The Strongest Medical Immortal in the City

Chapter 2711: Different space

The feeling of Yaochi Realm is no less than that of Haodi Mountain.

However, there is no masculinity of Hao Di Mountain, but a kind of femininity.

After all, in the Yaochi realm, almost all women.

The strong under the Yao Emperor's seat are also the female strong in the realm of heaven.

Yaofeng is one of the twelve female generals under the seat of the Emperor Yao, and also has an extraordinary position in the huge Yaochi realm.

She was ordered by Emperor Yao to test Fang Chuan and find a chance to control Fang Chuan.

Yang Tai's coming with Fang Chuan made her a little surprised, but this didn't stop her from completing the mission of Emperor Yao.

As for Sun Sheng, it was also in her expectation.

Yaofeng led Fang Chuan and the others, instead of heading to Pan Taoyuan, it was another mountain in the Yaochi realm.

Inside the Yaochi Realm, there are many mountains, and many aura of medicinal materials and wild animals are hidden deep.

These are also the resources of the Yaochi monks.

Yang Tai frowned when he saw it, not knowing what Yaofeng meant.

After a while, they entered this mountain and came to an attic.

This attic is full of ancient charm.

Soon, they entered the hall on the first floor of the attic.

There were already a few graceful female monks inside. After seeing them, they quickly placed the spirit fruit and spirit tea for the reception.

Yaofeng also sat in the main seat and invited Fang Chuan to take the seat.

"The Flat Peach Conference is still some time away, so please let the three of you come here to rest first."

Yaofeng smiled and said, "Actually, there is one more thing. I want to ask the three for help. I wonder if the three are willing?"

She is also direct.

However, Fang Chuan smiled and said, "I don't have a problem naturally, it's up to Brother Yang."

"It's hard for me to make a trip to Haodi Mountain. If there is anything that can help the Fairy in the Yaochi Realm, I will naturally not refuse."

Yang Tai and Fang Chuan are now advancing and retreating together, so they agreed.

Yaofeng smiled when she heard it, waved her hand and buzzed, a light curtain appeared in front of them.

Above the light curtain, a mountain wall appeared, and a whirlpool appeared on the mountain wall, and thunder and lightning faintly came from the whirlpool.

"In a valley in the southwest of our Yaochi Realm, such a different time and space entrance suddenly appeared."

Yaofeng said solemnly: "Yang Shangxian should know that the space of our God Realm is becoming more and more unstable, and this kind of different time and space is also common."

"But the more different time and space appear, the more damage to our secret realm. Therefore, once we find the different time and space, we will clean it up immediately."

She said, looking at Yang Tai.

Yang Tai nodded: "Indeed, Hao Dishan has frequently appeared different time and space entrances recently, and each time it consumes a lot of manpower."

Fang Chuan was shocked when he heard it.

These different times and spaces are actually different spaces. If you are not lucky, you can even connect to the demons.

Of course, this probability is very low.

Generally, different spaces are actually independent spaces with a small area.

However, this indicates that the space here is unstable.

If it continues, it may actually cause the entire realm of God to explode.

The explosion of the realm of heaven is a devastating disaster for the entire earth.

"The different time and space must be cleared."

Fang Chuan didn't speak, but Yao Feng said again: "However, we have already sent people to deal with the last time when another time and space appeared. This time, we are a little hard to deal with."

She looked at Fang Chuan: "So, I hope to work with the three to clear this alien time and space."

"Just the four of us?" Yang Tai frowned.

Clearing different time and space is not an easy task.

"The fighting power of the four of us is enough to sweep a different time and space."

Yaofeng nodded: "Moreover, we already know that this different time and space is not large, and the four of us are enough."

She added: "As for all the things obtained from the different time and space this time, they belong to the three, and the different time and space core also belongs to you."


She hesitated for a moment: "If the three agree, the flat peach conference may not be completed, but we will compensate the three one with three flat peaches."

"Three?" Yang Tai raised his brow.

In fact, most of the people they come to attend can only eat one.

"Yes." Yaofeng nodded.

She believed that as long as they offered such generous terms, Fang Chuan and the others would be moved.

Fang Chuan glanced at Yang Tai. In fact, he knew what Yaofeng and the others were thinking, but he was not worried.

He smiled and said: "It doesn't really matter how many flat peaches are. It is our honor to be able to help Emperor Yao solve this different time and space."

"Yes." Yang Tai quickly agreed: "I am willing to help."

"In that case, I will say hello, and the three of you will wait a moment."

After Yaofeng told Fang Chuan and the others, she turned into a stream of light and disappeared.

"Brother Fang, what do you think Yaofeng and the others are making?" Yang Tai asked after Yaofeng left.

"Naturally make a bad idea."

Fang Chuan smiled and said, "However, no matter what idea they make, we can solve it."

He paused: "You tell me about the different dimensions of the realm of God, why did the different spaces appear, and the four emperors still insisted on holding the realm of God so much?"

"it is good."

Yang Tai nodded hurriedly and said, "The different space actually appeared more than 20 years ago, but it was not as frequent as it is now."

"When the alien space appeared, there was a problem with our passage to the lower realm."

"At that time, Uncle Zhenyuan proposed that the realm of God is unstable and the law is not sound, so we should give up."

"However, the four emperors were very confident in the realm of the heavens, and very confident in Jianmu, and denied Master Zhenyuan's suggestion."

"Later, the problem in the different space became more and more serious, and some people were killed in it, and some people were resurrected in another different space."

"So, this different space is called different time and space by them."

"The four emperors believe that the existence of this kind of different time and space is their opportunity for breakthrough."

"However, Uncle Zhenyuan knew that the realm of God would be destroyed in a short time, and Jianmu could not save the realm of God."

"However, it is said that in this different space, there are often some special things appearing, but it is a good treasure hunting place."

Yang Tai told everything he knew.

He added: "However, different time and space are also in great danger. Many people are lost in it and die in it. We should be careful anyway."

"of course."

Fang Chuan nodded and waved his hand: "This time may be more dangerous, but it is also our opportunity."

"Opportunity?" Yang Tai frowned, revealing a look of doubt.

Fang Chuan smiled and said, "Don't worry, my deduction is no worse than Taoist Zhenyuan." During the speech, there was a wave of fluctuations in the space, which immediately attracted the attention of these two people.

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