Chapter 1551

"Hehe, it seems that my goal has been achieved."

The corner of Fang Chuan's mouth twitched. He is now the master of Jiu Lizhu, and he naturally feels that Jiu Lizhu is controlling the fetus.

However, the resistance of this magic tire is also very powerful.

Demon fetus, after crossing the barrier between the demon world and the human world, has no longer been as strong as before, and has become the lowest-level demon race.

However, his will is not as weak as that kind of newborn devil fetus.

For example, the devil qi in Zhou Zhengfeng's body was a kind of artificially conceived, and it was not yet a demon fetus. Therefore, Zhou Zhengfeng was able to control his body and his consciousness autonomously.

If Zhou Zhengfeng had encountered the current demonic fetus, he would be completely controlled like Wang Changfeng.


Fang Chuan also had no plans to control this magic fetus in such a short time. Therefore, he immediately changed the formation.


Then, in Jiulizhu, a powerful suction was transmitted, and then a wave of magic energy on the body of the demon fetus poured over.

One by one, like silk, entered the nine Lizhu.

The black glow of Jiulizhu seemed to be burning!

"Ah-no!" The Demon Tire felt his original devilish energy being sucked away by this strange thing, completely frightened, and shouted.

He is still fighting frantically, every time he loses a trace of the original devilish energy, he will be weak.

He is scared!

He only thought that Fang Chuan could not deal with him, only to torture him.

However, now that Fang Chuan took out this thing that I feared, it was able to absorb his original demonic energy and make him weaker and weaker.

If it continues, one day, he will become like that newborn demon fetus, no, weaker than that newborn demon fetus.

When he arrives, he can no longer threaten Fang Chuan.

"His resistance is still very strong now!"

The corner of Fang Chuan's mouth twitched. He knew that the will of the Demon Tire was very strong, but he didn't expect that at this time, he would be able to resist so much.

However, he didn't plan to absorb this magic tire directly from the beginning anyway.


At this time, another ray of original demon energy was inhaled into his nine Lizhu.

"All right."

After Fang Chuan absorbed the two original devil qi in this way, he was already a little tired. After all, to maintain Jiu Lizhu, he still needs his spirit.

Although this demon fetus was miserably abused by him, he was indeed very strong.

With a wave of his hand, he glanced at Jiu Lizhu with satisfaction, and then smiled at the devil's tire: "You should know that your future life is now? If you don't want to be tortured like this, you'd better let me control you directly. Yourself Consider, I'm leaving!"


Fang Chuan disappeared in a blink of an eye.

"This bastard!"

The Devil Tire was very angry, he couldn't wait to catch Fang Chuan and bite! However, he also understood that now he did not have the strength to fight Fang Chuan at all.

He gritted his teeth: "Unexpectedly, he is the reincarnation of Tiande Xianzun. Even if he is reincarnated, it is not trivial. Worthy of being an Xianzun!"

His heart is already a little messy! After Jiu Lizhu appeared, he became nervous!

Fang Chuan's consciousness returned to the study.

He smiled, this time he came to the Shanghai Stock Exchange and he was done. Not only did he know more about Li Qingniu, but he also got Jiu Lizhu and could save Tie Rou'er.

Moreover, he already knew the secret of the Nine Yin Demon Orb and the secret of the Nine Yin Demon King.

Not only that, he also controlled half of the famous Mo family in the Shanghai stock market, and also deterred a Ma family and a Song family.

As for the Bai family, they didn't trouble him afterwards, so he didn't have time to bother them now.

If they dare to take action against the Medical Sacred Mansion, then he will be rude and directly kill the Bai family.

Maybe the Bai family still has many methods, but Fang Chuan wouldn't take it seriously either. After all, his strength is increasing day by day.

Afterwards, he returned to the bedroom and played a wonderful game in the illusion with Fan Youmei.

Early the next morning, he greeted Zhou Zhengfeng and prepared to return to Yizhou City.

As for Yu Liwen, he has not yet returned. Zhou Zhengfeng went out to find out some news about Yu Liwen. It is said that Yu Liwen went to see his relatives, but he didn't know what happened, so he went crazy and killed that relative in half.

Now Yu Liwen has been wanted by someone. Someone originally wanted to find the Medical Sacred Mansion. However, it was suppressed by Mo Yuan.

Fang Chuan didn't care about Yu Liwen's situation. He just asked Zhou Zhengfeng and the others to look at the Medical Sacred Mansion, do a good job, and start the Medical Sacred Mansion once again.

The four Liang Wenbo also intend to completely take refuge in the Medical Sacred Mansion.

Fang Chuan also taught them some basic cultivation techniques through the use of ‘God-Visibility’, and let them practice well.

After everything was ready, Fang Chuan was ready to leave the Medical Sacred Mansion with Fan Youmei.

However, before that, he still had to meet Wang Changfeng.

Soon, he came to Wang Changfeng's house.

Hehe voices kept coming from Wang Changfeng's room. However, it is strange to say that Wang Changfeng cannot take care of himself, and there is no strange smell in the house.

When Wang Changfeng saw Fang Chuan, he smirked: "Hey, hey..."

Fang Chuan looked at Wang Changfeng and smiled faintly: "I know you can hear me. Did you know what happened last night?"

"If you know it, you should also understand that since yesterday, you are destined to be found by me and meet my requirements. Otherwise, your consequences will be miserable."

"You are still obsessed with it, thinking that you are going to eat me, so let's wait and see.

"The person who pretends to be a ghost is just putting on a coat. When I uncover your coat, that's when you fail."

After he finished speaking, he looked at Wang Changfeng.


Sure enough, after a while, Wang Changfeng was shocked. Then, his eyes became clearer!

He stood up, smiled and looked at Fang Chuan: "I heard what you said, but I can only say that you value yourself too much and are too confident."

The corner of his mouth clicked: "You can also see that my ability is getting stronger and stronger! Moreover, I know your future well. I want to kill you easily. But I don't want to. I give you a chance and give you Time, if you want to understand, when we meet, it’s time to celebrate together!"

Li Qingniu now controls Wang Changfeng's body more freely, not only the expression is in place, but also the eyes are clearer.

Now it feels to Fang Chuan that Wang Changfeng's body is already Li Qingniu's body.

However, this is nothing to Fang Chuan.

He is Xianzun II, which is very strange to others, but to him, even if it is strange, it is impossible to scare him.

He smiled faintly: "In that case, let's watch it then."

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