The Strongest Medical Immortal in the City

Chapter 2739: Shifang Tianlun

The celestial seal fragments of merit are undoubtedly the foundation of Emperor Ziwei. When Fang Chuan made this request, he would naturally be so angry.

"I can consider any condition, but this condition is impossible."

The Great Emperor Ziwei stared at Fang Chuan like a knife, with an indisputable expression: "The fragments of the Heaven Seal of Merit cannot be given to you, even if the Great Emperor Vast Sky really can't resist it, you can't give it!"

"If you don't give it to me, you will give it to Emperor Vast Sky, and you have to take your life. Do you think your life is so worthless?"

Fang Chuan sneered, he naturally wouldn't give in, because his third purpose here was to collect the Heaven Seal of Merit.

The Celestial Seal of Merit is not just to be the king and hegemony on the earth, it is the most fundamental thing for the earth to stand in this world.

Therefore, he must get a hand.

Emperor Ziwei has his own wisdom and will never easily change his original intention because of Fang Chuan's words.

He sneered: "It is almost impossible for you or Vast Sky Great to kill me and seize the fragments of the Heaven Seal of My Merit."

He said again: "I want to escape, can you stop it?"

"You are too confident about yourself." Fang Chuan shook his head, and looked at Emperor Ziwei without letting go: "Emperor Vast Sky is stronger than you. When he didn't get the Heavenly Seal Fragment of Yaochi Stage, I was sure to Its beheaded, do you think I can’t kill you, or, Vast Sky is

After refining the merit of the Golden Lotus, can't you kill you? "

While he sneered, a breath of suffocation surged from his body, the power of fate, but it seemed to be a king over the world, looking at Emperor Ziwei indifferently.

Da Da Da -

The Great Emperor Ziwei took a dozen steps back in an instant, completely shocked by Fang Chuan's strength.


It was an oppression from the soul, a powerful force he had never seen before, and made him feel the difference between ants and humans.

This is just a feeling!

The Great Emperor Ziwei understood that this is also a kind of potential of Fang Chuan. If he is given enough time, he will definitely grow to this level.

Even higher!

While his soul was shaken, his eyes were even more puzzled. Fang Chuan's breakthrough speed was already jaw-dropping, and there was such a breath.

If he was just an ordinary person from the earth, he would not believe it if he was killed!

"Who are you? It is impossible for the mortal world to have such a terrifying existence as you. You are too mysterious. You are definitely not a person in our world!"

The words of Emperor Ziwei were a little nervous, but at the same time there was a kind of expectation, because their world urgently needed people like Fang Chuan to break.

They need a whole new world.

"It doesn't matter who I am. At least, I can tell you that the earth is my hometown, and I don't just do it for myself."

Fang Chuan sneered, but he became more mysterious, making Emperor Ziwei even more puzzled.

He said again: "You may not know that our earth is already facing a great danger. You should also know what is the composition of this world, and you should also know the true origin of the Heaven Seal of Merit."

He paused: "Do you think you can make yourself stronger if you keep holding the fragments of the Heaven Seal of Merit in your hand?"

"Or, do you think you have the ability to collect all the fragments of the Heaven Seal of Merit scattered on the earth?"

"In other words, you think you can face the future, predators from other worlds, you know, the predators who can come to the earth are basically not something you can fight against!"

"It's just going out of the Aperture Realm, it's just the starting point for contact and practice."

Fang Chuan's word by word changed the expression of Emperor Ziwei's face again and again, and every word he said hit the Emperor Ziwei's heart like a hammer.

"Can you do it?" Emperor Ziwei looked at Fang Chuan coldly.

Fang Chuan nodded: "Who is it for me?"

The huge self-confidence made Emperor Ziwei a bit suffocated, but after all, Emperor Ziwei was the overlord of one party.

He recovered quickly.

He looked at Fang Chuan: "Even so, the fragments of the Heaven Seal of Merit, after all, are my wealth. If you need him, you should exchange something with me!"

"this is very simple."

Fang Chuan smiled faintly: "You are not able to break through now. Firstly, the rules of this world are incomplete. Secondly, your understanding of the world is very poor. Thirdly, you don't have a powerful technique."

The corner of his mouth twitched: "I can give you everything you need, including the holy-level techniques for leaving the Aperture Realm."


The emperor Ziwei widened his eyes and was a little trembling with excitement. He took a step forward and quickly asked, "Do you really have one?"

"You should know that Yao Wuyue of the Yaochi realm is already a new emperor, right?"

Fang Chuan looked indifferent, as if he was telling a trivial thing: "And, I gave her all the techniques!"

He looked like a knife, with strong confidence, looking at Emperor Ziwei: "Seize the opportunity, not everyone has this opportunity."

The Great Emperor Ziwei was lost in thought, he kept looking at Fang Chuan, and then lowered his head.

As a dominant figure, for the first time in so many years, he encountered such a situation that made him uncertain.

Finally, he made a decision.

"it is good!"

The emperor Ziwei nodded: "Use a holy-level technique to get out of the Aperture Realm in exchange for the ten-square heaven wheel in my hand!"

The ten-pointed sky wheel is the fragment of the heavenly seal of merit.

In Fang Chuan's mind, there are endless exercises. Naturally, he has no problems with this business.

He looked at Emperor Ziwei: "First show me the ten-square heaven wheel."


Since the Great Emperor Ziwei had made a decision, he did not hesitate to wave his hand and hum, and a ripple immediately appeared in the space.

Afterwards, a uniquely shaped ten-square heaven wheel with a sacred golden light appeared in front of Fang Chuan.

Ten directions, there are sharp knife wheels, and each knife wheel is carved with mysterious and incomprehensible patterns.

The surging light of merit made the whole space peaceful.


Fang Chuan nodded: "If you trust me so much, I won't regret it, but before that, I can mention you, when you meet the right person, don't miss the opportunity."


After he finished speaking, with a wave of his hand, his divine consciousness surged, and the huge flow of information directly entered the mind of Emperor Ziwei.

The Great Emperor Ziwei resisted instinctively for an instant, and immediately discovered the content, which he had never seen before, mysterious, and carrying information about the essence of heaven and earth.

It seemed to have opened up a whole new world for him, allowing him to find the door to break the confusion.

He quickly began to accept this huge flow of information.

Holy level exercises, terrifying! When Emperor Ziwei's body received this technique, it was shining with wisps of purple light, as if the realm had already improved!

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