The Strongest Medical Immortal in the City

Chapter 1668: The power of the curse

Chapter 1668 the power of the curse



"Who? Mr. Tang?"

The people from Wanda Film and Television couldn't help but frown, and the manager looked at Fang Chuan.

He only felt that although these two people were dressed well, they were young and they didn't look like powerful people!

He couldn't help but smiled and asked: "Do you know Mr. Tang?"

"Ms. Tang?" Fang Chuan shook his head, "I don't know."

"Ha, Mr. Tang doesn't know him, so you still need to find the person in charge of our Wanda?"

The manager couldn't help laughing, he let out a big sigh of relief, and waved his hand: "Then you can find anyone, anyway, I followed the procedure."

He looked at the time: "I'm very busy. I will give you three minutes at most, otherwise, please forgive me for not being able to accompany me."

"Hey, Mr. Wang, I heard that you were in Yizhou City recently, right? Come to your Wanda Cinema on the South Third Ring Road when you have time."

"Are you coming over now? Okay, I'll wait for you. You Wanda Film and Television gave me a good experience."

Fang Chuan said and hung up the phone.

He then directly took a photo of this manager Wu: "You are a man of trouble, you can go, wait a while, when Mr. Wang comes, you come to us again."

He said, but turned around and went to the drink shop.


Manager Wu frowned, "You said Mr. Wang, is it our 10,000-year-old Mr. Wang?"

"You don't need to worry about that." Fang Chuan smiled faintly.

"Manager Wu, don't listen to him bragging. How can it be possible that the two of them still know Lord Wang?"

"Yes, I read on Weibo, Wang Gongzi was still in the imperial capital yesterday!"

The scalper party Lao Xu quickly said to Lao Lu that they didn't believe that these two men could know the famous Prince Wang.

"That's right."

Manager Wu sneered and waved, "You use fake tickets, and you want to use Prince Wang to lie to me? Then I will stay here, ha ha, see what you have to brag about."

He has confiscated Fang Chuan's ticket now, and he has a sense of accomplishment.

Moreover, he is also considered to be a high-ranking member of Wanda Film and Television, and he is usually a little arrogant, but now he naturally feels even more flat.

Therefore, he has lost the hypocritical formulaic tone he had before.

He said, and walked inside.

Fang Chuan shook his head and ignored him. Instead, he sat back with Luo Yao and returned to the drink shop.

He smiled and said, "Sister Luo Yao, don't worry, you will definitely see Wolf Warrior 3."

"Yeah." Luo Yao can certainly believe Fang Chuan.

"Haha!" The manager sneered, "I'm sorry, all the tickets for today are pre-sold, and there are almost no tickets for tomorrow."

He shrugged and said: "Young man, I can understand you in order to pretend to be patient in front of your girlfriend. However, don't let yourself be overwhelmed."

Then Old Xu came over and said with a smile: "Boy, I still have tickets here, do you want? One ticket, you will be cheaper, two thousand!"

"Ha ha."

Fang Chuan's mouth twitched, "The scalper party is well-deserved!"

"What's the matter with Laozi's scalper party, it doesn't make less money than you people!" Lao Xu said loudly, "People like you might not make much money yet."

"Snatching other people's resources and then reselling them at a high price is equivalent to robbery in disguise and extortion in disguise."

Fang Chuan shook his head: "People like you, in the next life, you will suffer from bad luck, loneliness and death, many disasters!"


As soon as Fang Chuan said this, the golden light of merit in the mustard seed space suddenly turned into a force of darkness, rushed out, turned into two black qi, and sank into the brows of these two people.


"Why did you feel dizzy just now?"

The two men said, shaking their heads, feeling a little sick.

"Oh shit!"

Fang Chuan couldn't help cursing, this merit golden light was originally scarce, and only by killing a murderous evil cultivator did he gain such merit.

But he didn't expect it to be used directly by him.

However, when he thought that the golden light of merit had the effect of cursing people, he raised his brow and his heart was also happy.

This golden light of merit can be said to be the most unique energy he has ever seen.

If you collect more golden light of merit and merit, you can not only bless and curse others.

And in battle, it is also very useful.

You can sacrifice in exchange for strength.

You can also curse others, which is equivalent to DEBUFF in the game and weaken others.

"Who is your mother?"

The old Xu frowned, and when he heard Fang Chuan's words, he walked forward, aggressively, but suddenly his feet were soft.

He banged his head directly and knocked on the table in front of Fang Chuan.

Suddenly, his forehead was bloody, and the pain made him scream.

Fang Chuan's mouth ticked: "How embarrassed is such a big gift?"

"You--" Old Xu was so angry that he was about to yell at him. Suddenly, the blood from his forehead choked into his throat.

Old Xu coughed violently, his face flushed, and his lungs almost came out.

"Damn, it's really unlucky!" He cursed, took the water that Lao Lu had brought, and drank it in one gulp, but his face changed suddenly.


He vomited out with a mouthful of blood. He didn't expect that there was a piece of broken glass in the water glass.

"What's the matter?"

As he spoke, his voice became hoarse, and after a few words, he couldn't explain clearly.

Lao Lu was shocked, and greeted the people in the drink shop quickly, and sent Lao Xu to a nearby hospital, where he gave up a few harsh words.

After busying for a while, these talents calmed down.

"Ha ha!"

Fang Chuan smiled faintly, all of this has nothing to do with him, even with the drink shop. After all, Lao Lu and the others did not consume it here.

In this way, he deserves it.

He glanced at the manager Wu: "Look, I said that people who do such bad things will be retributed sooner or later, and there will be many disasters."

"Uh-" Manager Wu was panicked. He also felt that Old Xu was just unlucky.

But now listening to Fang Chuan's words, I suddenly feel a little weird.

After a while, one of his men whispered to him, Lao Lu called, Lao Xu's voice could not be kept, and he would no longer be a scalper.

Moreover, surgery requires a lot of money.

He couldn't help but glanced at Fang Chuan, and thought that he would also be with Old Xu in the ordinary time, and he would be retribution.

"Ah, Mr. Fang, haha, hello, hello!"

At this moment, Grand Master Wang from the Wanda Group, who looked ordinary and had a strong temperament, walked over with a smile.

His smile on his face is completely different from the usual temperament of a young master on the Internet.

He quickly shook hands with Fang Chuan: "I had a good-bye at Mojia in Shanghai Stock Exchange. I have always wanted to see Mr. Fang again!"

It turned out that Fang Chuan met this Prince Wang at the dinner of the Mo family.

They also added WeChat to each other, so Fang Chuan knew that the Prince Wang had come to Yizhou City today.

The reason why he was added to WeChat is only because Fang Chuan thinks that Wang Gongzi is an internet celebrity, which is quite interesting.

"Really Prince Wang?" Manager Wu was stunned.

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