The Strongest Medical Immortal in the City

Chapter 1650: Vomit blood directly

Chapter 1650


Fang Chuan's mouth twitched and shook his head, "You don't have the qualifications to live with me. To be honest, you are too weak."

"Zhang Hongjiang!" He suddenly looked aside Zhang Hongjiang, who was already stunned.

"Huh?" Zhang Hongjiang nodded quickly, "What is Mr. Fang's instructions?"

"How strong is their Liang family?" Fang Chuan smiled faintly.

"Very strong." Zhang Hongjiang nodded quickly.

Fang Chuan asked again: "Compared to your sunset organization?"

"Not weaker than our sunset organization!" Zhang Hongjiang told the truth, "Moreover, it may be stronger than our sunset organization!"

"Then you understand why they gave you the task?" Fang Chuan smiled.

Zhang Hongjiang nodded quickly, gritted his teeth with hatred.

If it wasn't for the Liang family to entrust such a perverted task to them, the people in their group would not have died so miserably.

He said angrily: "That's because they want to use our power to test and consume your power, Mr. Fang, and reap the rewards!"


Fang Chuan nodded, then waved his hand: "In this case, go up, one person will give me twenty big mouths."

"Yes!" Zhang Hongjiang nodded repeatedly and walked over with anger.

"Dare you!" Liang Yuanliang was sealed with his ability, but the momentum was still there. His strength can be higher than Zhang Hongjiang.

Zhang Hongjiang sneered and said, "What can I not dare?"

Bang bang ......

As he said, raising his hand, he pulled his big mouths one by one.

The loud slap in the face resounded under the torii of the Liang family.

How could this be slapped these people, it was clearly slapped on the face of Gu Wuliang's family again and again!

Everyone of them present, hearing this slap, felt that life is better than death.

There are twenty slaps per person, and more than 400 slaps are present.

The slap in the face continued.

After a while, Zhang Hongjiang swelled the last person's face.

He turned his head, Fang Chuan arched his hands: "Mr. Fang, I have finished the draw."


Fang Chuan waved his hand and Yun Jin said, "Your Liang family has reached this point, can you still bear it?"

His voice spread far, resounding within a few kilometers of Liangjia Town.


"He still dare to provoke our great elder?"

"The Great Elder is here, then there is no problem!"

Everyone had had enough insults, and now that Fang Chuan dared to provoke the Great Elder, he was suddenly excited.

They know that the Great Elder is a very powerful existence.

Like the patron saint of their Liang family.

Only Liang Dongxing and others know that the old age is already very big. He is precious at all times. He is not a last resort. He will not come forward to help the descendants of the Liang family.


At this time, a heavy sigh came from a deserted house deep in the Liang family.

Then, with a scream, a figure appeared in front of the Liang family in a blink of an eye.

This is a slightly fat body and wearing a white gown.

His aura is amazing, giving people a kind of pressure like a mountain.

He is the patron saint of the Liang family, the super powerhouse of the triple foundation, Liang Xingwu!

When Liang Xingwu came out, although everyone could not move their bodies, they were still very excited, as if looking at hope.

"Haha, the master of the triple foundation."

Fang Chuan clicked the corner of his mouth, "It's really strong! It's a pity that you are a master of dying years, and you are still a master of injuries."

He smiled: "Is it hurt when I crossed the robbery?"


Liang Xingwu raised his eyebrows. What he didn't think, the young man in front of him could see through his physical condition.

He sneered: "Even if there is an injury, the triple-foundation master is not something you can handle, understand?"

"Ha ha."

Fang Chuan shook his head: "You can't live long. If you start with me today, there is only one dead end."

He smiled and said: "I can expect you to be exhausted by me."

"Because, I really want to see how tired you are."

"Only a master like you is worth playing with me!"

As he said, with a wave of his hand, his aura became surging. In the face of such a master, he can't despise it!

Even if he can defeat this kind of master, but if he is not careful, he will get in.

However, for him, this is very interesting!

"Since you are so overconfident, and I have reached the dying year of the wind, it is very cost-effective to use my life to promote the prestige of my ancient Wuliang family!"

Liang Xingwu smiled slightly and looked at Fang Chuan: "Come on!"


Fang Chuan was also unceremonious, and punched him directly. With this punch, he has already used his strongest physical strength.

With a bang, the force was overwhelming.


Liang Xingwu raised his eyebrows. He didn't expect that Fang Chuan, a man with a strong breath, could make such terrible moves.

You know, there are huge gaps at every level of the foundation building period.

And every third floor is another hurdle!

Therefore, Liang Xingwu had absolute self-confidence before. But at this time, his confidence was shaken!


He also hurriedly threw a punch and collided with Fang Chuan's fist.

Suddenly, two terrifying forces annihilated together, producing an extremely terrifying impact.

Liang Xingwu immediately took a few steps back, and the injury on his body was also completely broken at that moment, making his face ugly to the extreme.


Fang Chuan was also shocked, but he still turned around, rushed over, and punched Liang Xingwu with eight moves.

Every stroke is stronger than one.

Boom, boom——

Liang Xingwu also hurriedly exhausted all the strength of his whole body, displayed his unique knowledge of his life, and insisted on Fang Chuan's eight moves.

Suddenly, the air wave was raging and shocked.

Each of their actions can spur a vortex of power.


The last move was a confrontation, which exploded their inner strength and true energy to the fullest.

Liang Xingwu's whole body suddenly retreated, and he felt Fang Chuan's real qi surge like a rainbow in his body, shaking his internal organs with severe pain.


Liang Xingwu directly vomited blood!


"The Great Elder is not his opponent?"

"How is this possible?"

The hope of these people was completely shattered at this moment.

The master of the triple foundation!

"You are really amazing!" Liang Xingwu wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and looked at Fang Chuan, "You can have this cultivation level at a young age, and the future is even more unlimited."

He shook his head: "However, if I am not injured, you are not my opponent at all!"

He said again: "But, I have one more trick. If you can follow along, I will give you my life."

"What kind of move?" Fang Chuan smiled. The fight against Liang Xingwu just now was so fierce, in fact, he also received some back shocks.

If he hadn't been close to the physical strength of the treasure class now, he might have been injured.

Building a triple foundation, even if it is a dying person, it is not so easy to deal with.

"Eight kills!" Liang Xingwu sneered, his eyes stunned!

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