The Strongest Medical Immortal in the City

Chapter 1010: Sister Liu, please!

Chapter 1010 Senior Sister Liu, please!

Fang Chuan didn't say anything after seeing everything in front of him. His current realm was still too low to touch these rules.

He smiled and followed the crowd to finish the next thing.

This sensational ceremony for the ancestors of the neighbors also officially ended.

Fang Chuan took the time again and, accompanied by Kong Xiuxiu, went back to his hometown in the afternoon and went to the grave for his parents, grandpa and grandma.

Kong Xiuxiu felt deeply that afternoon.

In her impression, since Brother Ogawa has risen like a comet for half a year, what she sees is indifferent and smiling.

She may be the only one who has seen Fang Chuan cry.

She remembered clearly that Fang Chuan asked Kong Xiuxiu to wait outside his parents' grave, and saw Fang Chuan incense, light candles, burn paper money, and set off firecrackers.

After the sound of firecrackers, she saw Fang Chuan kneeling on the ground through the gaps between the branches of the pine trees, kowtowing to his parents and crying.

She saw that his shoulders trembled violently.

He is like a child!

Seeing this scene, Kong Xiuxiu felt very distressed and wanted to go to hug him and comfort him.

However, she understood that it was not the time yet.

When Fang Chuan returned to her side, he recovered as usual, and he couldn't see that he shed a single tear or experienced severe mood swings.

Kong Xiuxiu knew that there was a very soft place deep in Fang Chuan's heart.

After paying homage to his parents and grandparents, Fang Chuan returned to Fengqi Village to accompany his uncle and his family, drinking and chatting to watch the Spring Festival Gala.

A few days later, on the seventh day of the seventh lunar month, he joined Alexander in Chishui County, and then left Chishui County together and returned to Yizhou City, ready to start a new year of life.

He has now reached the ninth level of Qi refining, and the opportunity to break through to the foundation building period has not yet appeared.

However, He Changzai is always a time bomb, which makes him a little worried.

Therefore, he intends to re-refine the top-grade artifacts that have been auctioned as soon as possible, and then go to Heji to make the best use of it.

On the seventh day of the seventh lunar month, I returned to Yizhou City. I delayed a few days with Yu Xiaoxiao and Lu Wei and visited relatives and friends. It was not until the fifteenth of the first lunar month that Yu Xiaoxiao and the others started their new year's work.

However, the university has also started.

Fang Chuan also attended the class meeting of the new semester before and met Tang Yueying.

Tang Yueying looked thinner, her eyes dodge when she saw Fang Chuan, and she didn't give Fang Chuan a chance to talk in private.

However, Fang Chuan also heard that the big star Liu Menglu will start his first concert in Yizhou City for the first eighteen years.

It is said that the tickets for this time began to be sold on the fifth day of the day, and they were already sold out by the seventh day of the day. The scalpers made a lot of money.

Some VIP tickets have already been fired up to 8,000. It doesn't matter, they can't be purchased at all.

The three Liu Ru, especially Li Dong, wanted to go to Liu Menglu's concert, because they wanted to meet the big stars.

Secondly, it is said that Liu Menglu is Xiaofang's idol.

Unfortunately, they did not grab the tickets, even the last row of tickets, so they can only sigh.

On this day, Fang Chuan just came out of school and was thinking about asking Leng Yiye to collect materials for refining high-grade magical artifacts as soon as possible.

In order to be able to be sure, come to defeat and stay there, so as to avoid the troubles of his heart, so he decided to make the high-grade magic artifacts more refined.

He planned to engrave some powerful formations in it.

In this case, the requirements for the materials of the artifacts are even more stringent.

Fortunately, he expects that there will be a period of time before he can recover, and he still has a lot of time to search.

If he is not sure enough, he hits the door but is defeated by Hechang, wouldn't it be too shameful?

He was trying to get absorbed, when suddenly a man in black came over and blocked his way.

"Excuse me, is it Mr. Fang Chuanfang?" The man in black was still polite, otherwise, he would be slapped and slapped by Fang Chuan.

"Well, what's the matter?" Fang Chuan smiled faintly.

"Someone wants to see you, please come with me." The man in black said, and pointed to an extended Lincoln at the back.

Fang Chuan frowned first, then stretched out a smile, and couldn't help but smile: "Ha, it turns out that it's Senior Sister here!"

He nodded to the man in black, and then walked over.

It is quite normal for a luxury car to appear at the gate of Yizhou University. Therefore, the students did not pay much attention to it.

Fang Chuan walked to the Lincoln car, and before he knocked on the glass, the Lincoln car door was opened and a delicate snow-white arm was stretched out.

"School brother, long time no see, happy new year!" A charming voice came from the Lincoln car, naturally it was the big star Liu Menglu.

Fang Chuan followed the car door, looked over, and saw Liu Menglu wearing sunglasses, but still could not conceal her charming charm.

He smiled and said: "Senior sister, if you want to see me, just give me a call. Why are you embarrassed to let you come here in person?"

"You want to be beautiful." Liu Menglu took off her sunglasses, revealing her exquisite suffocating face, wrinkled her nose, and smiled playfully: "I also came over to meet an old classmate. Seeing you there, I will let Someone will come to you."

She then smiled sweetly: "Did you think about me during this time?"

"Huh?" Fang Chuan was taken aback.


Liu Menglu smiled sweetly, a hundred charming flowers, which made people feel a little intoxicating, so glamorous, but with a hint of playfulness in her eyes.

She covered her mouth: "I'm joking, I know that the beautiful women around you are like clouds, and none of them is worse than me. Why would you miss me?"

When the bodyguard who had just walked over heard this, he couldn't help but glanced at Fang Chuan in surprise.

In the entertainment industry, his appearance is not good, and he can only be regarded as an upper middle student. Is there really so many beautiful women?

Are there many beauties of Liu Menglu's level?

"Brother Song, I have something to do today, so you can get off work first." Liu Menglu quickly smiled when Luo Song came over.

Luo Song frowned: "Miss Liu, let me take you back to the hotel. It is not safe for you to be outside alone."

Fang Chuan waved his hand: "Don't worry, just leave the safety of Senior Sister Liu to me."

"Give it to you?" Luo Song sneered, but on the surface he was calm, wondering why he said this.

He smiled and said: "It is my duty to protect Miss Liu, I can't neglect."

"Brother Song, needless to say." Liu Menglu was a little unhappy.

Luo Song insisted: "When I came out, but I got a ticket and wanted to send you back safely, Miss Liu asked you to cooperate with me."

Fang Chuan's face suddenly sank. He was kind to Luo Song just now, but he didn't expect that he would not even listen to Liu Menglu's words.

Luo Song's tone was not a concern, but a tyrannical one.

He looked at Luo Song, sneered, and waved: "Let you go, you go, otherwise, you will be at your own risk."

"I'm sorry, sir." Luo Song sneered, turning to get into the car, ignoring Fang Chuan's words.

He didn't think that a student could use him as a first-class bodyguard.

"You are uncomfortable!" Fang Chuan said, reaching out to grab Luo Song's shoulder.

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