The Strongest Medical Immortal in the City

Chapter 1611: The pinnacle of life is this

Chapter 1611

Fan Youmei was still immersed in the unpleasant feeling just now. After all, what happened just now also touched her deeply.

However, Fang Chuan's sudden show, almost made her flash her waist.

She uttered a cry, and her hands were hot, her head lowered, her ears were red.

Everything that happened between her and Fang Chuan before was in an illusion. After she woke up, naturally there was no real sense of reality.

And now, Fang Chuan's intention seems to be to really happen to her, the two of them should have a relationship.

She swallowed, "Well, let's go."

Fang Chuan smiled and hugged Fan Youmei directly, as if hugging a princess, he walked straight out of Fan's Manor.

The guards of Fan's Manor had already been alarmed. When they came here and found Fang Chuan, they dared not come in.

When they saw Fang Chuan walking out of the hall holding Fan Youmei in his arms, they all backed away quickly.

"This—" Fan Huang is not stupid. Seeing the scene in front of him, he knew what Fang Chuan and Fan Youmei were going to do.

He is also dumbfounded, this is the real peak life!

Cut the enemy under the horse while talking and laughing. Then, holding the beauty, go directly to the bridal chamber to spend candles night!

No one can tell him, and no one can pose a threat to him!

Such a life is the life he longs for by Emperor Fan.

However, this is obviously not for him!

After that, he quickly called someone to take his parents down, and then began to enjoy it, which belonged to his Fan family.

At the same time, at the foot of the distant Dacang Mountain, a luxurious manor with ancient charm.

Here lives a family power in Chengde Dadongtian—Xun's family!

The Xun family's buildings are stacked on top of each other, and they are extremely strict! The direct line, the close line, the line, the servants, the servants, etc., are very distinct from the inside out.

The Xun family, a family with thousands of years of heritage, has perfect family rules, but it is also very old.

There is no equality here.

In addition to talent, all look at the body.

Without special permission, you can’t set foot in the area of ​​the layer by layer.

In the area where the close and collateral families are located, it is like a small town, the layout is very clear, one by one mansion, built next to each other.

The road is wide and the greenery is pleasant.

In the hall of a mansion, sat a young man, twenty-seven-eight. At this moment, his face was gloomy, and his eyes flashed with anger.

And beside him, there are also several people sitting, namely his brother and his subordinates.

Their subordinates, except for the prescribed ones, cannot appear in their sideline circle at night.

"You all know, the woman who had a marriage contract with me actually had feelings and entanglements with other men."

This person is a son of Xun's family who is close to Fan Youmei and is called Xun Huo.

Xun Huo is a man of great talent and a noble background, and he is loved by his parents.

Twenty-seven-eight, he has actually cultivated to the first level of foundation building, which is also very rare in the entire Xun family.

Therefore, he is also a very arrogant person. When he learned that his fiancée-although, he didn't take it very seriously-there were other men, he was extremely angry.

"We have heard."

These people beside him, except for his brothers, are his subordinates. When they said this, they were all expressionless, for fear of offending this person.

Xun Huo's eyes were filled with anger, and he glanced at everyone: "We haven't reported this matter to the direct people, and I definitely don't want to report it!"

He paused: "What do you think I should do?"

"Brother Huo!"

At this time, a twenty-four-five-year-old man stood up and quickly said: "I also feel that you shouldn't tell your direct descendants about this matter."

He said again: "Brother Huo, you are extremely talented. You have reached the first level of foundation building in less than thirty and can be stationed in the ranks of elders."

"But, I know Brother Huo, you have grand ambitions and you want to turn our line into a direct line!"

"Therefore, if this matter is known to the people in your direct lineage, it will become a stain on you. At that time, it will be a big obstacle for you to compete for the position of Patriarch!"

This person is Xun Huo's own younger brother, Xun Yan.

Xun Huo nodded, "Xun Yan, what you said is what I think."

He added: "I want to deal with this by myself. However, once I go out, I will be discovered by those who are competing with me."

He looked at Xun Yan: "Why don't you go for me?"

"Of course there is no problem." Xun Yan nodded, "Although I don't have such a good qualification as Huo brother, I am also a master at the ninth level of Qi refining. In a place of vulgarity, solving this problem should be done with ease. "

"Yeah." Xun Huo nodded.

A swordsman on the side, with extraordinary aura, quickly said: "Young Master Yan, although your strength is strong. However, the little fan of the Fan family also said before that the opponent is a very powerful opponent. Maybe he has limited vision, but we also I have to guard against it."

"Mr. Zhang is right." Xun Yan did not get angry at the words of Mr. Zhang. "However, if you let Mr. Zhang go out, you will definitely attract attention."

"I have a way."

Xun Huo sneered and waved: "I have an affiliate in Yizhou City. No one in my direct line knows this. I can ask them to assist you."

"What force?" Xun Yan asked quickly.

The corner of Xun Huo’s mouth clicked: "It’s an ancient family of martial arts, and its influence is good. It can also be regarded as a quasi-blessed land force. They have a master of foundation building, but they don’t have a blessed land. They cling to me, just to be able to them A blessed place."

He said again: "Of course, their triple-foundation masters will not make a move. However, people from their presbytery can be sent by you."

"That's great!"

Xun Yan was overjoyed and hurriedly clapped his hands and applauded: "As long as there are these people, even if the other party is an ancient martial family, it will be crushed casually."

He hurriedly said: "It should not be too late, I will rush over overnight, and bring my future sister-in-law to Brother Huo as soon as possible!"

"sister in law?"

Xun Huo snorted coldly: "What kind of a **** woman has to be my Xun Huo woman?"

He had a vulture in his eyes: "If it weren't for her mother's sake, I would just ask you to kill her."

He waved his hand: "But you can bring her here, let me humiliate her, and then divorce her with a paper!"

"That's okay." Xun Yan smiled, with an indifferent look, and waved his hand: "Brother Huo, I'm going now, goodbye."

"Xun Yan, you took a hard time this time."

Xun Huo's calm face revealed a hint of smile: "I also want to improve my strength as soon as possible. When I reach the second level of foundation construction, it is time for me to fully demonstrate my strength. At this time, I can't drop the chain. "

"Yeah." Xun Yan nodded, of course knowing Xun Huo's trouble now. He said, turned and left.

"Huh, bitch!" The wine glass in Xun Huo's hand was squeezed gently by him, and it burst open with a bang!

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