The Heaven Seal Fragments of Merit and Virtue are forbidden in the entire First Heaven, and few people will talk about this issue.

Fang Chuan didn't expect that Yang Tai, a first-grade immortal official from Hao Di Mountain, would actually say this to him.

A tick at the corner of his mouth: "Does the emperor mean?"

"I meant it." Yang Tai shook his head.

"Do you think I will believe it?" Fang Chuan looked at Yang Tai calmly.

Yang Tai whispered: "The realm of God is a little more complicated than you think, and the four emperors are not the only ones who have the final say."

What he said is absolutely rebellious!

Once known by the four great emperors, he would definitely die.

However, what he said made Fang Chuan look at this person with admiration.

"Who else is behind you?" Fang Chuan stared at Yang Tai.

If what Yang Tai said is true, the operability will be even greater.

Yang Tai smiled and said: "You come with me, the flat peach conference is still a while, so it won't be delayed."

Fang Chuan had already developed curiosity towards Yang Tai, so he followed him, dashing all the way through the mountains, and came under the seemingly unremarkable peaks.

This mountain is full of aura.

The surrounding laws of heaven and earth are not inferior to Haodi Mountain.

A more primitive and ordinary Taoist temple appeared on the mountainside of this mountain.

When Fang Chuan swept away his spiritual knowledge, he found that this Taoist temple turned out to be in a secret realm.

The area of ​​Taoist Temple is much larger than he thought.

"where is this place?"

Fang Chuan and the three stopped halfway up the mountain, he looked at the Taoist temple for a moment, and then asked Yang Tai on the side.

Yang Tai waved his hand: "This is the dojo of Yuan Taoist in Wuzhuangguan Town, where you can sit on an equal footing with the great emperors."

"Taoist Zhenyuan?"

Fang Chuan suddenly remembered that in Journey to the West, Zhen Yuanzi, who was hidden from the world and whose status and status was revered.

Is there ginseng fruit here?

The corner of his mouth hooked: "Behind you is the Taoist Zhenyuan?"


Yang Tai nodded: "The Taoist Zhenyuan is my uncle. He has already pushed forward. The realm of God cannot go on for a long time, and variables will come sooner or later."

He looked at Fang Chuan, "And you are the variable my uncle calculated."

"It seems that your uncle's deduction technique is pretty good." Fang Chuan smiled and glanced at Sun Sheng again.

Sun Sheng just stood quietly behind him, without speaking.

Obviously, all this is dominated by him.

He said again: "In that case, let's visit this Taoist Taoist town."

With that, Yang Tai led them down to the Wuzhuang Temple.

At first glance, Wuzhuang Temple is just an ordinary Taoist Temple.

However, when they fell to the door of the Taoist temple, they saw the magnificent stone steps leading to heaven.

One step and one step, extending to the horizon.

The real Taoist temple is at the end of the stone steps.

Before Fang Chuan fell on the stone steps, they felt a special law of heaven and earth, which seemed to block their ability to fly.

Therefore, the average Nascent Soul Realm can only climb this stone step honestly.

This has set a hurdle for people.

"Zhenyuan Taoist really has a hand, not only can deduction, but also a formation." Fang Chuan said indifferently.

"It's true."

Yang Tai smiled with a trace of complacency: "My uncle in the first layer of heaven, known as the number one formation, even the Great Emperor Ziwei is not his opponent."


Fang Chuan nodded, but suddenly made a handprint, and with a bang, a bright lotus was born in the void.

Following that, there was another bang, and the entire stone steps shook.

Then, rays of light emerged, and the breath that blocked everyone from flying suddenly disappeared.


Yang Tai's eyes widened, astonished.

This person, from a backward world, even raised his hand to crack the Zhenyuan Taoist formation?

"Let's go!"

Fang Chuan smiled faintly and waved his hand: "I hope I haven't disappointed the Taoist Zhenyuan."


Although Yang Tai was surprised, he didn't have time to ask more. Following Fang Chuan, they flew directly up the stone steps and came to the end of the stone steps.

The magnificent view of the five villages and its true qualities appeared before them.

Several men in purple and gold robes looked at Fang Chuan's trio with grim expressions.

Their aura is extremely strong, no one is weaker than Yang Tai.

Moreover, the body also exudes a powerful atmosphere of magic weapons.

However, their faces were obviously not good-looking, because Fang Chuan, a person from the lower realm, directly cracked their master's formation.

This makes them very shameless.

"Yang Tai, this person is the variable calculated by the master?" the leader asked coldly.

"Yes, Senior Brother Mogan." Yang Tai showed a respectful look and nodded: "This is the first-grade immortal official newly appointed by Emperor Vast Sky, fellow Taoist Fang Chuan."


Mo Gan nodded coldly, and then looked at Fang Chuan and Sun Sheng: "You two will come with us. It is your blessing to be able to see our Master."

"However, don't think that if you can break the formation, you will have the proud capital. This formation is just arranged by our master to test the disciples."

He said again: "When you see Master, you must be courteous, and don't run into Master, otherwise, Vast Sky Great Emperor will not be able to save you."

Everyone listened with such a look on their faces.

Yang Tai couldn't help but glance at Fang Chuan.

What Mogan said seemed to have gone too far.

However, he is not qualified to teach Mogan.

Sure enough, Fang Chuan's face was not pretty.

He was a guest who came to visit the Taoists of Zhenyuan, but these people wanted to give him offense.

He looked at Mo Gan coldly.

This Mogan was a figure at the pinnacle of the Ninth Layer of the Nascent Soul Realm, and he stepped into the Aperture Realm for half a step with one foot.

His body exudes a murderous aura that makes ordinary Nascent Soul Realm cultivators afraid, and he is obviously a decisive person.

However, think about it, few people who can survive in the first day are weak.

His eyes gave people a sharp feeling.

Fang Chuan looked at Mo Gan like this, making Mo Gan very uncomfortable.

Mo Gan frowned and said coldly: "Why, what do you think of what I just said?"

"Ha ha."

Fang Chuan smiled, shook his head and said, "Forget it, I am a guest after all. I came to visit the Taoist Zhenyuan to discuss some important matters. It hurts my peace for you, a small person."


Mo Gan was almost mad, this kid, knowing whether to live or die, dare to say such things, it is simply looking for death!

His eyes were almost full of anger.

With a hum, a dazzling and murderous flying sword appeared around his body.

He seems to be about to do it.

Murderous spirit has locked Fang Chuan.

The rest of the people also showed hostility to Fang Chuan, as if they would shoot at the same time as long as they needed to kill Fang Chuan.

Yang Tai has a numb scalp!

Sun Sheng looked indifferent, and did not take this matter into his eyes.

Fang Chuan's mouth twitched and shook his head. He didn't care, because if necessary, he could use fatalism to kill all these people.

It just burns some life.

He doesn't care!

"Okay." However, at this moment, a deep and majestic voice came from the sky: "Little friend Fang Chuan, please come up."

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