Chapter 1587


Ying Ji’s shoulder strap was shattered just now, revealing a bigger one, but unfortunately, she didn’t care at all. Instead, she sneered and looked at Fang Chuan: “'Ranqi San' is the most mysterious of our Liusha Island With the formula, even masters above the Baodan realm will be disturbed by it. The reason why we fight with you is only to disturb your breath."

She had sharp eyes, and said: "You are still a little bit too tender, so what if you are strong, it's like death!"

"Ha ha!"

The corner of Fang Chuan's mouth twitched, "Do you think that this so-called chaos can do anything to me? You are too naive."

He shook his head, looking okay.

"Don't hold on."

Luo Xunhuan sneered, full of confidence, "Even if the chaos is not effective for you, but there is always an impact, right?"

He waved his hand: "Don't worry, Luo Xunhuan wants to kill someone. There is definitely not only one way."

Suddenly his breath sank, and he shouted: "My friends, since you are here, come out and meet our opponent, and let him know what despair is!"

His smile is so confident.

Brush and brush——

Almost instantly, more than a dozen figures appeared in the warehouse one after another. The warehouse is huge, and it still looks empty with so many people.

"You are Fang Chuan?"

At this moment, in front of Wu Jian and others, an old man with long hair and retro clothes, like a figure in ancient times, with a strong breath and sharp eyes, walked out directly.

He is an elder-level figure of the Green Gang, Fu Hongxue, a super powerhouse at the top of the Second Layer of Foundation Building.

"I am Fang Chuan."

The corner of Fang Chuan's mouth twitched and he glanced at him, and he was immediately happy. The person in front of him gave him a lot of pressure.

The greater the pressure, the more excited him!

"Today so many of us bullied you, a kid, and you won't be able to win."

Fu Hongxue looked indifferent, confident of his identity, and said coldly: "You give me the news about Fu Zhixin, and I can take people away immediately."


Fang Chuan smiled: "The news can be given to you, but it is useless. Because he is already dead. I killed him!"


Fu Hongxue's eyes shuddered, and her body trembled! He has no children at his knees, and has always regarded Fu Zhixin as his own grandson.

The man in front of him dared to kill Fu Zhixin!

Really bold!

Suddenly, he was furious.

He was very angry and laughed: "Okay, okay, okay! You dare to say such things, then no matter what, I won't let you live until tomorrow."

"Have you finished talking?" Fang Chuan looked indifferent, without paying attention to Fu Hongxue's words.

"That's it!" Fu Hongxue was already murderous and didn't want to say more.

"Then shut up for now."

Fang Chuan was not polite, turned to the side, and the disfigured Fan Long and others of the Gu Wu Fan family smiled: "Gu Wu Fan still can't sit still!"

"What Guwu Fan family, you have admitted the wrong person, we are hired to kill you!" Fan Long Yirong became a big man, but a little surprise flashed deep in his eyes.

He did not expect that Fang Chuan would recognize them.

Fang Chuan shook his head: "Your little trick is useless in front of me. It doesn't matter if you don't admit it. When I kill you, you will naturally show off."


Fan Long snorted coldly, "In this situation today, if you can go back alive, my name is written backwards."

"Long Fan?" Fang Chuan swept away his spiritual knowledge, and naturally he knew Fan Long's true identity.

"I don't know what you are talking about." Fan Long was shocked. He didn't know how Fang Chuan knew his identity, but he still couldn't admit it.

He waved his hand: "No need to say more, just fight directly, let me see where your arrogant capital is!"

"Fang Chuan!" Luo Xunhuan raised his voice and said with a sneer: "Today you are going to die. I regret to tell you. After you die, everything you have will be taken over by me. Not only yours. Property and, moreover, your woman!"

"Hahaha..." He said, looking up to the sky and laughing, with a pleasant feeling.


Fang Chuan nodded, "Now that things are clear, let's start."

"Let me do it first."

Fu Hongxue stepped out suddenly and said to everyone: "He killed my grand-nephew, I will not kill him, and I feel uneasy. I won't do it with you juniors!"

As he said, he also drew a sword from behind. This sword, completely red, gave people a strange feeling, it turned out to be a high-grade magic weapon.

His lethality is above Luo Xunhuan's sword, which is rare in the world.

He raised the sword in his hand: "Sword name, Chi Xiao."


As soon as his voice fell, he slashed at Fang Chuan. This sword, seemingly random, contains powerful sword skills.

The sky is full of scarlet sword shadows, howling Cangcang!

His sword is more powerful than Luo looking for pleasure, a level higher!

Once a person is surrounded by this sword, it seems that there is no room for resistance!

"This sword is amazing!"

"He can kill me in one move!"

Luo Xunhuan looked in his eyes, but was shocked in his heart. If he had known that this old monster was out there, he didn't need to arrange so much.

He seemed to have seen Fang Chuan being killed by Fu Hongxue with a single sword!

"Sure enough!"

Fang Chuan clearly felt the threat posed by Fu Hongxue. His heartbeat speeded up, his whole body was boiling, and the invisible pressure squeezed his blood.

The zhenqi in his body was unprecedentedly active.

There was a pill fire on him!

The formation of the best refining demon mirror was also activated at this moment. There were lines on his body, and his skin became a faint bronze color.

His whole person is like a **** of war descending to the earth, majestic and majestic!

"It's really interesting!"

He roared, and suddenly each of his hands had an extra black sword. This was only a medium-grade magic weapon, but it was affected by the formation of the best-grade demon mirror, Heimong Senran.


He greeted him in an instant. Both knives came out together, and the knife skills learned in the previous life were fully displayed in a moment.

In a blink of an eye, the two swords collided more than ten times.


The two separated. Fang Chuan was cut back more than ten steps with a sword, and Fu Hongxue remained motionless!



"He is actually under Fu Hongxue's hand, not dead with one move, and he has not been injured!"

Everyone was shocked! Luo Xunhuan's eyes widened even more. He never dreamed that this was the result.

The knife skills Fang Chuan showed just now were so terrifying!

Before, he fought with himself, it was really useless the strongest power!

Moreover, the most important thing is that he also used chaos!

"Haha not bad!"

Fu Hongxue laughed. He felt that Fang Chuan's breath had not broken through the limits of human beings, and he was still refining Qi at the nine levels.

However, Fang Chuan's combat effectiveness has broken through the boundaries of ordinary people, and is almost not much weaker than him. This is simply a freak.

However, he is also very excited. It has not been a long time since I met such a person for so many years!

He raised the Chixiao Sword in his hand: "Come again!"

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