The Strongest Medical Immortal in the City

Chapter 1649: All together, let one hand

Chapter 1649 Everyone Together, Let One Hand

Fang Chuan's performance just now made everyone present feel terrified.

Although Liang Yuanxing is not a top figure in the Liang family, he is also very powerful in terms of cultivation, and has reached the super realm of the ninth level of Qi refining.

However, such a strong man was seriously injured in front of Fang Chuan with just a slap in the face.

They understand that this person may have reached the level of an elder, a person of a higher realm.

These people who can't even compare with Liang Yuanxing, how could they have started with Fang Chuan.

After a while, a group of people came from the main road in Liangjia Town.

The middle-aged person from the Liang family before, led Liang Yuanliang, Liang Dongxing and others, as well as a few fresh faces, and quickly walked over.

"Fang Chuan, how dare you come to our Liangjiazhen?" Liang Yuanliang glanced at the situation on the scene, then glared at Fang Chuan.

His heart suddenly twitched.

Their Liangjiazhen has never experienced such a shameful shame.

People were beaten, and even the torii that had stood for hundreds of years was broken.

"What can you do to me?" Fang Chuan twitched his mouth, looked at Liang Yuanliang and others, and then waved.

With a flop, Fang Chuan threw that Zhang Hongjiang at Liang Yuanliang's feet.

He smiled faintly: "Do you know him?"

"Huh?" Liang Yuanliang's face suddenly changed color.

How could Zhang Hongjiang not know him? At the beginning, he first met Zhang Hongjiang before meeting Chen De.

As soon as he saw Zhang Hongjiang, he knew Fang Chuan's intention.

He waved his hand quickly: "Who is this person? I don't even know it!"

"Young Master Liang!"

At this time, Zhang Hongjiang found that he had recovered his ability to act, he jumped up and pointed at Liang Yuanliang: "It was you who asked us to deal with Miss Fan Youmei, to deal with Mr. Fang. If you don't recognize it, it won't work. The case!"

"You--" Liang Yuanliang's face was pale and angrily said: "You sunset organization, treachery, unethical, really disgusting!"


Zhang Hongjiang sneered: "You let us kidnap other people's girlfriends and stalk others. Is this still moral?"

He is also willing to give it up, to survive, he can say anything.

He said again: "You are such an immoral person, how can I tell you morals!"

"The facts are clear, right?"

Fang Chuan waved his hand: "You Liang Yuanliang didn't have much conflict with me in the first place. It's understandable that you are doing things with the Xun family."

His eyes flashed: "But you dog should be too loyal, even my woman dare to make ideas."

A tick at the corner of his mouth: "Then, be prepared to accept punishment."

"Fang Chuan, listen to me." Liang Yuanliang's eyes drenched. "Our Liang family is indeed doing something for the Xun family. Since you know, there is nothing to say."

He said again: "Furthermore, the Xun family is not something you can afford, nor can you afford the Liang family."

"Fang Chuan!"

Liang Dongxing stood up and waved his hand: "Let's go, I promise you, in the future, we will not touch the affairs of your Fang family and Xun's family. That's it, how about it?"

"Impossible." Fang Chuan shook his head.

"Don't go too far!"

Liang Dongxing frowned, "Have you ever gone to find out, our Liang family is not like the Fan family, there is no master of triple foundation building!"

"Yes, the strength of our Liang family is beyond your imagination!"

"Don't be overconfident!"

"This person is too arrogant to let him go!"

When the Liang family heard Liang Dongxing's words, they were immediately filled with anger, and gained confidence again, as if they were about to tear Fang Chuan into pieces.

Fang Chuan faintly smiled: "You are talking nonsense with me here, isn't it because the master of your Liang family can't come out yet?"

The corner of his mouth clicked: "Well, I am here today for a very simple purpose, and that is to beat your Liang family until you are afraid!"

"Too much bullying!"

"Our Liang family has suffered such humiliation for so many years?"

"It is tolerable, which is unbearable!"

Those in the Liang family were angry, they had never encountered such a thing!

"Hehe, let's go on together."

Fang Chuan said, standing under the archway that had been destroyed by him, smiled faintly, only raised one hand: "All of you, including you elders, I will give you one hand."


"Can't bear it!"

Everyone really couldn't stand Fang Chuan's provocation, roaring again and again, and then rushed directly in front of Fang Chuan.

They fist out, fierce.

This general trend came over and made people feel suffocated.

Bang bang bang--

However, their strength is too weak in front of Fang Chuan.

Even their elders, who are respected as super masters in the foundation-building period of heaven and humans, can't make a move in front of Fang Chuan.

He waved his hand again and again, and between his palms, there was super power, and he swiped at them again and again.


In an instant, their moves were broken by Fang Chuan. He was lightly grabbed by Fang Chuan, and immediately severely injured.

Brush and brush——

In a moment, a man flew out and fell to the ground, kneeling directly on the ground.

Every one of them, after being knocked into the air by Fang Chuan, was sealed off and kneeled on the ground. Although he was very unwilling, he still did not resist!


Liang Yuanliang roared, and both palms came out, with a shocking momentum, and his palms suddenly pressed out with a surging force.

It can be said that he used his most powerful force.

However, Fang Chuan just stretched out a finger at random, bursting the terrifying power of Liang Yuanliang's punch, and then hitting Liang Yuanliang's palm.


Liang Yuanliang let out the same scream, then fell to the ground, vomiting blood, and was also beaten to kneel on the ground, unable to move.

The blue veins on his forehead were shining, and he was extremely ashamed and angry.

However, no matter how hard he struggles, there is nothing he can do, and even the inner strength in his body is sealed by Fang Chuan's sealing technique!

Like him, there are several elders like Liang Dongxing.

A few of them, aged and mature, knew that Fang Chuan could not cope with it, and when they shot, they played a combined attack.

Vigorous and imposing!

Originally, the combined attacks of several of their masters who built the foundation and one heavy, were considered earth-shattering.

However, Fang Chuan just beat him with a punch.

Then, a few consecutive clicks like lightning, knocked these people back instantly, and kneeled on the ground like everyone else.

Bang bang bang...

Two dozen of their masters rushed up like a tiger, but within a few breaths, they were all beaten to the ground, kneeling in a row.

This scene was shocked to the extreme!

"how is this possible?"

"This is too powerful, right?"

"He really only used one hand!"

Those masters of the Liang family are about to collapse! Those who are weaker of them don't care. Several elders of the Liang family shot at the same time, the same is true, kneeling down bitterly.

This person is abnormal.

"Fang Chuan!"

Liang Dongxing gritted his teeth and was extremely angry. They all represented the Liang family. This was a great shame to the Liang family.

No one from the Liang family can raise their heads.

He angrily said: "We, the Liang family, will never die with you!"

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