Decomposing the body, exploding all of his power, to a terrible level, tearing everything around, this is a self-destruction of death.

Moreover, the opponent is still a strong man who has left the Aperture Realm in half a step, and this blew up, I am afraid that few people can escape.

However, Fang Chuan's spiritual consciousness was captured in the first moment, his figure shook, he teleported continuously, and at extremely fast speed, he grabbed Yang Tai and Sun Sheng and disappeared in place.

With a violent bang, the air wave soared into the sky like a mushroom cloud, and the surrounding buildings hundreds of meters turned into dust, and the ground roared and shook.

Fang Chuan and the others had already arrived in another hall, and they all showed a lingering look. If the explosion just a little bit later, they would be like those palaces.

There is a feeling of aftermath!

"People from the Sky Clan are too irritable!" Yang Tai took a deep breath and calmed his mood, a little annoyed.

He is even more worried about the battle afterwards!

"There are many people in this world like that, and their race determines their character." Fang Chuan waved his hand and said, "These are all trivial things. Don't care. What we really need to care about is that we have completely exposed. , I felt a strong mental power blocking the area around us. This person is very strong, maybe that person said

Lord Maha. "

"Even Yaojin was caught in an instant. What can we do? Wouldn't it be easy for him to kill us?" Yang Tai asked worriedly.

"It's true, but don't worry, since Yao Jin's distress signal has been sent out, Emperor Yao will definitely come in the first time."

Fang Chuan waved his hand: "We are mainly playing a time difference. Let's play hide-and-seek with them. Lord Maha probably has his own concerns and can't do it himself. This is our opportunity."

"Okay." Yang Tai nodded, although there are still some worries in his heart, but the matter is already here, naturally there is no way.

He then released his battle pet and went out to investigate the situation.

Fang Chuan didn't dare to easily scan with God's consciousness on a large scale, because his mental fluctuations could easily attract the opponent's attention.

Lord Maha calculated that most of them were the powerhouses of the Out of Aperture Realm, and Fang Chuan would not be able to defeat him if he used the destiny technique.

Therefore, he temporarily avoided his edge, and waited for Emperor Yao to come, and he would take advantage of it.

Vaguely, he could feel that there was a great opportunity in the Central City Lord's Mansion, which would not only allow him to raise the Moon Blade to the fairy weapon level, but it might also make him break through again.

Once he breaks through, he will at least have the power to fight against strong men such as Emperor Yao.

Boom, boom——

Warriors from the Sky Clan came to this area and conducted a carpet search.

Fang Chuan took advantage of their spiritual knowledge and Yang Tai's battle pet to delay time.

However, finally they were still outside a hall, surrounded by soldiers from the Sky Clan, and a wave of terrifying force bombarded the formation barrier outside the hall.

The enchantment shook wildly, and there were cracks.

Yang Tai had to admit that Fang Chuan's formation skills were not trivial. There were a total of fifteen Celestial Warriors and three teams outside, and they attacked the barrier at the same time, all holding on for a stick of incense.

This is really scary!

However, no matter how strong the formation is, there are limits.

The opponent's power is too fierce!

"Attention, get ready to fight!"

Fang Chuan had already felt the limits of the barrier. After a loud roar, the barrier exploded with a rumble, and the entire hall was instantly destroyed.

One side of the old walls turned into dust, leaving only some hard stone pillars crumbling.

Hh hh...

One by one, the Celestial Warriors, who had long lost patience with anger, came to Fang Chuan and the others at a very fast speed.

There is a kind of indifference on their hideous faces.


"The rebels die!"

They didn't have any unnecessary nonsense, they directly attacked Fang Chuan, and the extremely brutal shock wave immediately blasted Fang Chuan and the others.

The world is shaking, and the space is cracking.

Each of these Celestial Clan fighters reached the half-step out of the Aperture Realm. Yang Tai and Sun Sheng had no chance to shoot, and they could only hide in front of Fang Chuan.

A strong warfare appeared on Fang Chuan's face, and when the opponent rushed over, he laughed and laughed extremely boldly.

Boom boom boom -

With a wave of his hand, the power in his hand burst out, and heaven and earth martial arts turned into fist shadows, pouring out like a waterfall, and bombarding with the opponent's offensive.

There was only the sound of explosions between heaven and earth.

Moon Blade came out!

The staff of Hades kept banging!

The illusion of killing is even more extreme.

For a time, fifteen soldiers from the Sky Clan, fifteen strong men out of the Aperture Realm in half a step, were actually resisted by him alone.

In the first confrontation, the magic killing technique instantly killed five people.

Fang Chuan received the first wave of shock, his powerful body showed his advantage, but some cracks appeared, and the repair was completed in the first time.

At the same time, the rod of Hades in his hand was knocked out again and again, and the power of the fairy tool was fully revealed.

Except for the instant kill by the magical killing technique, the powerhouse who left the Aperture Realm in half a step, other offensives did not seem to kill him so easily, but the offensive was also blocked.

In an instant, they lost five of their comrades. They were startled and angry, blood-red flames burning all over, and they slammed Fang Chuan crazy.

The flames turned into huge fists, terrifying sword energy, and a kind of power that reached the extreme shock wave, rushing like a torrent.


Fang Chuan had already experienced the painful feeling of being bombarded by fifteen and a half-step out of the Aperture Realm. His body almost exploded, but he also survived, which was equivalent to forging him.

Not every monk has this kind of crazy thoughts and crazy fighting will. The scene just now made Sun Sheng and Yang Tai numb.

And this wave of offensive was even more fierce, making them even more sweaty for Fang Chuan. At the same time, they hurriedly backed away, hiding farther.

Because it was too dangerous, the aftermath of the battle was enough to kill them directly!


However, the next moment Fang Chuan had already launched the magic killing technique, and the rays of light that turned into substance penetrated the past. The speed was too fast, even if the soldiers of the Sky Clan were guarded, it was useless.




In an instant, a violent cry erupted from the soldiers of the Sky Clan. The magic killing technique was almost their nemesis, and they were bombarded and killed without any resistance.

There was an explosion, and in an instant, five Celestial Warriors were killed and turned into a puff of blood.

The scene is shocking!

And Fang Chuan also aroused the most powerful body guard zhenqi, waved his hand violently, the domain also escaped, resisting this terrible offensive.

However, these defensive measures were so fragile before this terrible flood of attacks, they burst instantly.

The remaining attacks all hit him, beating him like a swaying clock, shaking violently above the sky.

The intense pain was tempering almost every nerve in him! His body is about to break apart!

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