The Strongest Medical Immortal in the City

Chapter 2710: Don't kill yourself

When Mo Gan and others saw Fang Chuan, they were a little surprised. Unexpectedly, Fang Chuan could still get out of his body.

However, they also surrounded them.

They have bad eyes.

"Don't kill yourself."

Fang Chuan glanced at them faintly: "You are not as important as you imagined. With a word of mine, you will all die."

He paused and looked at the pagoda: "Really, Fellow Zhenyuan?"

"Mo Gan, from now on, your fellow Daoist Chuan will respect me as much as you do, otherwise, you will kill you without mercy."

The words of Taoist Zhenyuan were full of thunderous killing intent.


Mogan and the others were struck by lightning, their eyes widened, in disbelief.

However, since Zhenyuan Taoist had already said so, they naturally did not dare to continue to trouble Fang Chuan.

Their sharp eyes became a little curious.

They don't know how Fang Chuan did it.

Yang Tai was also shocked.

According to his understanding, Zhenyuan Taoist is not a soft-hearted person, or a person who is easily persuaded.

However, now it seems that Fang Chuan and Taoist Zhenyuan have reached an agreement.

Moreover, its value has surpassed those disciples of Mogan.

"Yes, Master!"

Mogan and others recovered quickly and quickly bowed to the pagoda.

Fang Chuan looked at them, "If that's the case, don't you give me peace?"

The expressions of Mo Gan and others changed, and they were unwilling. In their opinion, Fang Chuan was just a weak person from the lower realm.

Now, this little flea jumped on their heads.

This is a shame.

However, they had to let Fang Chuan play.

They glanced at each other and saw the anger in each other's eyes and the helplessness in each other's eyes.

"I have seen Fang Shangxian."

Mogan and several people hurriedly bowed to Fang Chuan, with a respectful look, but hidden the super uncomfortable.




Fang Chuan smiled faintly and waved his hand: "Well, you guys can do it for yourself. If you offend me again next time, you have only one dead end."

After he finished speaking, he glanced at the ginseng fruit tree that exudes a bright light in the Wuzhuang Temple.

According to the introduction of the Taoist Zhenyuan, this ginseng fruit tree is actually a variety derived from the root system emanating from Jianmu.

It is an extraordinary spiritual fruit.

However, the Taoist Zhenyuan did not intend to distribute the ginseng fruit to Fang Chuan.

Fang Chuan naturally didn't ask for it, because he already had plans.

Whether it is a ginseng fruit tree or a flat peach tree, it will appear in his Danwangzong later and become a specialty of their Danwangzong.

He smiled, waved his hand, said hello, took Sun Sheng and Yang Tai and flew away from Wuzhuang Temple.

Mogan and others watched Fang Chuan and the others leave, and then quickly turned around and headed towards the pagoda where the Taoist Zhenyuan was.

They want to know why!

However, this has no effect on Fang Chuan.

He was in a good mood at the moment. With the ally of Taoist Zhenyuan, he was one step closer to his goal.

Along the way, he got a lot of information through Yang Tai.

He also knew that among the Yao people, there was a position called Yao Nu.

A few decades ago, there was a Yao girl who left the realm of God and arrived on the earth, and then the people of the Yao nationality took it back.

After coming again, there was a problem with the space channel, and the descendants of the Yao girl who had been living outside were never found.

However, I heard that Emperor Yao used a special method to curse the descendants of Yao girl.

And all this is a shame to the Yao nationality.

Yang Tai was only telling a story, but Fang Chuan was a little excited.

Because, the more it sounds, the more it resembles Luo Yao's life experience.

Few people in the Hongxing Group knew about Luo Yao's life experience, but Fang Chuan later investigated it by means.

He learned that Luo Yao's mother was not dead.

It is for this reason that Fang Chuan now has reason to believe that Luo Yao may be the descendant of Yao girl.

And Emperor Yao is the one who caused Luo Yao to fall into a coma.

Her curse almost killed Luo Yao.

Just this is enough for Fang Chuan to take action against Emperor Yao and make Emperor Yao pay the price.

However, to Fang Chuan's disappointment, Yang Tai didn't know how to crack the Yao Emperor's curse.


Although the three of them were walking and chatting, their speed was extremely fast.

Yang Tai's realm is very high, the ninth level of the Nascent Infant realm, but Fang Chuan's speed is not weaker than him.

This also made him believe that Fang Chuan had an absolutely powerful force.

After an hour, they crossed hundreds of thousands of kilometers and finally came to the Yaochi realm.

This has to be admitted that the entire First Heaven is so large that it is beyond imagination.

The area of ​​the realm of God is so large that it is beyond imagination.

Compared with the realm of God, God's Domain is indeed much worse.

This is also the reason why God Realm can play with God's Domain casually.

Yaochi Realm is actually on a very lofty mountain.

On the high mountain, there is an entrance.

The entrance of the Yao nationality is always guarded by experts of the Yao nationality.

Generally speaking, few people dared to rush into the Yao nationality. After all, the majesty of Emperor Yao enveloped the entire heaven.

Today, the flat peach conference, guards are even stricter.

Yaofeng, a strong man, even brought people to check the qualifications of those who communicated at the entrance. People who are not qualified are not allowed to enter.

Although the visitors were guests, many people bowed to Yaofeng and greeted them with smiles.

"Third-class flat peach area, go in."

Yaofeng examined an invitation from an immortal official from the seventh layer of the Nascent Soul Realm of the Second Heaven, then waved his hand to send the other party in.

Then, she saw Fang Chuan's trio.

She raised her brows and then smiled.

Yang Tai is a first-rank immortal official, a strong under the seat of Emperor Vast Sky, and his identity is the same as that of Yaofeng, even higher.

She must be well received.

And Fang Chuan is also a newcomer, and today they still have some plans to fall on Fang Chuan.

Therefore, she quickly left the immortal officials who were queuing and greeted Fang Chuan and them.

"Who are they?"

"Fairy Yaofeng went to meet him personally. It seems that he is not a simple character!"

"It must be a first-grade immortal official of the first heaven!"

"Moreover, they are relatively powerful first-rank immortal officials. Some first-rank immortal officials did not meet them before."

Everyone immediately began to discuss, and looked at Fang Chuan's trio with envious eyes.

Even the other members of the Yao nationality showed curiosity.

Yang Tai and the others knew that they were the hottest figures under the seat of Emperor Vast Sky.

The two people beside Yang Tai have never seen them.

"Yang Shangxian, Fang Shangxian, Sun Shangxian, hello."

Yaofeng is indeed amazing, even Sun Sheng knows her, although Sun Sheng's strength is only the sixth level of the Nascent Soul Stage.

However, she also seems to know that Sun Sheng is not easy to deal with.

She waved her hand: "It's been a long time, three people, please come inside."

As she said, she greeted her subordinates, and actually led Fang Chuan's three people into the Yaochi realm.

Everyone is even talking! However, in the blink of an eye, Fang Chuan and the others had already arrived at the Jade Lake Realm and felt the different aura of the Jade Lake Realm.

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