The Strongest Medical Immortal in the City

Chapter 1619: I forced you, how?

Chapter 1619 I'm Forcing You, How?

"if not……"

Liang Dongxing shook his head: "If you are obsessed with understanding, then we have nothing to do. Mr. Huo is killing you! Have you figured it out?"

"Fang Chuan!"

Xun sternly said: "Have you not seen it clearly? The gap between you and me is not in your own strength, but in power and in origin."

He said coldly: "Although I am not your opponent, but anyone I find can be stronger than you."

"That's not a big deal. If it's my brother, his influence will be even greater."

He looked like a knife: "Have you not seen our gap?"

"Ha ha."

Fang Chuan couldn't help but shook his head: "Is anyone who finds out casually can beat me? That's a joke!"

He paused: "The other joke is, do you think you can find someone, but I don't have any capable people?"

He waved his hand: "Zhan Tai Feng."

As he said, Zhe Taifeng walked out from behind him, his breath unfolded!

The aura of Zhetaifeng has surpassed the level of ordinary human beings, and is more powerful than Liang Dongxing.

"You--" Liang Dongxing sensed the aura displayed by Zhan Taifeng, and he could not help but back off again and again, his face changed drastically.

Zhan Tai's breath is obviously stronger than him!

He is just a master of building a foundation, but, compared to the aura of the second building of the pinnacle of Zhan Taifeng, he is nothing!

"Where is such a powerful master?" Xun Yan's face also changed, but his face was hot.

Just now, I was quite proud, showing that I could find such a powerful master, and then Fang Chuan called a more powerful master than Liang Dongxing.

His confidence was severely shattered.

Fang Chuan's mouth twitched and looked at Xun Yan: "Your master is not worth mentioning!"

"Huh!" Xun Yan's face was ugly, not only because of the loss of face, but also because he found that his situation was not so good.

However, he did not believe that Fang Chuan dared to kill him.

He gritted his teeth: "Anyway, today, Fan Youmei must follow me!" He was the second best thing, so he would not move Fang Chuan for now.

Fang Chuan smiled faintly: "I can let you take Sister Fan away?"

"Fang Chuan!"

Xun sternly said: "Our Xun family’s things to do, no one can stop! I also want to tell you that now the big figures in the Xun family don’t know about it. If they knew it, you would be torn to pieces in an instant. of!"

"Oh." Fang Chuan smiled and waved: "Then you can let them come, I'll wait."

He waved his hand: "Zhan Taifeng, if they dare to move Sister Fan, it's not a matter of killing."

As he said, he pulled up the chair on the side and sat on the opposite side of Xun Yan calmly with Erlang's legs tilted.

He smiled and said: "As for you, if you want to get out, I won't keep you. If you want to do it, do it as soon as possible."

Liang Dongxing looked at each other with another elder of the ancient Wuliang family, and they also looked helpless.

They didn't expect that the person they were going to deal with was such a powerful, double-founded super master.

Xun Yan also understood that he might not be able to take Fan Youmei away today.

He gritted his teeth: "Okay, let's go!"

Only he knows how uncomfortable he is at the moment. When he came, he was confident and bragging.

But now, his face is ashamed, like a dog in a family.

"Yes." Liang Dongxing breathed a sigh of relief. If he could not fight, he naturally did not want to fight. After all, doing so would only make senseless sacrifices.

Xun Yan led the people and was about to go to the entrance of the hall.

Fang Chuan waved his hand: "Oh! Who moved me, did you just leave?"

"What do you want me to do?" Xun was inexhaustible. In his opinion, he had already given a big step.

Fang Chuan smiled: "You offended someone, don't you know that you want to apologize?"

"You make me apologize?"

Xun Yan couldn't believe his ears, "Obviously you made the mistake first, so I have to apologize! It's not too much!"

Fang Chuan glanced at him and shrugged his shoulders and said, "It doesn't matter. If you apologize, I will let you go straight away. If you don't apologize, I will let my men and beat you to apologize."


Xun Yan can be said to be extremely angry, but he never thought that in a place like Yizhou City, he would be bullied to this extent by these secular people.

Fire burst into his eyes: "Fang Chuan, you are forcing me by doing this!"

"Ha ha."

Fang Chuan couldn't help smiling and waved: "I forced you, what can you do?"


The inner strength of Xun Yan's body was surging, and he was almost about to shoot.

"Master Yan!"

Liang Dongxing was taken aback. If they really wanted to fight, they weren't Fang Chuan's opponents!

Not to mention Zhantaifeng, the person beside Zhantaifeng is also an extremely powerful master. I am afraid that one person can overturn them.

What's more, there is an unfathomable Fang Chuan!

Xun Yan almost didn't hold it back just now, but, at Liang Dongxing's reminder, he finally did it.

He knew that he was definitely not Fang Chuan's opponent this time.

He took a deep breath and looked at Fang Chuan: "You are really too much."

Fang Chuan smiled faintly: "I said, I was too much, what can you do to me?"

He waved his hand: "Don't talk nonsense, either fight or apologize, there is no other choice."

"it is good!"

Xun Yan gritted his teeth: "I'm sorry!"

"Excuse me for what?" Fang Chuan frowned, "Isn't it okay to apologize? Have you learned Chinese?"

"Learned!" Xun Yan said angrily.

"That's good."

Fang Chuan nodded, then smiled slightly and looked at Xun Yan: "Your surname is Xun, are you a descendant of Xunzi. Alas, whether you are or not, you should recite an ancient prose for me."

"What?" Xun Yan was almost crazy!

People from the Xun family are indeed descendants of Xunzi. Xunzi came out of their Chengde Dadongtian and left behind a masterpiece through the ages.

Therefore, the descendants of their Xun family are still very familiar with Xunzi's works.

But, should he be strict, in front of so many people, especially in front of Fan Youmei, who was tempted by him, to recite ancient Chinese like a pupil?

Isn't this an insult?

Fang Chuan looked at him and smiled slightly: "Why, not willing?"


Xun Yan felt the terrifying pressure from Fang Chuan, and he couldn't help nodding, "Okay, I'm back!"

"The gentleman said: Learning is impossible. Blue is taken from blue, and blue is from blue..."

Then, under the gaze of everyone, Xun Yan, like a primary school student, began to recite their ancestor’s famous article "Encouraging Learning".

Fan Youmei couldn't help laughing, her eyes looked at Fang Chuan with so much affection.

She only felt that Fang Chuan's move was really interesting.

Even Liang Yuanliang, who came with Xun Yan, almost couldn't help laughing, mainly because the scene was too funny.

Xun Yan's heart is dripping blood!

His dignity was destroyed!

Finally, Xun Yan finished reciting the article, his face was flushed with blood, and his lungs were about to explode.

"Well, yes, the next time you recite, be fluent and emotional, and don't have too much unwillingness in it."

Fang Chuan commented briefly and waved: "Get out."

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