Chapter 1610 Despicable Villain

"What does this mean?" Fu Hongxue clearly felt a real qi, rushing into his body, making him a little nervous.

Fang Chuan waved his hand: "This is just a spell that can track your location. As long as you are still in the boundary of Yizhou City, I will not restrict you."

He said again: "If you want to leave Yizhou City, then I will show up as soon as possible and kill you."

"This is Taoism, right?"

Fu Hongxue's heart was shocked again. He didn't expect that Fang Chuan would not only have a terrifying sword technique and a powerful body, but he would also be able to use Taoist skills.

Fang Chuan smiled: "Daoshu is my major, swordsmanship and body training are just my part-time practice."


Fu Hongxue was so shocked that she took two steps back, "You! In other words, you didn't even use the most powerful moves against me."

Fang Chuan smiled without saying a word. In fact, even if he casts the strongest spell, his power is not much worse.

Only when he reaches the golden core stage, the spell will truly show the advantage. Right now, the advantage that the cultivator has is just the quality of true energy, which is stronger than the inner strength of the martial artist and the body refiner.

He waved his hand: "You should be able to sense the alien qi in your body. As long as you meet that person, you can touch the qi in your body, and I will find you the first time."

"So amazing?" Fu Hongxue had a long experience.

Fang Chuan waved his hand: "Okay, you can go now."

"Thank you for not killing." Fu Hongxue is an old river and lake, his tone is serious, he arched his hands, and turned and flickered.


He took the long sword from the ground, and then shook his figure before disappearing at the end of the street.

Fang Chuan didn't expect that this incident could attract Li Qingniu!

Moreover, Li Qingniu seems to have been paying attention to himself! This time, fortunately, he was discovered, otherwise, he might let Li Qingniu get a powerful body.

Only Li Qingniu knew what kind of demons he would let Fu Hongxue possess if he obtained Fu Hongxue's body.

Fang Chuan can be sure that the demons in Li Qingniu's hands are more numerous than Fang Chuan's demons.

However, Li Qingniu didn't show up for a day, and he wouldn't think about how to deal with Li Qingniu. After all, it was like hitting the air without any effect.


He shook his body, but in a blink of an eye, he returned to the hall of Fan's Manor.

Fan Dongsheng was in a state of confusion during this period of time. He could not move his body, nor could he speak, but he was extremely worried.

When he was worried, Fang Chuan had already returned to the hall.

Fang Chuan glanced at Fan Dongsheng, waved his hand, a burst of infuriating energy burst into their bodies, lifting their seal.

"Fang Chuan, what do you want?" Fan Dongsheng's feet were soft, and he fluttered, then slumped on the ground, but looked at Fang Chuan nervously.

"What do you mean?" Fang Chuan smiled.

"Mr. Fang!" Fan Huang was a little worried.

At this time, Luo Meixia did not dare to speak any more. She understood that now their Fan family was at a disadvantage.

Fang Chuan waved his hand and stopped Fan Huang from continuing to speak.

The corner of his mouth twitched and he stared at Fan Dongsheng: "Have I warned you to stop hitting our ideas and not touch Sister Fan again?"

"I tell you, I have no choice in this matter."

Fan Dongsheng shook his head: "You know, Xun's family is married to Xiaomei. As Xiaomei's father, if you let her be with you, I will take the main responsibility."

He raised his voice: "Our Fan family can't bear the anger of the Xun family!"

He said again: "Don't think that you are powerful now, and you can defeat the person just now, but you don't know how powerful the Xun family is!"

"So, you are throwing the pot to the Xun family now, and do you want the Xun family to crush me?" Fang Chuan smiled.

"Just forget it if you don't believe it."

Fan Dongsheng sighed: "I'm not throwing the pot, this is the truth! If you kill me, people from the Xun family will come, but no one will be found, no one will come to complete the game, I see what you do!"

He is retreating to advance!

It's a pity that Fang Chuan, who has already lived in his second life, couldn't tell.

He shook his head: "I don't need you to make a round for us at all, and I will just wait for the Xun family to find me."

His gaze flickered: "I have let you off many times, originally this time you were in a catastrophe. However, firstly, Sister Fan is your biological father, secondly, I promised Emperor Fan to give you a way to survive."

"Huh!" Fan Dongsheng and Luo Meixia were relieved when they heard this.

He smiled shamelessly: "Haha, that's right! Fang Chuan! If you can solve the Xun family, we will still be a family!"

"You--" Fan Youmei really felt sick. Although she hated her father since she was a child, she didn't expect her father to be such a shameless villain.

Fan Huang's face was also a little unsustainable, his father, what he said just now was completely different from what he said now.

Moreover, seeing that he could survive, he changed his face.

Although Emperor Fan might also do this, he still despised this behavior in his heart.

Fang Chuan smiled: "I haven't finished my words."

"Ah?" Fan Dongsheng was taken aback, and pointed to Fang Chuan: "Why, do you still want to do something with your old husband?"

He said angrily: "This is going to be thunderous."

"Five thunderstorms in the sky?"

Fang Chuan shook his head: "In my entire life, I don't know how many times I will be bombarded by the sky and five thunders, and I don't care about this one more time."

He said again: "If I don't punish you, you think we can change what Fang Chuan said, you can change it at will. My Fang Chuan can offend casually. Can my Fang Chuan woman be bullied at will?"

A tick at the corner of his mouth: "Since you are so annoying, go to sleep. I think, let you sleep for a year or two first, let you reflect on it!"

"No!" Fan Dongsheng was unwilling at all. The joy just now disappeared. He quickly turned around and ran.

Luo Meixia's reaction was a bit slower than him, but after Fan Dongsheng ran out a few steps, she quickly shouted: "Husband, you can't leave me alone!"

"Ha ha."

Fang Chuan smiled faintly, and after that, with a wave of his hand, two waves of real aura suddenly hit out, and after that, they fell into the bodies of Fan Dongsheng and his wife.


"not good!"

The two people uttered a scream, then banged twice, fell to the ground, followed, and fell asleep.

The whole world seemed to be quiet all at once.

Fang Chuan walked over, took Fan Youmei's hand, and smiled: "Sister Fan, do you have no objection to such punishment?"

"No." Fan Youmei smiled slightly, but he was relieved.

No matter how shameless Fan Dongsheng is, she is also her father after all. If Fang Chuan really killed Fan Dongsheng, she didn't know if she could accept it.

She also knew that Fang Chuan was taking care of her emotions, and she was very moved.

Fang Chuan turned his head and glanced at Fan Huang: "Congratulations, now you are free, and the huge Fan Group is yours. In addition to the contracts you grabbed before, you have to pay 10% of the compensation. I'll give you the person to rob. Then the Fan family will give it to you."

"Yes, yes!" Fan Huang nodded quickly, excited.

Fang Chuan smiled, then pulled Fan Youmei close to Fan Youmei's ear: "Sister Fan, tonight, I will let you truly appreciate my masculinity!"

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