was about to prepare for the next lore opportunity, but suddenly felt the danger of jealousy, and was shocked.

"You are my first prey."

As Fang Chuan's indifferent voice sounded, a dazzling light flashed through his hand, which directly penetrated the point where the bone spirit's forehead contained black light.

With a bang, the bone spirit let out a scream, and then the head burst open.

Fang Chuan grabbed it casually, and a powerful wisp of out-of-aperture law, carrying billowing energy, fell into his hands.

The demon outside the sky is just a kind of extraterritorial creature, and the aura of the out-of-aperture realm contained in them is far purer than the four emperors.

Although it was only the first level out of the aperture, it was enough for him.

"This is just the beginning, just to hone my fighting ability."

Fang Chuan turned his hand, and the Law of Out of Aperture entered his mustard space, and then he melted into the darkness.

Jiuyezhu, activated. He is already eyeing the next prey!

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