The Strongest Medical Immortal in the City

Chapter 1671: Xiaochuan, you are so stingy

Chapter 1671 Xiaochuan, you are so stingy

Luo Yao didn't know Fang Chuan's thoughts at all. She thought it was just a dinner party, and never thought about what embarrassing things would happen if Fang Chuan's thoughts were followed.

She was very excited and quickly pulled Fang Chuan and ran away.

Obviously, she has forgotten about having a candlelight dinner with Fang Chuan!

Fang Chuan had no choice but to take them. However, they went shopping afterwards and went to the video game city for another afternoon before returning to exchange for a decent gift. Then they drove the Porsche 918 in Shangchuan to the opening of Wolf Warriors 3. Go to the hotel for dinner.

It turned out that in the afternoon, Liu Menglu and Wu Jing had to discuss the specific details of the next movie.

Therefore, Luo Yao had no choice but to wait until now.

When they came, there were already many luxury cars parked outside the restaurant of the five-star hotel that Wu Jing used to pay for.

Fang Chuan's Porsche 918 is here, and it can only be regarded as quite satisfactory.

Some luxury cars such as Ferrari, Lamborghini, Mercedes-Benz, Bentley and Aston Martin have also parked a lot.

It turned out that tonight, not only the members of the Wolf Warriors crew, but also many of Wu Jing's good friends in the circle, and some powerful people came to the dinner.

Today, they have another important event, which is to celebrate the achievement of breaking 300 million on the first day.

You know, now, their national box office has reached more than 200 million, and it is expected to break 300 million from 8 to 9 in the evening, and it is expected to break 400 million in 24 hours.

This is a very terrifying result!

However, this is also qualified for War Wolf, after all, they created a myth in the last War Wolf.

"My God, I didn't expect to be so lucky this time, to meet so many stars, and to be able to participate in this dinner!"

Luo Yao now has completely lost the composure and calm that the policewoman should have, completely showing her side as the girl next door.

This gave Fang Chuan a more lively and real feeling.

He took Luo Yao's hand: "Hey, Sister Luo Yao, you won't be like those silly fans, thinking about how many male stars you want to sleep, right?"

"What if it is?" Luo Yao joked.

Fang Chuan's face sank: "I promise, I will turn all the male stars of the Chinese entertainment industry into eunuchs overnight."

"Uh -" Luo Yao sweats coldly, "Are you too domineering?"

"My woman, can't have this kind of thought, otherwise, I will kill this possibility in the bud." Fang Chuan said lightly.

Luo Yao blushed: "Who is your woman!"

Fang Chuan hugged her: "It won't work if you don't admit it, now it's called a done deal!"

"Bah, bah, who is done with you!" Luo Yao's face turned red.

"That one--"

At this moment, a voice came from behind them, "Can you not be on the road if you show affection?"

Luo Yao looked back, but it was Chen Yan, a popular star.

This Chen Yan is very handsome, and after packaging and promotion, he is also very famous. There are many female fans who can do everything for him.

Originally, Chen Yan just saw Luo Yao's figure and thought it was okay, but he, who is used to seeing beautiful women, would not care too much.

However, when Luo Yao and Fang Chuan turned around together, he looked stupid.

"His—" He took a deep breath.

He had never seen a woman in the entertainment industry before, a woman who was even more beautiful than Liu Menglu. When he saw Luo Yao's face, his heart pounded.

Fang Chuan frowned and waved his hand: "It is impolite to stare at my girlfriend."

"Oh, sorry." Chen Yan returned to his senses, and then smiled, "Hello, nice to meet you."

He said again: "You shouldn't be in the entertainment industry, right?"

"Chen Yan!" Luo Yao couldn't help being surprised. She could watch many movies of Chen Yan and also watched him on some reality show variety shows.

"Ha ha."

Chen Yan smiled slightly, "Hello, this is Chen Yan. Beauties, you should be from the upper class in Yizhou City."

"I'm the policeman, he runs a drugstore." Luo Yao said quickly.

"Uh-" Fang Chuan raised his brows and coughed.

Luo Yao reacted, she was too excited. However, she can't be blamed. She is only in her twenties, and she is a real person on the screen when she is just a teenager.

However, she has never looked at Chen Yan from the perspective of men and women.

She was just pure excitement.

However, Fang Chuan is still a little jealous.

He waved his hand: "Let's go." Then, he said to Chen Yan lightly: "Disaccompany!" Following, he pulled Luo Yao away.

"Xiaochuan, can I ask Chen Yan for an autograph?" Luo Yao asked quickly.

"No!" Fang Chuan shook his head.

"Then I will take a photo with him!" Luo Yao begged.

"No." Fang Chuan still shook his head.

"Xiaochuan, you are so stingy. Why don't I ask him for a WeChat ID?" Luo Yao said again.

"Don't even think about it!"

Fang Chuan took Luo Yao and went to the banquet hall, and said solemnly: "I've decided, you mention Chen Yan again, I will buy him into my company, and then hide him. That's right, I want to make him an eunuch."

"Huh?" Luo Yao was taken aback, "Are you so cruel?"

"I can be even more ruthless with respect to rivals in love!" Fang Chuan said angrily.

"Haha!" Luo Yao covered her mouth and kissed Fang Chuan's face again: "Don't worry, I was just a little excited when I saw a star for the first time. How could they compare to you!"

"Humph!" Fang Chuan snorted.

Luo Yao couldn't help but giggle when she saw Fang Chuan's arrogant appearance.

After a while, they came to the banquet hall.

There is someone guarding the entrance of the banquet hall, either a very famous person or an invitation letter from the organizer.

Fang Chuan and Luo Yao came to the door, but they weren't too hindered, because Wu Jing had specifically told the people under his hands before.

After they came in, they saw that in this huge banquet hall, there were many luxurious tables on which white wine, red wine and some cold dishes were already placed.

On each table, some guests' identities were written.

Moreover, as soon as he entered the banquet hall, there was a Zhike who took the corresponding people to different places.

"Mr. Fang, Madam, please come here." Fang Chuan and the others were greeted by a very decent, capable, and pretty girl with a smile on her face and very enthusiastic.

"Xiao Lu, they are my friends, let me come to receive it." At this moment, the big star Liu Menglu came over and said to Xiao Lu.

Na Xiaolu naturally had no objection, and after greeted Fang Chuan and others, she went to receive other people.

"Sister Liu, long time no see!" Fang Chuan said, greeted him, and shook a hand with Liu Menglu, only to feel that Liu Menglu's hand was still soft and boneless, very tender.

Liu Menglu was so licked by Fang Chuan, she raised her brows: "Xue Brother Fang, no, you are now my boss!"

She said angrily: "Boss, you brought such a beautiful female companion here, and it would be too much to act on me!"

"Puff!" Luo Yao smiled. Knowing that Liu Menglu was Fang Chuan's customary woman, she hurriedly said: "You are free, I will be angry if you change someone else, you won't be the star of Liu."

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