Da da da...

There were only two clear footsteps on the long deck.

Along the way, Ye Tian probably didn't relax his vigilance, after all, he didn't dare to relax a little because of the monsters facing him.

The mental power had been spread out long ago, but what made him feel a little disappointed, except for the slightly disordered energy originally belonging to the sunken ship itself, there was nothing unusual here.

"The control center...should be right in front!"

Looking at the sign in front of him, Ye Tian took out the map and compared it, and said in a deep voice. Then he seemed to have thought of something, and quickly turned around.

"Li Wen, how is your strength?"

"My subordinates are only half-step great magicians."

Li Wen, who felt a little strange, quickly said the truth.

"After hearing my order, do it again, don't act rashly!"

Seeing the other party's honest appearance, Ye Tian's heart was actually a little depressed.

To know that he has encountered countless life-and-death crises over the years, it can be said that all the skills in this body are obtained by himself.

And the kid in front of him who seems to be feeding Nuonuo, I am afraid that he has never killed a chicken, is almost the same as his realm!

Alas, the strength of the Heaven and Earth Alliance is really not to be underestimated.


"Be careful!"

Just a few dozen steps out, Ye Tian suddenly felt that he pushed Li Wen behind him, and then his legs squatted slightly and put on a fighting stance.

"Haha, it's not the person who broke us so many times, he really has some ability!"

Following the sound of the urn, Ye Tian also saw a shadow in the darkness in front of him, and walked out slowly.


Seeing clearly the burly man Ye Tian on the opposite side also has a bit of strangeness in his heart.

The guy was burly, about two feet tall, and he exuded a strong demonic energy. He was dressed as a standard demon soldier.

But it was also this point that caused Ye Tian's heart to be vigilant.

This guy is so weak...

Not to mention the general-level monsters he saw, this guy's strength is equivalent to an ordinary high-level mage.

"I'm not interested in people like you, call the master behind you."

Ye Tian knew in his heart that a monster like this would have no way to plan such a big event, so he just waved his hand and said impatiently.

"You don't deserve to know the identity of my master, how dare you look down on me! Look at the axe!"

The monster was obviously also violent, and when he saw Ye Tian like this, he rushed up with a loud wow.

"Forest of Thorns!"

The huge rattan suddenly emerged from the surrounding wall, directly binding the guy's body tightly.

I saw that the monster kept struggling, but there was absolutely no way to pull off Ye Tian's rattan. At this time, both feet were off the ground and there was no relay.

"Go! Kill him!"

Seeing Li Wen who was already shocked by Ye Tian's methods, Ye Tian said with a little teasing.

"What!? Me?"

Li Wen pointed at himself incredulously. After seeing the other party's acquiescence, his heart was even colder.

But even though he didn't want to, he still understood the truth of the military orders. After all, in the entire Heaven and Earth Alliance, it was a very serious mistake for a lower level to collide with a higher level.

So he could only take out his own saber, and walked step by step towards the monster that had no power to bind chickens, as if facing the enemy.

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