The Strongest Medical Immortal in the City

Chapter 2720: Emperor Yao, here it is!

However, Fang Chuan took it down.

His powerful body, at this time, conquered everyone's eyes and made everyone feel incredible.

too frightening!

Even the five remaining soldiers of the Sky Clan were stunned.

The human being with a weak aura in front of them had killed ten of them in such an instant, and was still under their offensive, fully supporting it.

There were already some cracks and blood qi appeared, as if the body that had been seriously injured was slowly recovering.

This is simply incredible.

The Celestial Warriors, who have always been known for their physical strength, can't match him in this respect.

"No, there is too much movement here, it must have been noticed by Lord Maha."

"Even if you kill these fifteen Celestial Celestial warriors, and I don't know how many Celestial Celestial warriors, even if Lord Maha takes action, Mr. Fang might be unable to resist!"

Yang Tai and Sun Sheng were also very nervous at this moment.

Yang Tai was afraid of dying here, and Sun Sheng didn't want to expose his hole cards in advance!

At this time, even these Celestial Sky Clan fighters felt a kind of fear in Fang Chuan. After taking a glance at Fang Chuan, they involuntarily stepped back.

They have received the news, and someone will come to support them soon, so no matter how brave and fearless they are, they won't be smashed with Fang Chuan at this time.

No matter how powerful Fang Chuan is, there is only one dead end in their territory.

Fang Chuan's gaze swept over them, and then smiled coldly. He had already seen through the thoughts of these five Celestial Warriors.

He didn't care too much, because it was only a momentary thing to kill them.

"Forget it, I won't delay time with you."

Fang Chuan shook his head, glanced at these Celestial Warriors faintly, then raised his hand and waved it as if to brush away the dust in front of him.

The magic killing technique was activated immediately.

With a buzzing sound, the spiritual power turned into substance, forming a wave of fluctuations, and between the shocks, the change became a bright light.

In the next moment, this light penetrated the forehead of one of the Celestial Warriors.


This sky warrior uttered a scream. In fact, when Fang Chuan spoke, he had already increased his vigilance and prepared defensively.

It is a pity that the magic killing technique seems to be their nemesis, they have no time to resist, they have already been recruited.

The screams hadn't fully erupted, and the Celestial Clan warrior had already burst out with a bang, blood splattering, and turbulent fluctuations.

And the next moment, the light of several magic killing techniques rushed out from the center of the explosion and penetrated through the other four Celestial Warriors.

A sound of explosion passed, as if someone was setting off fireworks, the scarlet light actually gave people a bright feeling.

Before and after, within a minute, fifteen powerful Celestial Warriors died in Fang Chuan's hands.

Yang Tai took a sip of water, and suddenly Fang Chuan became a little scared.

"Let's go quickly, and more enemies will come over soon!" Sun Sheng also hurriedly shouted. He would never use the last hole card as a last resort.

As he was talking, he saw that there were already densely packed Sky Warriors flying from the horizon, very close to them, and it seemed that they could be eroded casually.

This makes the scalp numb.

Boom, boom——

However, at this moment, there was a violent sensation outside the ancient city, and the rays of light like the colorful clouds continued to surge in the sky.

The torrential breath rushed like a huge wave.

The unique true aura of the Yaochi Realm eroded this space almost instantly.

Fang Chuan glanced intently, and immediately found that the graceful female monks, holding various magic weapons, shining with various brilliance, had already hit them.

Light gushes out of their bodies from time to time, hitting this ancient city, and the buildings in the ancient city immediately uttered an ear-splitting roar, and then turned into dust.

They obviously have a very powerful formation, they cast a spell at the same time, and they gathered into a torrent, and the effect is naturally amazing.

"Good luck for you!"

The warrior leader of the Sky Celestial tribe who was rushing from the horizon gave Fang Chuan and the others a cold look. He snorted and seemed to have been ordered to rush towards the Yaochi realm.

"Aren't they unable to spare extra manpower?"

Yang Tai sneered.

Fang Chuan waved his hand: "They were just trying to get us on the set, so they made such an excuse. Now that their elders are caught by the people here, they are naturally moved."

"Since they are all here, it seems that Emperor Yao will be here soon." Sun Sheng's eyes burst out with a murderous look.

Yang Tai looked at Sun Sheng with a surprised look.

Fang Chuan saw that Sun Sheng seemed to want to burst out his trump cards in this place to kill Emperor Yao.

He shook his head and waved his hand: "Brother Sun, don't move Emperor Yao for the time being. The four great emperors are holding each other's hands. There is a balance between them, so don't break it for now."

He paused: "The most important thing is that this force of yours cannot be used casually."

Sun Sheng thought for a while, suppressing his inner impulse, and said with a smile: "Anyway, it's all about you, so you can do what you say."

Yang Tai looked at Fang Chuan and then at Sun Sheng, even more blinded.

Could it be that they really have the ability to fight against Emperor Yao?

This is absolutely impossible!

Fang Chuan and Sun Sheng did not explain anything, and waved their hands: "This alien space was cleaned by them once before. It seems that it hasn't been shaken to the point. Instead, they have brought out their deep-level leaders. However, this is also an opportunity. , Maybe they have a lot of good things, besides the core of space, there must be other things, go and get a share."

"Good!" Sun Sheng nodded quickly.

Yang Tai thought for a while, with doubts, but also followed Fang Chuan.

They were planning to fish in troubled waters, and Fang Chuan's premonition that they would benefit from it grew stronger.

They soon came near the central city.

Above the sky, the blood-red light and the colorful light continued to blast, and the world was tearing apart and exploding.

The Yaochi Realm also showed their great strength. Although their individuals are weaker than these Celestial Warriors, their formations are very powerful.

Moreover, the number is large.

This is somewhat different from Fang Chuan's thought that there are not many monks in Yizhongtian.

All of a sudden, the soldiers of the Sky Clan exploded and fell to the ground, fragmented, looking terrible.

However, female monks in the Yaochi realm also suffered casualties.

The attacks on both sides became more intense, more and more deaths, and they became more and more desperate.

Fang Chuan and the others were happy and leisurely.

The City Lord's Mansion was in front, Fang Chuan and the others came to a corner, and did not immediately go to the City Lord's Mansion.

Because, at this moment, there is still a terrifying Lord Maha in the city lord's mansion. They are waiting for the existence of Lord Maha who can deal with this.

This person is naturally Emperor Yao.



The dark battle lasted for about half an hour, and the next moment, suddenly there was a deafening shock in the sky.

Then, a peerless female monk appeared in the eyes of everyone.

Fenghua is peerless, the Emperor Yao, who is as famous as Emperor Haotian, is here!

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