The Strongest Medical Immortal in the City

Chapter 1011: Rub against the ground

Chapter 1011

As a first-class bodyguard, Luo Song has first-class vigilance and responsiveness.

When Fang Chuan stretched out his hand, he already felt Fang Chuan's attack, a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth, and a cold light flashed in his eyes.

He did it first!

"court death!"

He suddenly turned his body, his palms were in tiger claws, and he whizzed as fast as lightning, making people unable to react at all, and grabbed Fang Chuan's wrist.

This speed is indeed fast, ordinary people are in front of him, and there is no chance to resist.


Fang Chuan’s grasping hand was originally relatively slow, but at the moment Luo Song was about to catch him, his hand suddenly accelerated and turned into a phantom.

Luo Song's hand fell through!


Fang Chuan's hand caught Luo Song's shoulder in a blink of an eye, and he pressed it down, looking like it didn't use much energy.

With just a flop, Luo Song couldn't control himself at all, and suddenly knelt on the ground.

"You--" Luo Songgai was about to split, angered to the extreme, struggling hard all over his body, his veins burst forth, and his body was trembling due to wrestling.

However, he still didn't move. Obviously, he didn't have the strength to resist under Fang Chuan's palm.

"Sister Liu let you go, can't you go?" Fang Chuan smiled faintly and looked at Luo Song.

Luo Song said angrily: "I am performing my task!"

"That's the attitude you should have?" Fang Chuan has already seen that there must be something tricky in it.

Luo Song said coldly: "You let me go, this matter has nothing to do with you, I tell you, our company..."


Fang Chuan sent his body forward, squeezing the Zhen Qi in his hand, pressing it on Luo Song's head like a palm.

Luo Song's head was pressed to the ground immediately. The huge force pressed Luo Song's head, causing Luo Song to have a huge sense of crisis.

At this moment, he felt that his head was about to be squeezed and burst!

He trembled and roared: "What are you going to do?"

"It sounds like you want to threaten me?" Fang Chuan's tone was a little cold, and Zhen Qi's pressure increased a little.


Luo Song's head made a slight noise, making Luo Song's face pale in fright.

"Stop! Stop!" Luo Song yelled, then emphasized with fear: "Please stop, I was wrong."

"Ha ha."

Fang Chuan let go after hearing this.

Luo Song took a few deep breaths before turning around and looking at Fang Chuan up and down, only to feel that this young man was too cruel.

He couldn't think that he was so powerful!

He endured his anger and said, "Since your husband has this skill, then I will hand over the safety of Miss Liu to you."

"Brother Song, trouble." Liu Menglu smiled and said at this moment.

"Yeah." Luo Song's face was dull, and he glanced at Fang Chuan before turning around and leaving.

"Haha, brother, you are really amazing." Liu Menglu was so happy that she forgot to wear sunglasses, so she went straight down to Lincoln and stepped onto the co-pilot.

"Ah, it's Liu Menglu!"

"Big star Liu Monroe!"

"What does the person who fought just now have to do with her, ah, I seem to have seen some gossip news!"

"Title: The rich second generation beats the bodyguard to please the actress!"

Originally a mere Lincoln was not a big deal at the gate of Yizhou University, but when the fight was just now, it also attracted the attention of many people.

Those people were far apart, and they couldn't see how Fang Chuan suppressed Luo Song, but they could also see that Fang Chuan had won.

At this moment, Liu Menglu was so happy that she forgot to wear sunglasses, and she was exposed.

"Quickly, go ask Liu Menglu for an autograph!"

"See if you can grab the concert tickets!"

Everyone hurried over to Fang Chuan and the others, and there were more and more trends, one by one was extremely excited.

"Ah, no, I forgot!" Liu Menglu realized that she was exposed at this time, and then got into the car with a panic expression on her face.

"do not worry."

Fang Chuan smiled faintly, and then got into the car, ignited and blasted the accelerator, the car quickly accelerated, and quickly drove out.

He is quick to react, bold, and highly skilled.

Coming out of the gate of Yizhou University, Fang Chuan bypassed more than a dozen excited students and scared them all.

Some people even felt the car rubbing his body and driving past, causing a tingling scalp.

However, with Fang Chuan's technique and reaction, he was 100% sure that he would not hit anyone.

In this way, they escaped the chase of fans and drove to the first ring road.

"Senior Sister, you are going to make headlines again tomorrow." Fang Chuan smiled while driving.

"Fortunately, I have you." Liu Menglu smiled slightly, then held her chin, her face was excited, but she was thinking about something.

"Senior Sister..." Fang Chuan was stunned for a moment, "You don't want to plot evil against me, do you?"

"Go to hell!"

Liu Menglu glanced at Fang Chuan whitely, "I was thinking, what are we going to eat today, ah! I remembered that I'm going to eat the seafood feast in Back Street, and beef in Jin Street..."

She talked about seven or eight places in one breath, fifteen or six kinds of delicacies, and the halves at the corners of her mouth were almost gone.

Fang Chuan was speechless for a while, he forgot that the big star in front of him was an out-and-out foodie.

"Senior sister, can you be more reserved?" he said with a smile.

"Huh?" Liu Menglu looked at Fang Chuan with a look of confusion, "Scholar, what are you talking about?"

"Ah!" she exclaimed again: "I know, I'm going to eat Ranran's dishes!"

Of course, it is Sai Yanran Sai Xi Shi. Since Liu Daxing has eaten Sai Xi Shi's craftsmanship, he has become a loyal fan of Sai Yan Ran.

She didn't know that the craftsmanship of Saixi Shi had improved more than ten times compared with the last time.

Once you eat Saixi Shi's dishes, eat other dishes, it will taste like chewing wax.

"Senior sister, can you not just think about eating?" Fang Chuan couldn't help but shook his head. What a nice girl, she became stupid to eat.

"No." Liu Menglu's mouth really overflowed with crystal clear saliva.

Fang Chuan sighed, "Let's talk about your bodyguard! Don't put yourself in for food."

"Huh?" Liu Menglu was taken aback, "What's the problem with Brother Song? He is just a little harsh."

"Um." Fang Chuan glanced at Liu Menglu and shrugged: "Senior Sister Liu, it's a miracle that you can live in the entertainment industry to this day."

"What's the matter?" Liu Menglu also returned to normal, looking at Fang Chuan, because she could see that Fang Chuan was talking about business.

Fang Chuan asked, "Who sent you that bodyguard?"

"It's Tian Teng, the boss of our company." Liu Menglu smiled and said, "Mr. Tian is very kind to me, and I am very grateful to him. Brother Song listened to him. Are you angry about what happened just now?"

Fang Chuan shook his head: "How could I be angry for him? Forget it, hold this one."

As he said, from the mustard space, he took out a jade bracelet, which was a low-grade magic weapon with a protective formation.

He said earnestly: "Wearing it with a drop of blood, it will protect you in danger."

"Oh." Of course, Liu Menglu knew that Fang Chuan was good, so she quickly agreed and accepted the jade bracelet.

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