The Strongest Medical Immortal in the City

Chapter 1586: Waiting for me for a long time, right?

Chapter 1586: Waiting For Me For A Long Time, Right?

Fang Chuan got out of the car, swept around with his spiritual sense, and he found the opponent's person and felt the opponent's powerful breath.

He smiled slightly and said to Li Runway on the side: "You stay here, it's still too dangerous for you."

"Boss, I want to go with you." Although Li Pao knew the danger, he was not afraid.

Fang Chuan shook his head: "No! You stay here to meet me. If I suffer a lot, I can only rely on you."


Li Pao's pupils shrank, Fang Chuan he knew was full of confidence, and he had never heard him say anything like this.

Being prepared for serious injuries in advance shows that this battle is very dangerous.

"Well, you are here, protecting yourself is the greatest help to me."

Fang Chuan said, turned around and walked towards the warehouse. The fighting spirit in him is getting stronger and stronger. He is very excited!

This time, he was going to challenge a large group of masters. If he couldn't touch the cultivation base barrier this time, he didn't know how long it would take him to break through.

He is looking forward to it!


His figure suddenly flashed, and in the darkened night, like a ghost lightning, almost instantly rushed to the warehouse door.

"he came!"

"Ready to act!"

"We are not the only ones here this time!"

The three groups of people outside the warehouse sensed Fang Chuan's existence. The Qing Gang, Fan's family, and other members of Liusha Island were all staring at them.


Luo Xunhuan sat in the middle of the warehouse and sensed Fang Chuan's fighting spirit. He stood up, holding the sword in his hand, his true energy agitated, and the sword gleamed with light.

His eyes were also full of battle.

He is ready!

Behind him stood a man and a woman, one of them was Qiao Chu, who was possessed by Zhan Taifeng, and the other was a coquettish woman who helped Luo Xunhuan.

This woman is dressed in cool, beautiful scenery.

However, holding a soft whip full of bone spurs in her hand, the whole person looked a little evil.

"You are ready, our task is to delay time!"

Luo Xunhuan shook his hand, and the tip of his sword made a humming sound, and then, strands of sword aura lingered on the tip of his sword.


At this moment, Fang Chuan's whole person, with a strong murderous aura, shook his true energy, and the door of the warehouse was smashed by him in one breath.

Sawdust flying!

Each piece of sawdust, like a flying knife, shot towards Luo Xunhuan.

The battle has already begun at this time!


Luo Xunhuan let out a sneer, followed, his hand raised, and ten thousand points of sword light spilled out of his hand.

There was a fierce stabbing, and the sawdust was pierced into dust by his sword after sword.

His sword is so fast!

"Have you waited for a long time? Come on, you are the first!"

At the same time the sawdust burst, Fang Chuan had already arrived in front of Luo Xunhuan, with a roar like a dragon, with a big punch and golden light, he blasted to Luo Xunhuan's body.

He punched, extremely ferocious. The golden light of the body protector contains zhenqi and explodes with terrible power.


Luo Xunhuan snorted coldly, and shook his right hand. The sword light was like a star. Following his footwork, he swished out, every sword contained a strong sword energy.


Almost instantly, ten thousand points of sword light flashed on Fang Chuan's fist, and the golden light of the body guard was almost broken at this moment.


However, at the moment the golden light broke, Fang Chuan's true energy was completely blasted out, turned into a bursting fist, and hit Luo Xunhuan's sword.

There was an explosion, and power erupted. Luo Xunhuan took the sword and was repelled dozens of steps, and went straight to the corner of the warehouse.

Fang Chuan's power is really terrifying to the extreme!

Luo Xunhuan's whole body was violently shaken, almost spit out a mouthful of blood.

"You are not enough by yourself, let everyone else go!" Fang Chuan stood upright and looked at Luo Xunhuan faintly.

Luo Xunhuan's face sank. At first, he was the only one who said this to Fang Chuan, but now he reversed it.

How could he not be angry?

However, today, his goal is not to defeat Fang Chuan head-on, but to kill Fang Chuan by any means!

"People who are too arrogant will die very early. You are one of them!"

Luo Xunhuan showed a sly smile on his face, and after that, he waved his hand: "Qiao Chu, Ying Ji, do it!"


At almost the same time, Qiao Chu and Ying Ji rushed in front of Fang Chuan at a very fast speed.

One of them used an axe and the other used a bone spur whip, one to the left and the other to the right, attacking Fang Chuan frantically, almost instantly, they made dozens of moves.

Hh hh...

The sky is full of shadows of axes and welts, completely enveloping Fang Chuan.

Fang Chuan stepped on his footsteps, his hands kept tapping out, he was really angry, and he spotted the two weapons again and again.

This formed an absolute defense, making them impossible to attack.

"Ha ha!"

Luo Xunhuan stood by, watching Fang Chuan fight with Qiao Chu and Ying Ji, his eyes dazzled, and he was also looking for opportunities.


At a certain moment, he suddenly moved his body and jumped up. The whole person took advantage of the force in the air, and then his inner strength exploded with a bang, like a sharp arrow, rushing to Fang Chuan's back in an instant.

A fierce and fierce sword, containing sword energy, penetrated.


Fang Chuan turned around with golden light in both hands, grabbing Yingji's long whip in one hand and Luo Xunhuan's sword in the other.



Ying Ji's whole person, being involved in an unstable body, fell directly on the ground, rolled several times, and came to Fang Chuan's feet.

Her eyes dazzled, and suddenly she threw away the long whip in her hand and a pair of bee stings, which slid out of her sleeves and stabbed Fang Chuan's feet continuously.


At the moment when Fang Chuan pulled Luo Xunhuan's body swaying, he kicked out his foot against Ying Ji, every kick on Ying Ji's wrist.

After a few consecutive legs, Ying Ji's wrist was severely injured, and she let out a scream, and she was shocked by Fang Chuan's last kick and was seriously injured.


And the next moment, Fang Chuan punched directly in front of Luo Xunhuan who was pulled over, intending to seriously hurt Luo Xunhuan.

"not good!"

Luo Xunhuan's scalp was numb. He didn't expect that Fang Chuan could grab his sword with his bare hands. You must know that his sword was of a medium-grade magical weapon level and was unmatched sharp.

It was a pity that he didn't know that Fang Chuan's body was equivalent to a superb magic weapon, which was quite different.

Luo Xunhuan hurriedly punched and confronted Fang Chuan. Suddenly, a strong blast hit his hand bones, causing him to let out a scream.

His whole person was shaken out by Fang Chuan.

He drew a parabola in the air, and fell to the ground with a sound, his sword stuck in the ground, his face gloomy.

"Luo Xunhuan, your strength is still not good, let them all come!" Fang Chuan twitched and shook his head.

Luo Xunhuan stood up, with a sneer on his face: "Do you think I know that I am not your opponent in normal state, waiting for you to come, is it to confront you head-on?"

He shook his head: "You didn't feel that there is something wrong with the internal energy in your body?"

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