The Strongest Medical Immortal in the City

Chapter 1552: Have absolute certainty

Chapter 1552

When Fang Chuan came to Wang Changfeng, he just wanted to talk to Li Qingniu.

Afterwards, he returned to the lobby, and together with Fan Youmei, he soon left the Medical Sacred Mansion. After booking a special plane at Lu Wei, he boarded the plane and returned to Yizhou City.

They left the airport and took a taxi.

"Xiaochuan, are you going straight back?" Fan Yumei's mission was completed this time, but she couldn't relax in her heart.

Fang Chuan glanced at her, grabbed her hand, and smiled: "Don't you want to face it alone? Okay, I'll go back with you."

He paused: "However, one of my confidantes is lying in a hospital bed and I am going to treat her. This time I went to the Shanghai Stock Exchange to find something to cure her illness."

"In that case, let's go first." Fan Youmei is also very reasonable, "Life is definitely more important than mine."

Fang Chuan smiled: "It's equally important."

Fan Youmei was very moved when she heard it.

Before long, they came to the gate of the General Hospital of the Military Region and got out of the car. Fang Chuan called Secretary Tie and told him the good news.

"Really?" Secretary Tie was very excited, "I knew, Xiaochuan, you will have a way. I'm so anxious these days!"

He said again: "Wait for me first, and I will rush over right away. Rou'er has suffered too much during this period. I want to see her as soon as possible."

"Good." Fang Chuan nodded and agreed, then hung up the phone.

Fan Youmei couldn't help smiling when she heard it, "I see, your confidante is Tie Shu's daughter, Miss Tie Rou'er, right?"

"Yes." Fang Chuan nodded.

"My status is nothing compared to Miss Tie Rou'er." Fan Youmei smiled slightly, "Xiaochuan, you are the son-in-law of Secretary Tie. But if Secretary Tie knew you were so carefree, would you be angry? "

Fang Chuan raised his brows: "How is it possible? Secretary Tie I respect him, but he should also respect me. If he wants to stop me, then he will not have the current relationship with me."


Fan Youmei was shocked by Fang Chuan's words just now. Then, she covered her mouth and smiled: "In the entire Yizhou City, I am afraid that only you can say such a thing, right?"

Fang Chuan's mouth twitched: "I'm just telling the truth."

Fan Youmei nodded, then sighed: "Oh, it's really embarrassing! I never thought that the little boy who saved me at the beginning is now a man of great power."

"Sister Fan."

The corner of Fang Chuan's mouth twitched, and his chest stood out, looking at Fan Youmei: "What I want to correct is that I am not as capable as you think. Yizhou City is just a small place."

"I know."

Fan Youmei nodded, then looked at him, recalling that they were in her mansion, Fang Chuan's great and shocking aura that made her move her heart.

At that time, she knew that this man was not an ordinary strong man.

Now, this is even more proved.

"Doctor Fang, hello, hello!" Director Liu, who was in charge of Tie Rou'er at the General Hospital of the Military Region, walked over from the door with two guards with a smile.

He came over and shook hands with Fang Chuan quickly.

Then he smiled and said: "You can count as coming back! Miss Rou'er has been getting worse and worse recently, I'm afraid she can't make it! Fortunately, you came back too in time!"

Fang Chuan smiled faintly: "It's okay, I already know about Miss Rouer's situation. I am absolutely sure when I come back this time."

"That's great!"

Director Liu is in his forties and is also a well-known doctor, but at this time, he was like a child, cheering, and Fang Chuan was full of admiration!

Fang Chuan smiled and waved: "Let's go up, Miss Rouer's time to wake up!"

"Good!" Director Liu nodded quickly with a look of expectation. In his opinion, Fang Chuan is too powerful, and he can cure any disease. It really deserves his reputation.

However, he didn't know that Tie Rou'er was not sick at all, how could she be cured by normal means?

After a while, they came to the outside of the ward.

Fang Chuan went in with them and glanced at Tie Rou'er again. Tie Rouer's face was even paler at this moment, and a trace of blackness appeared on the Yintang.

This black energy is devil energy. However, it is difficult for ordinary people to see.


The heartbeat monitor next to Tie Rou'er was constantly beeping, not very regular, which made people feel like, if you were not careful, Tie Rou'er would have no heartbeat.

Not long after, Secretary Tie ran over in a hurry, and the secretary behind him was also out of breath.

He came to understand the situation and quickly asked Fang Chuan to do it quickly. He didn't want to watch his precious daughter suffer for a moment.

For so many days, he has always hoped that it is him who is lying in the hospital bed.

Over the years, he has been busy with government affairs and rarely has time to spend with his daughter. Therefore, he has been very guilty. However, he has no choice. The higher the status, the greater the responsibility. In order to build the entire Yizhou Province, he had to abandon his small family first.

However, he really loves his daughter.

"Secretary Tie, you can rest assured."

Fang Chuan smiled and waved, "But... it's impossible for you to see Miss Rou'er the first time."

The corner of his mouth twitched: "The person who saw her waking up for the first time was me."

He said, turned around and entered the ward.

"This kid--" Secretary Tie was so scared that his heart slowed down at first. He thought there was something wrong, but he didn't expect it to be Fang Chuan's rare joke.

He immediately looked back at Fan Youmei who was aside.

"Secretary Tie." As the president of the Fan Group, Fan Youmei didn't know Secretary Tie. She used to meet Secretary Tie with ease.

But this time, she was a little flustered.

After all, in her opinion, Secretary Tie regarded Fang Chuan as Chenglong’s son-in-law, and although she was not a third party, she always had the current feeling of being arrested.

She was embarrassed.

"President Fan, hello, it's been a long time."

Secretary Tie still admires Fan Youmei very much, and he admires a strong woman like Fan Youmei. He walked to Fan Youmei's side and smiled: "Are you familiar with Xiaochuan?"

"We have a good relationship." Fan Youmei took a deep breath and thought about it. Instead of being passive, it is better to take the initiative.

She said again: "I met Ogawa earlier than Miss Tie. He is very important to me."

After she finished speaking, she couldn't help but glanced at Secretary Tie with some guilty conscience. After all, this is a big man with a deep background in Yizhou Province.

Will she provoke the other party to rage when she speaks this way?

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