The Strongest Medical Immortal in the City

Chapter 1602: This is the gap

Chapter 1602

Through Jiulizhu, Fang Chuan quickly gave orders to Zhetaifeng and Wumingxue, so that they would only abolish the dantian of everyone in the Fan family without harming their lives.

Today, the Fan family has died too much.

It is excusable to kill in the fight.

If the killer has no power to restrain the chicken, he can't do it.

"Do it!" Fang Chuan waved.

"Yes!" Zhan Taifeng and Wang Mingxing nodded quickly, and then rushed out in the shape of electricity.

The impunity is even more terrifying, and three clones are split instantly.

The power of these clones is around the first layer of the foundation. Although it is not much different from the previous masters of the Fan family, but now, when the masters of the Fan family are almost dead, they have absolute deterrence and dominance.

Soon, they started.

"No, run!"


"My Dantian!"

"My inner strength!"

One by one, these people were beaten by Zhan Taifeng and the others, they were beaten to abolish their pubic stasis, and the internal energy they had cultivated went into nothing.

These people will never have a chance to practice again!

They screamed one by one, but there was a trace of happiness in their hearts. After all, it is better to live than die!

"Fang Chuan!"

Fan Zhong was trembling with anger. He thought Fang Chuan had ordered a murder, struggling to fight Fang Chuan. However, afterwards, he discovered that Fang Chuan had not issued a murder order.

However, he was heartbroken when he saw that the young masters of the Fan family were beaten into disuse and become ordinary people.

Every time their Fan family loses such a power, the foundation of the Fan family is shallow.

However, not dying may be a blessing in misfortune.

They may no longer be the Guwu family, but they also have the opportunity to become a big consortium.

For a moment, he thought of so much.

He glanced at Fang Chuan again, and he also regretted why he went to protect the underworld Fan's family and forged such an inexplicable hatred with Fang Chuan.

He has a feeling of taking blame.

Fang Chuan smiled and looked at Fan Zhong: "I am not a murderer. Moreover, I have absolute confidence in dealing with your future revenge against me. And there is only one chance!"

There was a killing intent in his eyes: "You are the same, I don’t want you to become an idiot, so if you open your treasure room and let me choose what is useful to me, I will give you the rest. Keep it."

He paused: "What do you think?"


Fan Zhong's heart was shocked. He didn't expect that Fang Chuan would do this. Yes, he and Fang Chuan are **** enemies.

Even if Fang Chuan ordered to kill all of their Fan family members, he would understand it.

After all, if it were him, he would do the same. Because, there is a saying, called cutting the grass and rooting. There is also a mistake, called the benevolence of women.

However, he can understand Fang Chuan's meaning!

Fang Chuan, there is absolute confidence!

He allowed himself to make a mistake!

He breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, at least, the Fan family will not be completely extinct.

He nodded: "Okay! I will open the treasure room for you!"

He has no choice.

"Then wait. After they finish their work, we will go to the treasure room." Fang Chuan was calm and calm.

He did not have the kind of murderous ferociousness, nor the kindness that gave this kind of **** enemies a chance.

Fan family members, in his eyes, are like ants, irrelevant.

He is not the kindness of a woman.

If ordinary people from the Fan family are truly qualified to threaten him, he will not hesitate, for fear of destroying them.

But they did not.

Therefore, he doesn't make killings indiscriminately.

Today, enough has been killed.

If members of the Fan family are obsessed, have not been beaten, and cause trouble to him, he will not give him another chance.

As for the boss of the Fan family, Fang Chuan didn't think too much, anyway, just treat him as a sharpening stone!

Fan's screams continued. They experienced the greatest despair in their lives. This kind of despair made them hardly think of resistance.

The foundation of the Fan family collapsed on this day.

This is just because they offend someone who shouldn't offend.

The vast majority of people have only fear and no thoughts of baggage when their internal energy is abolished.

An ant had all its legs ripped off by humans. Its first reaction was not to seek revenge from humans, but to run!

When it sees this human next time, it will only fear and will not retaliate.

Because the gap is too big!

They have this mentality!


Half an hour later, Zhetaifeng and Wang Mingxue came to Fang Chuan, kneeling on one knee, respectfully: "Master, in the Fan family, all people have been abolished Dantian."

"Yeah." Fang Chuan nodded.

Although Fan Zhong knew the result, he couldn't help but twitched the corner of his mouth. He deeply knew what it was like to be abolished.

He also knew that after this incident, their Fan family completely withdrew from the stage of the Guwu family.

Even if their boss comes out.

One person, after all, can't do the big things before.

He is now planning how to support the next Fan family.

"Let's go, go to your treasure room."

Fang Chuan smiled and waved in front of Fan Zhong. Then, a gas therapy technique penetrated Fan Zhong's body.

Following that, Fan Zhong regained some energy and at least was able to walk freely.

He sighed, and although he was desperate, he wanted to stick to it.

He squeezed a smile: "I will take you there!" However, his heart was cut at the moment.

In a short while, they passed through the many corridors and courtyards of the Fan family, and entered an ancestral shrine of the Fan family for about a dozen miles.

Inside the majestic and majestic ancestral hall, there is a secret tunnel, open the mechanism, follow the secret tunnel, walk inside, and walk into the belly of the mountain against the Fan's back.

In the belly of the mountain, there is no cave. It is not an ancient mechanism system at all, but a brand new electric power and intelligent anti-theft system.

This gives people a high-tech feel.

When they walked in the silver alloy corridor, they heard electronic synthesis sounds from time to time, and electronic lights came from around them.

Fang Chuan smiled and followed Fan Zhong. If Fan Zhong didn't cooperate, he would also encounter some troubles after using Soul Search.

Now, it's a lot easier.

Soon, they came to a tall and magnificent silver alloy wall, the hardness of this wall can make people desperate.

Even if Fang Chuan broke through to the first level of foundation construction, and the pill fire reached the middle-grade mortal fire state, it would take a year or two to melt the alloy wall.


Every time Fan Zhong approached the treasure room, his heart became more uncomfortable. In this treasure room, but their ancestors through the ages, as well as the items collected by their generations.

This is the capital for them to settle down after breaking into the world.

Because once you enter that realm, U.S. dollars and Chinese coins are completely like waste paper, not a level of monetary unit at all.

"Open it." Fang Chuan smiled faintly, but he was a little excited, because he had discovered through his spiritual sense that there was a lot of things he needed in this treasure room.

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