Shit, chick...

Emperor Yao's fingers moved a little forward, and ray of light rushed out, forming a strip of electric light in the entire space, penetrating at an extremely fast speed.

That speed is reaching the extreme.

In the blink of an eye, the electric light blasted on Fang Chuan's body, followed by a violent explosion, causing the surrounding space to collapse instantly.

The space cracks expanded rapidly at ten times the previous speed.

At that moment, it almost made people feel the scalp numb, and there was a sense of destruction of the world breaking up.



Although Emperor Yao made a successful move, his face changed suddenly because he found that his attack had hit a shadow that resembled a mirror image.


A ripple formed in the space, Fang Chuan laughed, teleporting away from the secret realm.

Boom, boom...

As if it were a chain reaction, Fang Chuan's mirroring array broke down, causing the space to collapse, and the speed of the collapse reached the extreme.

In the blink of an eye, it was half annihilated.

The space next to Emperor Yaodi was also torn frantically. She hurriedly displayed her mysterious body skills, and she jumped through the collapsed space with cracks everywhere.

The various body protection techniques on her have been exerted to the extreme, but they also made her embarrassed.

However, those who are out of the Aperture Realm have reached a very high level in their power, true energy, and spell cultivation.

The tearing of the void and the collapse of the space only made her feel embarrassed, and made her wasted a lot of true energy, but it did not hurt the root.


When Emperor Yao escaped from the secret realm, the whole secret realm exploded like a thunder in a dry sky.

A hurricane of space surging in this secret outside, then triggered a more fierce collapse, and the energy released has far exceeded human imagination.

The devastating breath is enough to make everyone's scalp numb.

Fang Chuan had already led Sun Sheng and Yang Tai out of this secret realm at this moment. As for the former Warrior of the Sky Clan, he was too late.

Because the speed of the space collapse is amazing, and the power released is not something they can easily resist.


The Emperor Yao just came out of that secret realm and entered the collapsed energy of another secret realm, and the whole person was like in a whirlpool.

The light on her body flickered, and sometimes even took the initiative to break some spatial cracks directly, but her dignified hair has become messy.

The vestments on her body were also damaged at different levels, and she seemed to have experienced a catastrophe.

Although she had the confidence to retreat all over, but for the first time in so many years, she was so embarrassed!

And all of this, thanks to Fang Chuan's gift, is enough to make her anger reach its peak, and if possible, it is enough to directly frustrate Fang Chuan.

All her hatred has been transferred to Fang Chuan.

She will never give up without killing Fang Chuan.

While she was angry, she got out of the secret realm that was about to explode as quickly as possible.


Fang Chuan took Sun Sheng and Yang Tai for a few consecutive teleports, and they had already reached the sky above the ancient city, and the light on his body was blazing to the extreme.

He turned out to be escaping for his life while being promoted to Moonblade.


When his breath reached its peak, suddenly, there was a deafening sound of thunder over his head, and a thunder struck, shocking the world.

The light flashed and hit him. This was the calamity that the treasure had gone through when it broke through to the fairy.

This catastrophe can be said to be a fatal blow to ordinary Golden Core cultivators and Yuan Ying cultivators, but to Fang Chuan, who possesses terrifying physical defenses, it is nothing.

After an explosion, Moon Blade completely evolved into a fairy weapon.

The scene of falling into the sky appeared.

The space around Fang Chuan's body also seemed to have become illusory, with a looming feeling.

His physical strength has also completely broken through to the first level of the Aperture-Exit Realm.

The power of muscles is always better than the feeling of innocence.

At this moment, Fang Chuan's body was strongly satisfied, and a fist clenched as if he could blast the entire world.


It was not only Emperor Yao who wanted Fang Chuan to die, Lord Maha also jumped into thunder when he knew that the secret realm had exploded and the space core had fallen into Fang Chuan's hands.

He turned into a **** light from the void, and rushed towards Fang Chuan.

He wanted to kill Fang Chuan. It was extremely fierce and had a taste of a life-threatening blow.

"The law of exiting the aperture is here?"

The corner of Fang Chuan's mouth twitched. After all, Lord Maha was just a strong man who grew up in a different space. His background was much worse than that of Emperor Yao. What's more, his fierce battle with Emperor Yao just now had damaged his foundation.

Fang Chuan now mastered the Immortal Tool Grade Moon Blade, which was equivalent to one of his natal magic weapons, and its power burst out, one can imagine.

The staff of Hades is far inferior to Moon Blade in terms of attack.

Moonblade also had the power of space, and in an instant it merged with the sublimated cutting technique, and turned into a dazzling light to greet it.


Under everyone's attention, Fang Chuan waved his hand, the moon blade penetrated, and the blood of Lord Maha was immediately penetrated.

The Moon Blade, which was sharp to the extreme and contained the aura of space, immediately hit Lord Maha's inner core with a crackling sound.

Lord Maha suddenly exploded.


In just an instant, he was killed by Fang Chuan, who had just been promoted.

The scene is terribly quiet!

Yang Tai was shaking all over!

He knew more or less what level Fang Chuan was before, but in less than a day, he had already reached this level.

An existence comparable to an emperor level died in his hands like this.

This is simply incredible!

However, Fang Chuan has already done it.

Sun Sheng's eyes shone with appreciation. When he met Fang Chuan before, Fang Chuan was still a very weak human being.

But now, it has reached this point.

The most important thing is that he didn't spend too much time at all.

Few people know its potential at all, and no one knows how strong this person's future is.

"The law of exiting the Aperture Realm is so thin, it's no wonder that it's not the opponent of Emperor Yao's wife, the different space restricts your growth."

Fang Chuan shook his head and sighed as he looked at the Aperture-Exit Rule that was just grabbed from the void, he was a little bit disgusted.

However, the law of leaving the Aperture Realm is also a good resource for him now, which will greatly benefit him in the future.

He...reluctantly accepted.


The Yao Emperor appeared in front of everyone with an embarrassed appearance, which surprised everyone in the Yaochi realm. They had never seen Yao Emperor so embarrassed.

The eyes of Emperor Yaodi were even more complicated, from Fang Chuan's murderous aura when he first came out, to the shock of seeing Fang Chuan killing Lord Maha with one move, and then the anger when she recovered.

She stared at Fang Chuan fiercely, wishing to swallow his flesh and drink his blood.

"Emperor Yao, thank you very much. I have known about the game you set today. It's just a calculation. My deduction is much better than your Vast Sky Emperor. So, I'm sorry. You are calculated by me."

Fang Chuan smiled faintly, his voice spread extremely far.

Everyone was dumbfounded when they heard it.

Over the years, it was the first person to talk to Emperor Yao like this, but they all felt that Fang Chuan should have this qualification.

"Find death, Fang Chuan, you will definitely die miserably!"

Emperor Yao was furious and wanted to take action.

However, Fang Chuan laughed three times, took Sun Sheng and Yang Tai, teleported away at an incredible speed.

At the same time, the collapse of the different space also began.

Emperor Yao almost cursed his mother, but he still held back, and quickly resisted his anger and arranged the people in the Yaochi realm to leave the different space together.

When she returned to the Yaochi realm, she immediately began to calculate where Fang Chuan was. She would never let Fang Chuan leave the Yaochi realm alive!

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