The Strongest Medical Immortal in the City

Chapter 1618: The weak are the weak

Chapter 1618: The Weak Are The Weak

Although Liang Yuanliang is a little dull, his strength should not be underestimated. He is the leader of their generation, with eight levels of Qi refining, and is a leader in contemporary ancient martial arts.

However, he was so vulnerable in front of Fang Chuan!

Not only Liang Yuanliang was taken aback, even Xun Yan was taken aback.

"Death!" Liang Yuanliang was slapped away by Fang Chuan, naturally very angry, getting up from the ground, he was going to fight Fang Chuan desperately.

"All right."

Xun Yan raised his hand and stopped Liang Yuanliang. He glanced at Fang Chuan again, and he understood that this person is very strong.

Moreover, it is not weaker than him.

Fortunately, this time Xun Huo asked him to bring people from the Gu Wuliang family, otherwise, he would really be humiliated this time.

However, he is still full of confidence.

Even if Fang Chuan is so remarkable among the younger generation, he can't be compared with the elders of the older generation, right?

He knows that there are masters in secret to protect him.

He waved his hand: "Fang Chuan, right? You are indeed a talent, but, unfortunately, you provoke one of our Xun family's most promising geniuses."

"You don't mean you?" Fang Chuan couldn't help but smile contemptuously.


Xun Yan was almost irritated by Fang Chuan's tone, but he endured it again and sneered: "Of course not."

His gaze flickered: "Do you think that Fan Youmei is a marriage contract with me? Wrong, it is my brother, who has reached the first level of super genius at a young age."

He said again: "My brother Xun Huo, within five years, he will be able to break through to the second layer of foundation construction. At that time, with the approval of the Dadongtian elders, he will be able to accept the Xun family!"

He sneered again and again, then glanced at Fan Youmei: "Originally, you had a chance to become the wife of the Xun family, it's a pity."

"What then?" Fang Chuan couldn't help but smile.

Xun Yan's eyes were cold, and he looked at Fang Chuan: "I think you are also a talent. You offended my brother, and you will definitely die."

He paused: "However, I can give you a chance! I will come forward and intercede with you, so that you will be submitted to my brother's name and become his subordinates, and then you will contribute your financial resources to you. Those who were cultivated secretly contributed."

A tick at the corner of his mouth: "Only in this way can I save you from death."

"Oh?" Fang Chuan raised his brow.


Xun Yan looked at Fang Chuan confidently: "It is absolutely impossible for you to be with Fan Youmei."

His eyes flashed: "Even if my brother divorces her, it's impossible. No one else can want a woman he doesn't want!"

"Ha ha."

Fang Chuan couldn't help but smile, "Are you finished?"

"Why, I give you a chance to survive, don't you know how to cherish it?"

Xun Yan frowned, "Do you think you are very strong? Do you think that no one can cure you in this world?"

He sneered: "I think you are right! Don't talk about other people, even me, you may not be able to defeat, let alone other people!"

"Oh, your confidence comes from your strength?"

Fang Chuan's mouth ticked: "If that's the case, then I will defeat you directly."

He took a step forward and stood tall, looking at Xun Yan: "Then let me tell you that you are vulnerable in front of me!"

"court death!"

Xun was furious!

The ninth-level qi refining masters of their Xun family are different from the ninth-level qi refining masters of the ancient martial arts world. They are the people of Da Cangshan Chengde Dadongtian.

In their exercises, there are naturally some comprehension ingredients in them.

Their inner strength is also much stronger than ordinary ancient warriors.

He slapped the arm of the chair hard, stood up, the breath on his body burst out suddenly, and then blasted Fang Chuan with a punch.

With this punch, he exploded with a strong aura, and with one punch, there were waves of thunder and lightning on his fist.

This is the same as Fang Chuan's previous play style, thunder and lightning spells, plus martial skills!


His punch was extremely gorgeous.

"This is the strength of the Xun family!" Liang Yuanliang couldn't help being stunned when he saw the scene in front of him. This was the first time he saw the kung fu above the ancient martial arts world.

"Ha ha."

Fang Chuan smiled faintly, "The weak are the weak, no matter what, they are so vulnerable."

His tone was indifferent, and it was rare to even move his hands, and suddenly a golden light appeared on his body, resisting him.


Xun Yan's fist with Lei Jin blasted on Fang Chuan's golden light, and then, with a bang, was shocked by the rebounding force contained in Fang Chuan's golden light.


Xun Yan sprayed blood on the spot, was seriously injured, and fell to the ground in a panic.

"I didn't move a finger, and you fell." Fang Chuan couldn't help shook his head, put away the golden light, his expression was indifferent.


Xun Yan wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and stood up, a little annoyed. He didn't expect that he would be so vulnerable in front of this person.

The harder he said just now, the more uncomfortable he felt at this time.

Fang Chuan smiled faintly: "Why, not convinced?"

He smiled: "You are not convinced, let's continue."


Xun Yan coldly snorted, "It turns out that this is what you rely on! It seems that you also have some ancient heritage, right?"

He sneered: "Which one of our caves has no ancient heritage? You are equally vulnerable in front of my brother."

He said again: "My self-confidence does not only come from my own strength. Didn't you see it, we can attract masters with just a word."

He paused: "Also, do you think we have so many people today?"

He shook his head, his eyes dimmed, and looked at Fang Chuan: "I will give you one last chance! Take refuge in my brother, hand over your inheritance, your power, and we will spare you a dog."

"Ha ha."

Fang Chuan couldn't help shook his head and looked at Xun Yan: "At this moment, I'm thinking about whether to kill you."

As he said, he took a step forward.


The next moment, two figures suddenly appeared in front of Xun Yan.

These two men looked forty or fifty years old, tall, calm, and wearing Tang costumes, they were both super masters at the foundation.

"Two elders!" Liang Yuanliang walked over quickly and gave the two men his hands.


One of the elders nodded, and then turned his gaze to Fang Chuan: "When I came, someone told me that there was a genius recently in Yizhou City. He was very powerful. I want to talk about you, right?"

"What then?" Fang Chuan glanced at these two people, their strength is stronger than Fan Long. And Fan Long is the leader of the Guwu Fan family.

In this comparison, the ancient Wuliang family was indeed stronger than the ancient Wufan family.

"Ha ha."

Then Liang Dongxing smiled, "There is nothing left! You are a genius, but unfortunately, you are weak."

He paused and looked at Fang Chuan: "I'll give you a heartfelt suggestion! The best way for you, a genius without a big power, is to stick to a big power. Just now Young Master Yan’s proposal, I think it is right for you. Development is the best."

"What if not?" Fang Chuan tickled the corner of his mouth.

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