The Strongest Medical Immortal in the City

Chapter 2725: Charge space core

The space core was about to break free from the shackles of space at this moment, Fang Chuan hurriedly stepped forward to make a handprint, and then slammed forward.


The wave-like light shrouded the core of the space, and the core struggle became more fierce. The light from Fang Chuan also surged like boiling water at this moment.

The force of the counter-shock became stronger and stronger, and Fang Chuan quickly strengthened his strength. At this moment, his mental power, true energy, and physical power had almost reached the extreme, desperately suppressing the space core that was resisting.

There were bursts of terrifying ear-splitting sounds in the space, and the cracks in the space became more and more obvious. The entire space seemed to be cracked anytime and anywhere.

Once this secret is broken, it will cause the collapse of the entire alien space just like a missing piece of dominoes.

However, at this time, if Fang Chuan took the core of this space, it would also collapse here, and the entire alien space would disappear.

Although the power of the space core oscillating is strong, Fang Chuan's imprint can completely restrain the space core oscillating, and the space core is moving in his direction bit by bit.


At this moment, the horrible roar passed from the top of the head, and Lord Maha discovered the critical situation here.

In fact, the instability of the different space has always existed, and he is just desperately maintaining it.

He found that the core of the space had been tainted by others, and was furious. He was about to strike from the air, punish Fang Chuan and then seal the core of the space that was about to leave.

"Fight with me, do you dare to be distracted?"

However, the strength of Emperor Yaodi is not worse than him, and it is already very difficult for him to deal with Emperor Yao, let alone distracted against Fang Chuan.


A louder voice sounded, Lord Maha let out a roar, the two rays of light collided wildly, and the fierce battle reached its peak.

Fang Chuan was also taken aback. Although he had planned it long ago, Lord Maha didn't have time to take care of it, but he didn't expect Lord Maha to actually destroy his plan.

This moment is a critical juncture. If it is destroyed, the core of the space may be fleeting, and his plan will fail.

Fortunately, Emperor Yao did a great deal of help and did not break away from Fang Chuan's control of the situation.

Boom, boom...

Fang Chuan quickly made a few more handprints. Suddenly, the core of the space was greatly controlled, and it slowly stabilized, and then stopped resisting.


After pulling out a radish from the ground, the core of the space broke away from the shackles of space and fell into Fang Chuan's hands.

The light was dazzling and the space was full of breath. The moon blade in Fang Chuan's body and the magic talisman representing the cutting technique all felt excited.

They seem to be very longing for the core of space.


Lord Maha almost jumped like thunder, roaring again and again, but after the Yao Emperor screamed, Lord Maha suddenly broke out with a scream.

With a huge shock, Lord Maha was blasted into the ground by an uncontrollable force.

Great earthquakes.

Emperor Yao's gaze seemed to be able to penetrate everything, and across the layers of space, he even looked over, revealing a sharp look in his eyes.

The space core is good for everyone, and she naturally does not want Fang Chuan to succeed!


Fang Chuan felt the hostility of Emperor Yao, and he also understood that he must improve his cultivation level at this moment in order to be able to fight against Emperor Yao.

Buzzing, the spatial core submerged in his body, and came to the middle dantian, approaching the Moon Blade, the two rays of light intertwined.

The breath of space permeates Fang Chuan's body, and he has a kind of his own cell, which can generate powerful space power, forming the illusion of a wide space.

In fact, the more space energy he absorbs now, it will be of great benefit to the evolution of his dantian into the world.

Each of his cells may become a small secret world.

It may even evolve into a situation similar to a giant planet.

Fang Chuan made handprints one after another at this moment, which were unpredictable refining treasures, and he was helping Moonblade to be promoted to a fairy weapon.

Treasure artifacts and immortal artifacts are just like the difference between mortals and immortals, they are essentially different.

To break through the Moon Blade, great strength is needed.

Wow, wow——

While the Moon Blade absorbed the core of the space, in Fang Chuan's mustard seed space, crystal clear spirit stones flew out, directly into Fang Chuan's body, and merged into the Moon Blade in the middle dantian.

Moon Blade is constantly changing.

Fang Chuan's body is constantly changing.

Moonblade's foundation is good enough, it only needs an opportunity and enough energy.

In a moment, the breath of the fairy weapon had already appeared, and Fang Chuan's body was also absorbing this breath frantically, as if he wanted to change.

But this is impossible.

His body is similar to a magic weapon, but it is much more complicated than a magic weapon. If you want to transform into an immortal weapon level, the savings you need are not imaginable.

However, there is a chance to increase his strength.

Boom, boom...

Fang Chuan was constantly breaking through, racing against time, but at this time, Emperor Yao had already got rid of Lord Maha and came to kill here.

Murderous spirit, fierce spirit, murderous spirit as real.

Fortunately, there are layers of space cracks in the location of the treasure house, even if Emperor Yao is a master of exiting the Aperture Realm, he can't easily take risks.

However, with her clever means, the space cracks were constantly resolved by her, and she was constantly approaching where Fang Chuan was.

The situation was extremely tense for a while.

Fang Chuan also felt the crisis.

However, all of this was in Fang Chuan's expectation. What he could do was not to worry or to be anxious, but to evolve Moonblade as quickly as possible.

At this moment, Moon Blade has evolved 70%.

The breath of the immortal weapon is constantly transforming his body, and the five nine-yin demon beads in his body and the refining mirror have been improved.

His physical strength is climbing frantically, and he has reached half a step beyond the Aperture State.

Even if he didn't need the power of nine candles, he could kill those strong men who had half-stepped out of the Aperture Realm with a single punch, showing how much the core of this space and the aura of the fairy weapon had improved him.

However, Emperor Yao was approaching faster and faster, and the huge pressure made Fang Chuan's sweat and hair stand upright.

The crisis is here!

Moonblade evolution has reached 90%.

Fang Chuan's physical strength has risen to the peak of a half-step out of the Aperture Realm.


The secret realm suddenly shook, and the entire space shook violently. A light flashed through the thousands of cracks.

Following that, one of the four great emperors, the leader of the Yao ethnic group, the Yao Emperor, has proudly stood in front of Fang Chuan.

She stared sharply, looking at Fang Chuan who was constantly improving her breath, her eyes staring. Then, she stretched out her finger, and while moving a little forward, she smiled coldly: "I want to break through, dream!"

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