The Strongest Medical Immortal in the City

Chapter 1603: Really made a fortune

Chapter 1603

Fan Zhong used his pupils, fingerprints, voice and reserved passwords, as well as his own blood and other complex verification methods to open this super alloy wall.

With a bang, the alloy wall split from the middle to both sides.

After that, a surging aura rushed toward his face from within.

"Big family, collection is different!"

In front of Fang Chuan's eyes, there were alloy grids with items that made him very fascinated. Each grid had a protective laser.

And these things, with the exception of very few items, exceed the needs of the world.

Here, it is basically the treasure house needed by cultivators!

Fang Chuan had to sigh with emotion! Before, he tried to find these things, but there was no way. However, there are so many here!

When he swept away his spiritual knowledge, he knew that there were at least three hundred low-grade spirit stones and three middle-grade spirit stones!

However, there are many medicinal materials that he can't name, but the medicinal properties can basically match some elixir in the cultivation world.

There are also what he knows, Millennium Ginseng, Millennium Lingzhi, Millennium Polygonatum and so on!

Not only that, but there are also some meteorites that contain spiritual energy, and there are various materials that can be used to refine middle-grade, high-grade, top-grade artifacts, and even treasures.

This treasure house cannot be measured by money!

How can this not let Fang Chuan sigh?

So many treasures, so many spirit stones, for Fang Chuan at this stage, it is a huge gain!

After the Fan family was destroyed, there was such a big gain.

However, he also understood that if he hadn't taken the risk that day, it would be impossible to do this step.

He turned his eyes and said coldly to Fan Zhong: "Turn off all defense systems here!"

"no problem."

Fan Zhong nodded, and then said: "However, Mr. Fang, can you keep some for our Fan family? We will need these things even more in the future!"

Fang Chuan raised his brows: "Are you bargaining with me?"

"Absolutely not." Fan Zhong's heart shuddered, knowing that he shouldn't say these things, but there is no way, and their Fan family will have a great demand for these materials in the future.

Not for cultivation, but purely for money!

They have to support a huge family and can no longer be the same as before. Perhaps, many of the consortia they control turned back because they knew their situation.

As the leader of the Fan family, he must guard against these.

Therefore, any item here is worth tens of billions. With these things, their family can barely persevere.

Fang Chuan smiled, the treasure house here is rich in collections. In addition to Fang Chuan's use, there are some Fang Chuan can't use.

These things are left to the Fan family, and they are enough to support the Fan family for a hundred years.

He waved his hand: "Go and do your thing. As for whether to stay or not, this is my business."


Fan Zhong nodded, feeling very uncomfortable. This feeling of being controlled by others is difficult for him, the leader of the Fan family, to adapt.

After a while, he went over, and through his voice and iris, the defense system here was lifted.

After that, he saw that Fang Chuan began to frantically search for the treasures accumulated by their Fan family for thousands of years.

When Fang Chuan waved his hand, the treasures disappeared.

All the spiritual stones, all the elixir, and all the special materials are gone.

His heart was bleeding.

There were also some low-grade artifacts, five or six middle-grade artifacts, and one high-grade artifact, all of which fell into Fang Chuan's hands.

Fortunately, Fang Chuan is not the kind of person who searches everything.

For example, some ancient books, some very old antiques, some influential instruments, and some common medicinal materials.

However, the treasures of trillions, or even ten trillions of value—mainly the value of these items, which cannot be estimated by money—were searched one by one by Fang Chuan.

The remaining treasures can barely be estimated with money, but they can be worth hundreds of billions.

For the former Fan family, this is simply not worth mentioning. However, for the current Fan family, that is very precious.


Fang Chuan's heart is very satisfied, even a little delighted! There are more than 300 low-grade spirit stones and three middle-grade spirit stones, which is simply a huge wealth.

With these three middle-grade spirit stones, he will have no problem breaking through the foundation building period.

And these more than 300 pieces of spirit stones, used to arrange formations, or usually practice, are completely enough.

This time, he really got rich!

He deeply felt that people are not rich without windfall, and horses have no night and grass and are not fat. This profound truth is eternal.

Moreover, there are so many elixir, enough for him to refine a lot of pills.

Even Xiaodu Erdan, he can refine some.

This Xiaodu Erdan is a simplified version of Dujiedan. Divided into small crossing Erdan, crossing Erdan, and Dadu Erdan, this corresponds to several major stages.

Then there are Xiaodu Jie Dan, Du Jie Dan, and Dadu Jie Dan.

The Dadu Tribulation Pill is the supreme treasure in the realm of cultivation. Some people are stuck in the Mahayana period and can't overcome the Tribulation for a long time, so they can use the Dadu Tribulation Pill.

After using the Dadu Tribulation Pill, you can break through to the Tribulation Transition Period. Once the Tribulation Transition is successful, you will enter the Ascension Period and prepare to become immortal.

This shows how precious this Dadu Jie Dan is.

Of course, crossing Erdan and crossing Jiedan have side effects, which will exhaust one's potential. In the future realm, there will be a very obstacle, and it will be very difficult to break through.

Xiaodu Erdan can make a breakthrough in nine layers of Qi refining and nine layers of foundation building.

Once he has this little crossing Erdan, his worth will double again.

Those old monsters in the blessed world will probably rush to buy them.

Of course, he can also use these elixir to refine the small breakthrough pill, this kind of small breakthrough pill is to break through the current realm level, which is one step behind Duerdan.

However, for some people, a small break through Dan is more important for crossing Erdan.

For example, the boss of the Fan family, and people like Fu Hongxue, have almost used their potential. If they use a small breakthrough pill, they have a certain chance of breaking through.

However, although these medicines can be refined, Fang Chuan will also have a lot of load and difficulty.

In any case, in short, this is also a way of making money.

Once he enters the foundation-building period, the people he contacts will be those masters of the foundation-building level.

Then, all his previous wealth seemed so insignificant to these people.

Only these spirit stones, pills, and magic weapons are real wealth.

Fang Chuan scoured the Fan family's treasure house this time and laid a deep foundation for him after he broke through the foundation building period.

The value he could use when he got these treasures was probably ten times, a hundred times higher than those of the Fan family.

These treasures will show their true value only in his hands.

He smiled and waved his hand: "Old man, I am very satisfied with your treasure trove. I won't care about you. I will leave you with the rest."

He paused and smiled faintly: "Of course, I also welcome you to seek revenge from me!"

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