The Strongest Medical Immortal in the City

Chapter 1667: Lawless scalpers

Chapter 1667 the lawless scalper party

Fang Chuan then smiled and said, "Have you forgotten who I am? I am a genius doctor. Even if I smash his leg to pieces, I can recover him."

He shook his head: "Also, at the time, I already knew someone was going to save him."

"I knew that you are a good person." Luo Yao looked admiringly.

Fang Chuan waved his hand: "Don't send me a good person card, I don't like it."

The two laughed suddenly, then joined hands and went to the nearest Wanda Cinema City together.

When they came to the Wanda Cinema City, many fans of Wolf Warriors had already come to the cinema in advance.

Today is the first day of the theater of Wolf Warriors 3. I heard that the tickets for the zero o'clock show were highly speculated.

Even with the ticket this afternoon, Fang Chuan was lucky enough to grab it online.

"Buy tickets, buy tickets! Only one hundred yuan for a ticket!"

As soon as they arrived, a man walked over with a smile and whispered to the two of them. Obviously, this person is a scalper.

One of Fang Chuan's hate occupations is this kind of scalper.

Especially the scalpers in the hospital are the most hateful.

His Yunchuan Hospital is hot every day, and there should have been many scalpers.

However, at Fang Chuan's request, the scalpers were severely punished, and the doctor who ventilated the scalpers was severely punished. Therefore, there were basically no scalpers in his hospital.

"Get off." Fang Chuan cursed unceremoniously.

"What are you talking about?" The scalper was also taken aback. He has been a scalper for so many years and has not encountered such a situation.

As he said, with a bad face, he deceived Fang Chuan, with a warning look: "Tell you, don't make trouble in my place, otherwise, I will kill you!"

"Ha ha."

Fang Chuan's mouth twitched, but he didn't expect that a word of himself would provoke such a ruthless word from the other party.

He smiled faintly: "Then I will see what you can do."

As he said, he took out his cell phone and was about to make a call.

"Who to call!" The man frowned, and quickly reached out to grab the phone in Fang Chuan's hand.


Fang Chuan slapped the scalper and slapped the scalper to the ground with a sneer, "It's up to you who I call."

"What's going on, Old Xu!"

"Old Xu, what's up!"

Soon, a few men gathered around with ugly faces, obviously trying to teach Fang Chuan a lesson.

"Is the scalper party so rampant now?"

"That's not it, this kind of people usually have a backstage!"

"Maybe they are in contact with some public officials, and the internal staff of the Ten Thousand University, and all have dividends!"

"A lot of scalpers, don't they just change careers because they can't be mixed up?"

Everyone also saw the problem at a glance, but none of them came to help. After all, they were not close to Fang Chuan and didn't want to cause trouble.

"Ha ha."

One of them, a man in his forties with a big waist, helped Old Xu up, and then approached Fang Chuan, gritting his teeth: "Boy, do you know who we are?"


Fang Chuan slapped the person again, and took the man several steps back.

He waved his hand: "Halitosis, don't stay so close to me, it makes people sick, you know?"

"The kid is looking for death!"

"Fuck him!"

These people were lawless when they were young, and when they were scalpers, they were also untamed. With a roar, they punched and kicked over Fang Chuan.


However, where are they Fang Chuan's opponent.

Fang Chuan waved his hand casually, and these people flew out and hit the ground, groaning painfully, and the body was also blue and purple.

"Ah, this young man is amazing!"

"Sure enough, I have some ability to dare to do things!"

Everyone suddenly looked at each other and praised each other.

You know, Fang Chuan made the shot just now, and they didn't see it clearly, just like the masters in the action TV series.

"You kid wait for me, I see what flowers you can turn over by yourself!"

The old Xu got up with the strong man who came later, ran away like a mouse with his head in a stern word, and everyone could not help laughing.

Fang Chuan clapped his hands, smiled faintly, took Luo Yao, and went inside.

Everyone talked a lot about what happened just now, some focused on Fang Chuan's body, some fell on Fang Chuan's temperament, and more people fell on Luo Yao's beauty.

However, this can only be their talk after dinner.

Fang Chuan and the others came to the lobby, lined up, and picked up the tickets from the WeChat ticket machine. Because there was no place in the lobby, they found a spot in the drink shop outside and waited while drinking a drink.

About twenty minutes later, the movie was about to begin, and the fans in the drink shop also left one after another.

When Fang Chuan and the others came out, a few people wearing work clothes from Wanda Film and Television came. The old Xu and the brawny man led him to stop Fang Chuan and them.

"What? Someone is here?" Fang Chuan sneered.

Old Xu snorted coldly and pointed at Fang Chuan: "Manager Wu, we found out that they used fake tickets. If you don't believe me, let them take the tickets out for inspection."

"Use a fake ticket?"

Manager Wu gave a lukewarm laugh, and then Fangchuan said very politely: "Sir, I'm sorry, we received a report, and a routine inspection."

With that, he took out a machine: "Please cooperate."

"Hehe." Fang Chuan ticked the corner of his mouth and took out the movie ticket directly.

In fact, it is easy to distinguish between genuine and fake tickets. Because, in Wanda Film and Television, most theaters will use QR codes to check the authenticity of tickets.

Moreover, it is rare to find someone alone to take out the ticket for inspection.

Fang Chuan could have not cooperated!

However, he knew that these people were with the scalper party and deliberately came to trouble him.

He handed the ticket over and smiled: "You are the manager here. The treatment here is not bad, please cherish it."

"Ha ha."

The manager didn't smile, "This is my privacy, please forgive me for not being able to answer."

As he said, he put Fang Chuan's ticket into the machine, and after that, the machine made a harsh sound.

He smiled: "Sir, sorry, you are a fake ticket."

As he said, he put another ticket into the machine, and the same harsh sound was made, indicating that Fang Chuan's ticket was a fake ticket.

He said with a cold face: "We will confiscate the fake tickets, and we will keep your credit record on file, which may affect your viewing experience in the future and cause you inconvenience. Please forgive me."

Every word of him is very official, and does not carry any emotion.

"How is it possible!" Luo Yao suddenly became angry, "You are all in a hurry, come to fix us on purpose, and return the tickets to us!"

She said she was going to win the votes.

The two big guys beside the manager immediately stopped ahead and said coldly: "Madam, please control your emotions, otherwise, we have the right to take corresponding measures."


"Fight with us?"

The scalper old Xu and the brawny old Lu both gave out a sneer and triumphantly.

Fang Chuan twitched the corner of his mouth, looked at them, and smiled: "Interesting, watching a movie is like engaging in a spy war."

As he said, he dialed out the number on his cell phone: "I won't solve this matter. Let the person in charge of your Wanda solve it."

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