The Strongest Medical Immortal in the City

Chapter 1672: True local tyrant

Chapter 1672: Real Tyrant

Liu Menglu couldn't help smiling, and quickly took Luo Yao's hand and smiled: "Sister Luo Yao, you may not be familiar with me, but I have heard a lot about you."

She said again: "Go, go to my table."

The two of them walked aside, Fang Chuan walked beside Luo Yao, and then came to the table where Luo Yao was.

Liu Menglu turned out to be the guest of honor at this table, and Fang Chuan also learned that the initiator of the banquet Wu Jing would also be sitting at this table.

Many people were surprised to see Liu Menglu welcoming the two young men and sitting in the chair of Wu Jing's guest seat. Someone quickly asked Fang Chuan's identity.

People in the entertainment industry are not very familiar with Fang Chuan, but some of the upper-class people in Yizhou City are familiar with Fang Chuan.

Soon, Fang Chuan's identity in Yizhou City was also spread.

Some people in the entertainment circle later learned that Fang Chuan is the boss of Yunchuan Entertainment, and he is a very capable person.

Therefore, some of them hurriedly came over here and talked to Fang Chuan.

"It turns out that this young man is the owner of Yunchuan Entertainment. I heard that the backstage is Yunchuan Group!"

"Didn't you hear? He is the boss of Yunchuan Group!"

"No wonder this young man can sit in that position!"

Everyone talked about each other.

After Fang Chuan sat down in the main guest seat, he saw a large electronic screen with a long string of numbers on it, beating constantly.

It turns out that this is the real-time box office data of Wolf Warrior 3.

Fang Chuan took a closer look and found that the box office was already very close to 300 million, which was an extraordinary achievement.

"Boss..." Liu Menglu shouted with a smile.

Fang Chuan waved his hand: "Senior Sister Liu, you call me Xiaochuan, and I panicked when you call me the boss!"


Liu Menglu smiled: "That's fine too!"

She said again: "Xiao Chuan, director Wu Jing may want to talk to you about the movie "Hunting Knife". I have seen the script of this movie. It is a very good script."

"Sister Liu, just tell me what you want me to do." Fang Chuan smiled faintly.

"I think we can invest in this drama!"

Liu Menglu said again: "Director Wu Jing is an actor, but he made the money he needs with two wolves. He himself said that making movies in the future is not for money!"

"So, he wants to make a good movie. Now, he is looking for investment!"

"I think we can take advantage of this opportunity to invest in this movie. First, we can build a reputation for Yunchuan Entertainment. Second, we should be able to make a lot of money."

She said a long list and looked very excited, as if she was looking forward to this movie.

Fang Chuan clicked the corner of his mouth and waved his hand: "Senior Sister Liu, you like this drama, then we will vote for this drama. Is 100 million enough? 1 billion if it is not enough. If it is not enough, then 10 billion!"


Liu Menglu disregarded her image and spewed water out of her mouth. Fortunately, the scene was so noisy that few people saw it.

She widened her eyes: "Our Yunchuan Entertainment now has less than 10 billion funds!"

"Can't I personally invest?" Fang Chuan smiled, "As long as Senior Sister Liu is on your side, I will vote. I don't need anything, even more money."

"Local tyrant!" Liu Menglu couldn't help but give a thumbs up. She Fang Chuan's assets are still not counted. After Fang Chuan's words today, she opened her eyes.

Luo Yao was also shocked!

She knew that Fang Chuan was rich, but she did not expect that Fang Chuan was so rich.

One hundred million, one billion, ten billion, this is not a water molecule, this is money, a person with so much money turned out to support a female star!

This is too crazy!

"Well, wait a while, let's tell Director Wu Jing." Fang Chuan smiled, "I have heard about him before, and many people were not optimistic about his movies before. Later he also offended him because of this. Some capitalists."

The corner of his mouth twitched: "Now, I support director Wu Jing. I will cast whatever film you want to film."

"That's great!" Liu Menglu couldn't help but be overjoyed.

Fang Chuan said again: "However, the only requirement for me to invest in movies in the future is that the heroine needs me to decide, and the actor has the right to change."

"This—" Liu Menglu was taken aback.

Fang Chuan waved his hand: "Don't worry, I won't mess around."

"It's up to you, you can be happy, who makes you a local tyrant!" Liu Menglu smiled, remembering the scene when she met Fang Chuan.

At first, she thought Fang Chuan was just an ordinary student!

Later I learned that he could catch ghosts and saved her several times.

By now, she understood better that this guy was not an ordinary local tyrant, but a super local tyrant, with a gesture of tens of billions.

"Miss Liu, long time no see." At this moment, Chen Yan walked over gracefully with a wine glass.

Then he saw Fang Chuan and Luo Yao, and he raised his brows: "Ah, this young lady is here too, it's a blessing!"

As he said, he picked up the wine glass and raised it to Luo Yao.

"Ha, Chen Yan!"

Liu Menglu was in a good mood at the moment. Seeing Chen Yan, she also smiled, nodded, raised her wine glass, pointed at Chen Yan, and Fang Chuan said, "This is our tentative male lead in "Hard Knife", Chen Yan. ."

She was about to introduce Fang Chuan to Chen Yan.

Chen Yan smiled and said, "Hehe, I saw this gentleman in the parking lot. He is a very humorous person. He said he wants to turn all the male stars in the entertainment industry into eunuchs overnight."

He was joking to lower Fang Chuan.

Fang Chuan saw the whole laughter, but he was secretly hurting him.

He clicked the corner of his mouth and nodded: "I said, if Mr. Chen wants to give it a try, I can let you experience it for free."

"Haha, Mr. laughed."

Because Chen Yan greeted some people behind him, when he came over, he didn't know Fang Chuan's identity, so he didn't even know what Fang Chuan's name was.

He then turned his gaze to Liu Menglu: "Miss Liu, I hope we can cooperate happily this time."

"Uh..." Luo Yao had already put down the wine glass at this time, and Chen Yan's image in her heart was greatly reduced.

Because she didn't like Chen Yan deliberately targeting Fang Chuan.

She also knew that with Fang Chuan's character, I'm afraid that this time Liu Menglu's cooperation with Chen Yan could not have been so pleasant.

Liu Menglu also put away her smile, and touched the wine glass with Chen Yan lightly: "Yeah."


Chen Yan immediately felt something was wrong, raised his brows, and smiled: "Ms. Liu, there are a few acquaintances at our table, all of whom are big investors. Would you like to go to meet them?"

"No." Liu Menglu waved, "Go ahead."

Chen Yan frowned again, looked at Fang Chuan, and suddenly understood that what he said just now seemed to offend Liu Menglu.

But there was a sneer in his heart. Liu Menglu was just a female star, and in the entertainment circle, she was not a queen.

He also heard that Liu Menglu liked the drama "Hard Knife", but the funds for "Hard Knife" did not seem to be in place.

He smiled, said to Liu Menglu, and turned away.

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