The Strongest Medical Immortal in the City

Chapter 2738: The choice of Emperor Ziwei

"court death!"

Shen Nong Ye gave a cold snort and roared, a bamboo vine full of purple thunder and lightning appeared in his hand, and he drew it towards Fang Chuan.


The two forces blasted in the air, followed by a violent explosion.

Shennongye stepped back more than ten steps in a row, and at the same time, to the shock of others, Shennongye's Purple Lightning was exploded, but Fang Chuan's empty hand grabbed it.

"you dare!"

Shennongye's reaction was also extremely fast, one move failed, and another move, a replica Shennong ruler drew towards Fang Chuan's empty hand like lightning.

There was another explosion, and Fang Chuan's emptiness was invincible. With just one click, he exploded the replica Shennong ruler.

Shennong Ye's mind was violently shaken, and the moment he spit out a mouthful of blood, he was caught by Fang Chuan's Void hand.


"court death!"

When the rest of the people saw this, they were shocked and shot, and quickly hit Fang Chuan's lifelong faculty, trying to save their big brother.

Suddenly, a flood of attacks enveloped Fang Chuan, tearing the space apart, giving people an extremely powerful sense of oppression.

However, this sense of oppression did not last long. Fang Chuan grasped Shennongye with a large empty hand and waved his other hand.


A strong wind swept out, and the attacks of these people suddenly blew up, exploded again and again, and turned into invisible.

Puff puff……

These people were backlashed by the strength, and they backed up one by one, some fell to the ground, some barely stood firm, but vomited blood.

Some people even have a feeling of suffocation or death.

"Do not!"

After Fang Chuan repelled all his senior brothers, Shennong Ye's body was grabbed by Fang Chuan's big empty hands and threw it out.

The immense power directly cast him into the center of the Ziji Bamboo Sea. He had no power to resist at all, and watched as he smashed into the purple sky thunder pond full of destruction at an extremely fast speed.

He felt like he was going to die there!


However, at this moment, a big hand suddenly grabbed from the sky, grabbed Shen Nong Ye, spurred a force of power, and sent Shen Nong Ye back to the floating island.


Shennongye was trembling all over, but he was relieved.

"Respectfully welcome Master." Shennong Changkong, who had not done anything, bowed towards the void.

A majestic figure appeared on the horizon, shining with purple light, but it was Emperor Ziwei.

"Meet Master."

"Master, please call the shots!"

The others hurriedly endured the pain, bowed their bodies, and saluted the Emperor Ziwei on the horizon respectfully.


The Great Emperor Ziwei looked indifferent, unable to see the slightest emotion, and then fell in front of the crowd, looking at Fang Chuan.

His gaze is like a knife, as if it can penetrate the human soul.

However, for the current Fang Chuan, there is not much pressure.

Fang Chuan at this moment is very different from before.

"You really did not disappoint me. In such a short period of time, you have improved so quickly and reached this point!"

Emperor Ziwei nodded, as if he was complimenting, but in fact, no one knew his true thoughts.

Fang Chuan shook his head: "This is nothing. Since the emperor wants to accept me as a disciple, why hasn't he been willing to meet me?"

He asked again: "I took the initiative to come, but you let your watchdogs embarrass me and want to kill me?"

The crowd was furious at what he said.

The Great Emperor Ziwei said: "This is just a test. Could it be that you can't even accept this test, that would disappoint me too much."

"What do the emperor think of me now?" Fang Chuan asked calmly.

"It is a manufacturable material." The Great Emperor Ziwei nodded.

"But, the emperor, you can be sure to teach me, or, what else can you teach me?" Fang Chuan said this, the rest of the people felt scalp numb.

This is the first person to dare to talk to the Great Ziwei like this.

The Great Emperor Ziwei smiled and said, "Let me go to the Ziji Hall. I have some questions for you. You will not be disappointed."

After speaking, he turned into purple light and flew towards a huge floating island above.

Fang Chuan followed.

The Ziji Hall was huge, and the Great Emperor Ziwei looked at Fang Chuan in front of him, and his heart was very complicated. He already knew everything about the Great Emperor Vast Sky.

The Yaochi Realm is not airtight.

Hao Dishan also has his eyeliner.

"What is the purpose of your coming to the realm of heaven, we can talk about it, and you know that your appearance has broken the balance of our four emperors, and the consequences are serious."

The Great Emperor Ziwei is no longer obscuring at this moment, he already understands that the person in front of him is probably not so easy to fool.

"My first goal has been achieved, and the second goal is to make the realm of God return to the earth like the realm of gods, so that the earth has complete laws of heaven and earth, so that people on earth can enjoy the treatment they should enjoy."

Fang Chuan is also straight to the point.

He has decided that if Emperor Ziwei makes him dissatisfied, he will do all he can to kill him.

He has this strength!

The murderous aura emanating from the invisibility had already been felt by the Great Ziwei, and it made the Great Ziwei's body shiver.

He had never felt such a direct and threatening killing intent.

He looked at Fang Chuan for a moment before saying: "This is not impossible, but Jianmu will not allow it. The realm of God is a city. People in the city want to go out, and people outside the city want to come in, but not Everyone can succeed."

He sighed: "Now that Emperor Vast Sky has obtained the Yao Clan’s merit, Heavenly Seal Fragments, his swelling ambition will inevitably make him want to stay in this realm of God. This is exactly what Jianmu meant. He will get Jianmu’s. Blessing."

He looked at Fang Chuan: "Even if you kill me and seize the Heaven Seal of My Merit, it is too late to refine."

He then drew his gaze: "What's more, if you want to kill me, you have to pay a great price."

"I and Emperor Vast Sky, you have to stand aside after all. I don't want to see Emperor Vast Sky grow stronger, so I hope you will carefully consider it." Fang Chuan said lightly.

Xuanyuan Yourong saw him and couldn't help being moved.

This person could not only destroy Emperor Yaodi, but also defeat Emperor Haotian head-on, and also threatened to kill Emperor Ziwei.

How heroic it is!

The Great Emperor Ziwei sighed: "I know you have contacted the Taoist Zhenyuan and have the support of the newly promoted emperor in the Yaochi realm."

He glanced at Xuanyuan Yourong again: "I am afraid Emperor Xuanyuan wants you to be his grandson-in-law, and he will also stand by your side."

He shook his head: "Your power has surpassed the Great Emperor Vast Sky. If you can solve Jianmu's problem, you will surely defeat him."

He said again: "If this is the case, I am naturally with you, but above the earth, there must be a piece of world in the sea of ​​purple bamboo."

"This is natural."

Fang Chuan nodded: "However, I need your merit heavenly seal fragments." As soon as the voice fell, Emperor Ziwei's face suddenly sank, murderous!

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