The Strongest Medical Immortal in the City

Chapter 2708: Zhenyuan Taoist

This voice is naturally from Zhenyuan Taoist.


The faces of Mogan and others were a bit ugly, because the Taoist Zhenyuan came out at this time to embarrass them.

In this way, they will lose face.

The only thing that can refresh them is to teach Fang Chuan.

However, the Daoist Zhenyuan gave orders, and they did not dare to disobey, so they had to give Fang Chuan a fierce look.

Look for opportunities later!

Fang Chuan smiled lightly, glanced at these people, shook his head, and then stepped forward, disappearing with a scream.

"You people, tsk tsk."

Sun Sheng shook his head and said a few words, but together with Yang Tai, went to visit the scenery of Wuzhuang Temple.

This is a great blow to Mogan and them, but Mogan and them have nothing to do at the moment.

Only the other side's chagrin.

Fang Chuan teleported to the highest tower in Wuzhuang Temple.

This tower exudes a powerful and daunting aura, which is obviously also a magic weapon.

Originally, it is a very dangerous thing to enter the magic weapon of others casually.

However, Fang Chuan knew that the strength of Zhenyuan Taoist was above him. If the other party wanted to deal with him, it would be the same if he could not enter the other party's pagoda.

Inside the pagoda, it is beautiful, giving people a mysterious feeling.

Above this piece of space, sits an old man with a childlike face and a fairy style.

In the eyes, the light of wisdom is hidden.

This slender old man is the master of Wuzhuang Temple, Zhenyuan Taoist.

The breath of the Taoist Zhenyuan, like the four emperors, also hides a threat.

This kind of threat is not directed at anyone, but naturally, because it is powerful and exudes.

He looked at Fang Chuan and smiled: "You are finally here, I have been waiting for you for a long time."

"Friend Zhenyuan, it seems that you also understand the problems facing the realm of God."

Fang Chuan faced this strong man without a trace of restraint, or a trace of awe.

This does not exist at all.

Taoist Zhenyuan saw him, but he was a little surprised.

After all, the difference in strength between the two sides is here, and this person is so casual, but this also proves the other side's extraordinary.

"I know that you are from the lower realm, but you gave me a big surprise, and it was beyond my expectation that you came to the heavens so soon."

Taoist Zhenyuan looked at Fang Chuan and said, "You and Sun Sheng are together, and I know that my plan will be realized soon."

"Tell me about your plan." Fang Chuan said with a wave of his hand.

The Taoist Zhenyuan laughed: "Okay, interesting!"

He paused, and then seriously said: "The laws of the realm of God are not sound, so it limits our strength."

"And this world is not our strongest!"

"In some special spaces in the lower realm, there are existences beyond us."

"Outside our world, there are also stronger existences, stronger lives!"

"I have felt that an unprecedented crisis is approaching us, and even if we hide in the realm of God, it is inevitable."

"So, my plan is to return the realm of God to the lower realm, so that the whole world can merge together and strengthen our strength!"

"Otherwise, we can only become slaves to others!"

Every word of Taoist Zhenyuan is full of a sense of urgency, giving people a great sense of crisis and pressure.

Fang Chuan knew that what he said was true.

He also saw that the Taoist Zhenyuan still had some deductions in his deduction technique, otherwise, he would not deduce the approach of living creatures outside the land.

He nodded: "You are right, and you all know what this world is like, and what kind of powerful existence besides us."

Fang Chuan said again: "My purpose is the same as you, to return the realm of God to the earth, and then let us be prepared to welcome extraterrestrial creatures."

"Extraterrestrial creatures?"

Taoist Zhenyuan thoughtfully, then nodded: "This name is pretty good. In this way, our purpose is the same, so there is no need to cover it up."

His gaze flickered: "You have fragments of the Heavenly Seal of Merit, and I also have fragments of the Heavenly Seal of Merit."

He looked at Fang Chuan: "And I can find other people. When our fragments are added together, I can compete with the fragments of the Heaven Seal of Merit of the Four Emperors!"

"At that time, we will be able to integrate the Heaven Seal of Merit."

He paused and looked at Fang Chuan: "Are you willing to hand over the celestial seal fragments of your merits?"

After saying this, a terrible pressure passed from him.

This is a terrible pressure.

The average cultivator in the Nascent Soul Realm, under such pressure, even his mind will be frozen.

It was as if there was a huge gap in their life level.


"Not willing."

Fang Chuan shook his head, "I have to collect the Heaven Seal of Merit, because it is related to my future plans."

He waved his hand: "However, it is too early to say that, how can you let the realm of God return to the earth and form a complete world? What can you do?"

"Attack Jianmu with the Heaven Seal of merit."

Taoist Zhenyuan showed a solemn expression: "This is the only way, because Jianmu has become stronger and stronger, and it is impossible to complete it without the heavenly seal of merit!"

He looked at Fang Chuan: "If you are unwilling to hand it over, then your plan will be impossible to complete."

He sighed: "The reason why I have told you so much is that I hope you can cooperate. You are a rare talent. Don't you understand that I want to **** the fragments of your merit. Ways to resist."

A terrible murderous aura passed from him.

This is enough to freeze the air in the entire space.

In fact, this is a very dangerous negotiation, and Fang Chuan already understood this when he came.


Fang Chuan shook his head: "You are not a saint. If you are really sure, you can't tell me so much."

The corner of his mouth twitched and looked at Taoist Zhenyuan indifferently: "You are not sure, that's why you said so much to me."

He said again: "You are afraid of Sun Sheng's potential, and also afraid of my potential. You are not willing to lose."

Every word of him seemed to challenge the Taoist Zhenyuan.

Taoist Zhenyuan's face gradually became ugly.

Fang Chuan is right!

If he was sure, he would definitely not tell Fang Chuan so much.

Whether it is the realm of cultivation, the realm of immortality, or the realm of God, everything is respected by strength.

The strong do not need to reason with the weak.

The reason why he reasoned with Fang Chuan is because Fang Chuan made him jealous.

He stared at Fang Chuan with dreadful eyes, and looked at Fang Chuan, "Do you think I dare not kill you?"

"Do you think that I can't help you?"

"I am afraid of Sun Sheng's hidden power, and I am afraid of the person behind you, but if I control you, you will not have any chance to resist!"


As he said, suddenly a terrifying mental power came out of him! A spiritual storm has formed!

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